Kill it.
噢 真该死
Oh, fucking hell.
大家好 你们好嘛
Hello. Hello?
嗯 罗恩 你好
Yes, Ron. Hello.
Do you know when I plan to die?
什么时候 罗恩 就在上一分钟
When, Ron? At the very last minute.
别怂恿他 不管什么理由
Don’t fucking encourage him, for fuck’s sake.
看看你们自己 你们都是蠢蛋啊
Look at you, you flash fuckers. Eh?
现在我知道 我知道我也许不是个好人 实在话
Now, I may not be very good, granted.
But good gangster?
没错啊 我就想要那个头衔
Oh, yeah. I’ll fucking claim that title.
你身上带着多少个称号♥ 啊
And how many titles could you claim? Eh?
真肤浅啊 恩
Superficialite. Hmm?
噢 没错 继续你们的糜烂生活吧
Oh, yeah. Dripping in your synthetic opulence.
这是最恶心的 真的是
It’s disgusting. Really is. Yeah.
好吧 来表演的魔术 你们都喜欢魔术 难道不是么
Right, a bit of magic. You love magic, don’t you?
All kids love magic.
你们可能都知道那个包含三个C字的谜语 没错
You might all be aware that there are three magic Cs, right,
在单词”carpaccio”里面 嗯
in the word “carpaccio”. Yeah?
But how many Cs…
are in the word “cunt”?
Just you.
You’re free.
What are you doing throwing stones at the window?
不是 他们不是石头啊
They’re not, they’re not stones.
他们是柠檬果糖 给你一颗
These are… these are lemon sherbets. Here you go.
噢 接的好
Oh, well played.
Why don’t you ring the bell?
好吧 你妈妈
Well, your mum.
我的意思是 我不想自讨没趣
I mean, I’m not being funny,
but the thought of your mum answering that door is a bit shocking, so…
I thought she’d give me grief on account of where I’ve been.
-你是说监狱么 -是啊 监狱 你看起来好美
-You mean prison? -Yeah, prison. You look beautiful.
You look beautiful, too.
我知道这时候来 有点晚 但是
I know it’s a bit late, right, but…
I’ve got your Christmas present here.
你想我丢上去给你么 不要
Do you want me to throw it up? No.
那 你想我送上去么 我不想走门进去
What? You want me to deliver it? I ain’t going through that door.
All right.
You cheeky bugger.
Be careful.
时间是有点晚 是不是
A bit late now, innit?
-你的花 -谢谢
-Your flowers. -Thank you.
…your Christmas present.
抱歉 太迟了
Sorry it’s late.
继续 打开看看
Go on, open it.
弗兰西丝 谢伊 你愿意嫁给我么
Frances Shea, will you marry me?
我们能够自♥由♥自在 光明正大的在一起
We’ll live free and above-board?
On my honour.
好的 罗吉科雷 我愿意
Yes, Reggie Kray, I will marry you.
That one of mine?
That’s it.
来 给我们看看你那淫♥荡♥的模样
Come on, show us your fucking hoochie.
快给我们看啊 你不是在听 你根本没听
Give us a fucking look. You’re not listening. You’re not listening.
在我看来 所有的犯罪都是一门生意
All I’m saying, all I’m saying is crime is still a business.
你需要一个公♥关♥部 然而我们有 约瑟夫 戈培尔
You need a public relations department, and we’ve got Joseph Goebbels.
Is he the fat one?
你能读唇语 他在说什么 究竟在说什么 女同志
You read lips. What’s he saying? What’s he saying, Les?
I’m struggling,
但我想 他在说一些关于戈培尔的事 或是他没蛋蛋的事
but I think he’s saying something about gobbles or no balls?
That’s very strange.
他不是很高兴 你也看到
He ain’t happy. You’ll see.
很漂亮 是不是
Nice, innit?
噢 他看起来很可爱 罗恩
Oh, he looks lovely, Ron.
他就像棵树一样笔挺 不是么
He’s put on a little bit of timber, ain’t he?
他将会非常不高兴 非常
He’s going to be very, very upset.
Did I miss something?
这不是 今天是周五晚上吧 对么
Is this not… This is Friday night, right?
好 我会告诉你的
Well, I tried to tell you.
好啊 但是这是周五晚上对么
Yeah, but it’s Friday night, right?
你一点都不和我说 这难道是对的
You didn’t tell me that it was this bad, did you?
罗恩的主意 知道吗 他让这个地方死气沉沉
It’s Ron, innit? He’s run the place into the ground.
He’s turned a straight money earner into a financial wreck.
还有 下周我们收到税单时 这里会被查封
And another thing: This place will crash when we get our tax bill next week.
他在说什么 他又在说什么了
What’s he saying? What’s he saying?
他刚刚把你没交税单的事情说了 傻♥逼♥
He’s just told him that you’re missing tax payments. Silly cunt!
Let’s go.
这个是朝阳行业 你明白不
This is tomorrow’s business. Do you understand?
That’s very rude.
嘿 你去哪里 这是犯罪 兄弟
Oi, where are you going? It’s fucking criminal, mate!
嘿 你到底要去哪里
Hey, where are you going?
噢 没错 他是我的好兄弟 罗吉
Oh, there he is, my beautiful brother, Reggie.
为我的好兄弟 干杯
A toast to my beautiful brother.
终于回家了 就像阿伽门农回到伊萨卡岛
Home at last, like Agamemnon returned to Ithaca.
And beautiful Frances.
Where have you been?
看起来 你像从鬼门关出来一样
It’s as if you’ve returned from the dead.
你在做什么 兄弟 你在胡闹什么 啊
What are you doing, mate? What are you fucking playing at? Eh?
我没有胡闹什么 是你在捣乱
I’m not playing at anything. It’s you.
你进来到现在都没有说声”你好 罗恩”
You come in here. You don’t even say, “Hello, Ron.”
你甚至没有请我喝杯东西 你就走了
You don’t even have a drink. You just bugger off.
你好 罗恩 干杯 兄弟 去你的
Hello, Ron. Cheers, mate. Fuck you!
What are you shouting at me for?
因为你的世界 只是一条线 是么
Because you had the world on a string, yeah?
但是你不能想清楚 所以你都搞砸了
But you couldn’t hold it together so you fucked it up.
-不是的 你听我说 你走了之后 -我在蹲监狱啊
-Don’t… Listen, you was away. -I was in prison.
I had to make do with what I had.
你赌谁会赢 罗恩还是罗吉
You going Ron or Reg?
罗吉 他不会在老婆面前认输的
Reginald. He’ll never go down in front of the missus.
你拥有了所有东西 兄弟你全都有了
You had everything, mate. You had it all.
我没了你 是吧
I didn’t have you, did I?
罗吉 别这样
Reggie, please.
没事 相信我 我可以处理 没问题
It’s all right, honestly. I got this. It’s fine.
没错 确实没错 他可以处理的 非常感谢
Yeah, actually, he’s got this. Thank you very much.
He’s a big boy.
We’re talking about earning a living.
我们在说黑道 没错 那个就是形容我们的
We’re talking about being gangsters, right, which is what we are.
所以你可以滚开 走你的 别这样
So you can just fuck off. Go on. Don’t.
你知道嘛 罗恩科雷
You know, one of these days, Ron Kray,
这些天 你会被悲伤的生活吞没
your miserable life will swallow you whole.
这些你都该知道了吧 因为连我都听说了
You should know all about that, because I’ve heard all the stories.
They’re not good.
你妈妈用个坏东西来离间我们 不是吗
Your mum did palm us off with the damaged goods, didn’t she?
你是害人精 你知道吗
You’re very, very damaged, aren’t you?
好了 你先上车
All right, just get in the car.
我警告你 不要再这样说她
Don’t ever speak to her like that again.
好吧 不说 弗兰西丝
Yeah, that’s right, Frances.
血浓于水 但是我在出生之前就和罗吉在一起了
Blood is thicker than water, and I’ve been with Reggie since the womb.
罗恩 住口 我现在要你向弗兰西丝道歉
Ron, shut up. I want you to apologise to Frances right now.
-好吧 -我知道
-Right. -All right.
好的 好的 弗兰西丝
Right, right. Frances.
对不起 好么 是的
I’m sorry, all right? Yes.
我非常抱歉 现在店里一个有用的人都没有
I’m truly very sorry the club’s very, very empty.
这真有点像你 除了我弟弟的老二什么都没有
A bit like you, really. There’s fuck-all in it, apart from my brother’s cock.
