你骂谁呢 你骂谁
You fucking what? What did you say?
不要在我的俱乐部里胡说八道 现在就让他滚出去
Don’t you swear in my club. Get him out of here right now.
不要在我的俱乐部胡说八道 蠢货
Don’t swear in my club. Wanker.
-听着 还有其他的事 -不 现在没有其他事了
-Listen, there’s something else. -No, there isn’t something else,
因为我和一个美女一起来的 我要招待这位女士
’cause I’ve got a young lady in here and I’m entertaining.
-她在那儿 看到了吗 -我看到了
-Have a look at that. See that there? -I see it.
我要款待这位美女 好了吧
I’m entertaining, all right?
So I’m gonna have an evening to myself.
This is important business.
我的生意不会比招待这位女士更重要 不是么
Can’t be. My business, innit?
这是我的生意 我知道
It’s my business. I would know.
晚安 艾比
Night, Albie.
嗨 我错过什么重要的事了吗
Hello. Did I miss anything important?
-没什么 -现在 和你在一起很重要
-No, just me. -Now, that is important.
是吗 非常重要
Is it? Very important.
Thank you.
Thank you.
嗯 你的哥哥 他告诉我说 你要去大学里学习
So, um… your brother, he was telling me that you’re going to college
想成为一个秘书 对吗
to… to study to be a secretary. Is that right?
是的 任何可以让我脱离东区的东西我都愿意学习
Yeah, anything to get out of the East End.
What’s so bad about the East End?
I’ve just got bigger dreams than
pushing a pram or haggling with the butcher.
I just don’t quite know what they are yet.
嗯 东区没有那么糟糕
Well, the East End’s not that bad.
任何地方都可以是天堂 只要你喜欢
The centre of the earth can be anywhere you like.
-即使是这儿 -是的 即使是这儿
-Even here? -Yeah, even here.
-贝斯纳·格林也可以 -是的 贝斯纳·格林
-In Bethnal Green? -Yeah, Bethnal Green.
Do you like being a gangster?
I’m not a gangster.
I’m a club owner.
我喜欢钱 我也喜欢俱乐部老板那种受人尊敬的感觉
I like the money and I like the respect of being a club owner.
But I’m not a gangster.
I could have been a boxer,
但是之后 嗯 你好
but then, you know… hello, mate…
在脸肿的像马铃薯之后 我结束了我的拳击手生涯
I’d end up looking like some sort of potato.
And I wouldn’t even know what day of the week it was.
现在 我至少知道我是谁 你明白吗
This way, at least I know who I am, you know?
更何况 我喜欢为自己做出一点成绩的感觉
More so, I like the fact that I’ve made a little something of myself.
I don’t owe the world anything.
So long as the world agrees with you.
I think the world will be all right.
We shall fight on the beaches.
We shall fight on the landing grounds.
We shall fight in the fields…
and in the streets.
We shall fight in the hills.
We shall never surrender, and if…
嘿 罗恩
Hey, Ronnie!
罗恩 快出来 有人来看你了 兄弟
Ronnie, come on out. You’ve got visitors, mate.
小心脚下 地面有些潮湿
Watch your step. It’s a bit wet.
能走下来吗 嗯
You all right? Mmm-hmm.
你一定是弗兰西丝了 你好
You must be Frances. Hello.

你好 弗兰西丝 你好 欢迎到我们家来
Hello, Frances. Hello. Welcome to the family.
噢 还没到拥抱的时候 对吗
Well, it’s a bit premature, that, is it?
You don’t have a beer that I could have?
当然有了 自己去拿吧
Yeah, of course I do. Help yourself.
Don’t mind if I have a beer, do you?
I’ll let you get to know each other.
你要喝茶吗 我刚把水壶放上去
Want a cup of tea? I just put the kettle on.
坐吧 别客气
Take a seat. Go on.
Sit down anywhere you like.
还需要一段时间 水才能开 所以
Needs a bit of warming up. So…
What do you think?
我们长得像吗 我和罗吉
Do you think that we look alike, me and Reggie?
是的 当然很像
Oh, yes, certainly.
不 你不这么想 你肯定认为他很英俊
No, you don’t. You think that he’s beautiful
and I’ve got a face like a gorilla’s arse.
没关系 别担心
It’s all right, don’t worry about it.
不 我不这么想 我已经习惯了
No. I wouldn’t say that. I’m used to it.
别瞎搞你的头发了 好吗 出去
Stop doing your hair, right? Get me stuff out of the car.
Do something fucking useful.
嗯 去吧
Yeah, go on, then.
我是同性恋 弗兰西丝
I’m homosexual, Frances.
嗯 我是 我是进攻 我不是消受
Well, I am a, uh… I’m a giver, right? I’m not a receiver.
这是有区别的 我不是在搞基
There is a difference. I’m not a faggot.
但是我坚信这一点 你懂的 人不应该隐藏自己是什么
But I do believe that, you know, you should not hide what you are.
You shouldn’t hide what you are
因为这会让你感到很悲伤 你明白吗
’cause it’ll make you very sad, you know?
这会让你很悲伤 这会让你很不舒服
It’ll make you very sad. It’ll make you very unwell.
I agree completely.
你知道的 我和我兄弟 我们将会统治伦敦
You know, me and my brother, we’re going to rule London.
科雷兄弟的主要对手 是伦敦南部的理查森家族
The Krays’ main rivals were the Richardsons of South London.
他们被称之为 酷刑帮
They were called the Torture Gang.
For the benefit of the jury,
指使你在河这边 做这些事的幕后主使是谁
on whose behalf were you operating on this side of the river?
拜托 查理 我求求你了
Come on, Charlie, please. I’m begging you.
不不不 你在法庭上就像在和其他人谈生意
No, no, no. You do business with the court as an entity,
现在你可以进行法庭陈词了 什么
therefore, address the court. What?
-什么 法官大人 -靠
-What? “Your Honour”! -Fuck!
You say “Your Honour”.
只有说”法官大人” 你才能获得法庭的注意
By saying “Your Honour”, you gain the court’s attention
然后打开一个沟通的渠道 一个通道
and open up a channel of communication, a conduit.
所以 让我们重来一次
So, we’ll try again.
For the benefit of the jury,
指使你在河这边 做这些事的幕后主使是谁
on whose behalf were you working on this side of the river?
-求你了 查理 我求求你 -秩序
-Please, Charlie! I fucking beg of you! -Order!
保持秩序 这是我的法庭
Order in this, my court!

你现在在印第安国度 孩子
You’re in Indian country, old son.
东区佬把这儿叫河南岸 是吗
That’s what them cockneys call south of the river, innit?
Indian country.
未经我的同意 你怎么敢在我的领地里
Well, what are you doing on my reservation without my say-so,
filling up your canteen from my fucking watering hole?
你这么做肯定不是为了你自己 孩子
You ain’t got the bottle to do that on your own, son.
Who do you work for?
我不知道你说的是什么 查理 我真的不知道是什么
I don’t know what you’re on about, Charlie. I don’t know what you’re on about.
-说出他们的名字 快说 -去你的
-Say their names. Say it! -Fuck.
-电击他 -法官大人 我反对
-Buzz him. -Uh, objection, Your Honour.
My client is an upstanding citizen.
反对无效 这理由也太无聊了
Objection overruled on the grounds it’s boring.
哦 好吧 那就电他吧
Oh, well, fuck him.
说 说出”科雷兄弟” 你个狡猾的婊♥子♥ -去死吧
-Say it. Say “the Krays”, you daft cunt. -Fuck it!
不 不 不要误导证人 埃迪
No, no. No leading the witness, Eddie.
Fuck off!
亚历山大可能最合适 但他不是希腊人
Alexander might have been great, but he wasn’t a Greek.
-不是 -不 他是马其顿人
-No? -No. He was a Macedonian.
但他喜欢希腊人 亚里士多德等等
But he loved them, though, Aristotle and that lot.
He was deeply impressed by them flash Hellenistic cunts.
克里斯托 再给我们来些这糟糕的葡萄酒
Christos, get us some more of that awful retsina.
查理 我们要解决这个该死的问题
Charlie, we’ve got to fucking sort this.
你说对了 克里斯托 我的葡萄酒在哪
You’re absolutely right. Christos, where’s my retsina?
The Richardsons sent George Cornell to call for a truce.
All they were saying was give peace a chance.
见鬼 弗兰克赢了 喔喔喔 去他的
Fucking Frank’ll win. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck!
你吃了熊心豹子胆吗 我们是来谈判的
Are you wearing your bravery jacket? We’re here to parley.
我要把你的脸画成地图 南岸佬
I will fucking map you up, Southie.
不不不 让他进来吧 他只是小喽啰
No, no, no. Go on, let him in. He’s only little.
事情已经不受控制了 查理想要见面谈一谈
Things have got out of hand. Charlie wants to meet.
