你 受够你了 你真是丢人现眼 兄弟
You, all right, are a fucking disgrace, mate.
You hit me.

不要 别打了 住手 罗恩
No! No! No, Ron.
不 就不
No! No!
去你的 你这贱♥人♥
I fucking did, you fucking cunt!
Fucking cunt!
不管什么理由 不要用酒瓶 不要
Fuck’s sake! Not the bottle. Not the…
No! Not the balls!
你干♥你♥大爷的 傻♥逼♥
My fucking nuts! Wanker!
亲爱的 请离开
Sweetheart, please leave.
咬 咬 女人
Biting! Biting cunt!
Give me that.
别弄我的老二啊 兄弟 去你的
Never mess with a man’s jewels, mate. What the fuck…
你在干什么 不要 罗恩
Now what are you doing? No, Ron.
别 别 别 那是酒瓶 罗恩
No. No, no. That’s a bottle, Ron.
你用酒瓶摔我 我从小看到你大的 你这小崽子
That’s a bottle! I’ll serve you up, you fucking cunt!
这是酒瓶 罗恩
It’s a bottle, Ron!
That’s enough.
快点停下来 够了
Pack it in. That’s enough!
-我要去扯开他们 -住口 兄弟
-I’m going to split them up. -Shut up, mate.
Get back and sit down in your chair.
不要 他们是一家人
No. They’re family.
后退 给我后退
Stay back. Get out of the fucking way.
Put it down!
好 我告诉过你
OK, now, I told you!
好了 够了够了
Come on, that’s enough.
打够了 罗吉 我的兄弟
Enough, Reg, mate.
你真的不明白 你
You just don’t understand, you don’t…
You don’t understand me.
That’s probably ’cause I don’t want to fucking understand you right now, Ron.
我只是想去追她 你知道嘛
I wanted to just, you know…
再给你解释这件事 没有任何意义
There’s no point in fucking explaining it to you, either.
真是无助 帮把手 扶我起来
It’s fucking hopeless. Come on, help me up.
快点扶我起来 可以嘛
Just help me out here, will you?
真痛 好的 罗恩 你干嘛啊
That fucking hurt. All right, mate. What are you doing?
不管什么原因 罗恩
For fuck’s sake, Ron.
罗吉 我只是想告诉你 我很单纯的 好嘛
Reggie, what I’m trying to tell you is very simple, all right?
I am very, very, very fragile, myself.
All right?
我知道了 玻璃心 我明白
Yeah, fragile, I’ve got it.
我知道了 玻璃心 我彻底知道了
Very fragile. I’ve got it.
好了 都散了吧 现在别管
All right, come on, now. For fuck’s sake.
我不是完整的自己 是吗
I’m not myself, am I?
这不是我 你知道嘛
I mean, this isn’t me. Is it?
这也不是我们 我们不是这样的 好嘛
This isn’t us. None of this is us, is it?
-非常对不起 -我原谅你
-I’m very sorry. -It’s OK.
Are you done?
Has she gone?
是的 她走了 伙计 t她是个守护者
Yes, she’s gone, mate. She’s a keeper.
是的 谢谢 罗恩 谢谢
She is. Thank you, Ron. Thanks.
她在那里 是的 我去找她
There she is. Yeah, I got her.
好了 先停在这里
All right, stop here.
That girl’s gonna be the death of me.
Mind how you go.
弗兰西丝 弗兰克 原谅我 抱歉
Frankie. Frank. Excuse me. Sorry.
有些事情 我觉得我必须和你谈谈
I need to have a word with you about something.
I don’t care if you forget me.
-别这么说 -那是事实
-Don’t say that. -It’s true.
You don’t mean it.
不要给我解释什么 我知道那意味着什么
Don’t tell me what I mean. I know what I mean.
来吧 弗兰西丝 求你了 我们就不能再重新开始
Come on, Frances, please. Can’t we just start again?
重新开始 你懂的
From the beginning, you know.
We can get rid of everything that’s bad,
and we’ll just keep everything that’s good.
-那罗恩呢 -罗恩怎么了
-What about Ron? -What about Ron?
确切的说 他并不是很好 是么
He’s not exactly a good bit, is he?
呃 我的意思 他也并不是很糟
Well… I mean, he’s not exactly a bad bit, either.
对我来说 他太可怕了
He was awful to me.
是的 他就是这样 你知道的 那些
Yeah, he was. But, you know, that…
那就是罗恩 如果他不吃药就会那样 他真是个噩梦
That’s Ron. If he don’t take his tablets, he’s like that. He’s a nightmare.
他以前不是这样的 你知道的 他其实心地很善良
He’s not always like that, you know. He’s got a heart of gold.
他很爱你 他认为你就是他的世界
He loves you to bits. He thinks the world of you.
实话说 你离开的时候 他撕心裂肺地痛
Honestly, when you left, he was in pieces.
就这样”他去哪儿了” 我说”他走了”
He was like, “Where’s she gone?” I said, “She’s left.”
“好了 你最好追上她 因为她是个守护者”
“Well, you better get after her ’cause she’s a keeper.”
你是守护者 所以他是对的
You are a keeper. So he’s right.
他说”告诉她 我非常抱歉”
He said, “Tell her I’m very sorry.”
他很抱歉 我也很抱歉 我们都觉得很抱歉
He is sorry and I’m sorry. We’re all sorry.
但是你知道的 那些
But you know, that…
有时候这种事情 家庭的决定是迂腐的 不是么
That’s what happens sometimes. Families are stupid, aren’t they?
你知道的 他们打架闹事 你知道 他们拉帮结派
You know, they fight, you know, they make up.
你知道 最终他们抱成了团 因为他们真心爱着对方
And ultimately, you know, they stick together ’cause they love each other.
It’s what they do.
别和我说什么忘记你之类的话 因为那从未发生过
Don’t tell me about forgetting you, ’cause that ain’t happening, either.
过去六个月 我只思考了一件事 就是你
I spent the last six months thinking about nothing but you.
-所以我出来了 再没有俱乐部了 -好了 好了
So I get out and the club’s gone up… All right. All right.
-对不起 -这样就好了
-I’m sorry. -It’s all right.
于是 科雷兄弟开始了1960年代那段神秘的历史
It was time for the Krays to enter the secret history of the 1960s.
As absurd as it seems,
源自罗恩的疯狂梦想 在尼日利亚建立一个乌托邦式的城市”
it grew out of Ron’s nutter dream of building a utopian city in Nigeria.
Some are born to be Ronnie Kray,
and some have Ronnie Kray thrust upon them.
洛德 布思比
Lord Boothby was a distinguished member
of the House of Lords.
-罗恩 -嗯
-Ronnie. -Yes.
我很抱歉 我的答案是不
I regret that my answer is no.
Nigeria is simply too far away
我从不会把自己牵扯到 一件我控制不了的事情上
and I never involve myself in a thing I can’t control personally.
I’m so sorry.
他真的很可爱 不是么
He’s really lovely, isn’t he?
需要加冰吗 洛德
Take it you like ice and a slice, my Lord?
Ice and a slice.
Please, Teddy Bear.
And don’t spare the horses.
你知道我在哪儿听说的 柠檬既可爱又新鲜
Do you know where I hear the lemons are particularly lovely and fresh?
不知道 在哪里
No, where?
埃努古州 尼日利亚
Enugu, Nigeria.
你消息很灵通么 泰迪
You are very well-informed, Teddy.
Very well-informed.
Down the hatch.
你喜欢一口喝完么 泰迪
Do you like it down the hatch, Teddy?
布思比堕落了 但友谊接踵而至
Boothby declined, but friendship ensued
and the perverted peer was soon a guest at Ron’s flat.
The ripples would spread far and wide.
晚点叫我 汤姆
Do call me later, Tom.
哈里 一直独自一人么
Harry, all alone?
没必要吧 树上有那么多果子等着你去摘呢
No need to be, plenty of fruit on the tree.
汤姆 今晚不是在下议院么
Tom, not in the House of Commons tonight?
看我啊 你这三八
Fucking look at me, you cunt.
继续 现在看他啊
Go on, fucking look at him now.
Fucking look at me.
But he looks up at me!
好啊 洛德 这是鲍勃布思比
Good Lord, that’s Bob Boothby.
