Hi. Stan Grossman, please.
斯坦 我是理查 我不知道你到底在哪里
Stan, it’s Richard.I don’t know where the fuck you are.
我现在在宾馆 给我回电♥话♥
I’m at the hotel.Call me.
But it’s funny.
So I said, “You want me to teach you about life experiences?
You can write a book about my experiences.”
-So he says to me
你好 斯坦
Hello, Stan.
You’re the one that said it would sell!
That’s what I thought at the time.
你亲口说那是个好项目 我不明白为什么会这样
But it’s a great program. You said so yourself. I don’t understand.
不是项目的问题 理查 是你的问题 明白
It’s not the program, Richard.It’s you. Okay?
没有人听说过你 也没有人会在意
No one’s heard of you.Nobody cares.
What’s the next step?
没有下一步 我们试过了
There is none.We had our shot.
没成 就该收手了
It didn’t fly.We move on.
-你是说放弃 -理查
-You-You mean give up? -Richard.
嘿 嘿 进展稍有不顺你就想着要退出
Hey, wh-Whoa, hey! One setback here,and you’re ready to just quit?
听着 理查 我很努力了 好不好
Richard, listen.I pushed this thing hard, okay?
我不断地向他们推销 但是根本没有人买♥♥这一套
I rammed it down their fucking throats,and no one bought it!
是收手的时候 你这次不会成功的
It’s time to move on.You’re not gonna win this one.
好啊 好啊 你知道吗
Okay. Okay.You know what?
很好 我很高兴 知道为什么吗
Good. I’m glad.You know why?
Because this is what the nine steps are all about.
-就是这个 斯坦 就这个 -理查
-Right here, Stan. Right here! -Richard.
-理查 别这样 -是你搞砸了
-Richard, please. -You blewit!
你搞砸了 你就出局
You blew it.You’re out.
妈妈 爸爸
Mom? Dad?
怎么了 亲爱的
What is it, hon?
Grandpa won’t wake up.
Want to take an eye test?
弗兰克叔叔 想做吗
Uncle Frank?An eye test?
奥丽芙 过来 把东西放下
Olive, come here.Put those away.
我们要开个家庭会议 德维恩 过来开会
We’re gonna have a family meeting.Dwayne, family meeting.
First of all…
the doctors are doing everything they can to help Grandpa right now.
He’s had a long, eventful life…
and I know he loves both of you very much.
但是如果上帝想带走他的话 我们必须要面对现实 好吗
But if God wants to take him,we have to be ready to accept that, okay?
不管发生什么 我们始终是一家人
Whateverhappens,we’re a family.
最重要的是 我们都要爱对方
And what’s important is that we love each other.
I love you guys so, so much.
看这里 这是15磅重的火鸡
Look at this.This is a 15-pound turkey.
It does it in three hours’ time.
Are you the family of Edwin Hoover?
对不起 我们已经尽了全力
I’m sorry.We did everything we could.
他 呃
He was, uh-
唔 太迟了
Well, it was too much.
他可能就这样睡过去了 不再醒来
He probably just fell asleep and never woke up.
I’ll have someone come talk to you about handling the remains.
Thank you.
Is Grandpa dead?
是的 亲爱的 他过世了
Yeah, honey.He passed away.
这个机器能做♥鸡♥肉 鱼肉或牛肉
That’s what this machine does. Chicken, fish orbeef.
Soyou always look forward to eating the food.
还有 我相信
And that, I believe
把它装进机器 放正 旋下旋纽
Put it in the machine.Center it. Turn it around.
你们好 我是丧事联络人 琳达
Hi. I’m your bereavement Iiaison, Linda.
-致以我最诚挚的慰问 -谢谢
-My consolations for your loss. -Thank you.
好吧 这里有些表格你们要填
Okay, these are the forms you need to fill out.
A death certificate.
死亡报告 体♥检♥医生通知书
A report of death.An M.E. pink slip.
Please try and be as detailed as possible.
呃 这个是
Um, this is a brochure…
情绪恢复互助小组的小册子 每周二会聚会一次
for a grief recovery support group that meets on Tuesdays.
还有 如果你愿意 我可以给你联♥系♥一家殡仪馆
And, if you like, at this time,I can refer you to a funeral home…
so you can begin making your own arrangements.
实拔上 准备工作已经在阿尔布开克做了
Actually, prearrangements have already been made in Albuquerque.
-阿尔布开克 -是这样的 我们现在要赶往加州
-Albuquerque? -We’re actually on ourway to California right now.
但是你必须要有郡注册办公室颁发的葬礼运送许可证 才能运送尸体跨州
If the body is crossing state lines,you’re gonna need a burial transit permit.
恩 但是我们必须在3点赶到雷东多海滩
Okay, but we’re trying to get to Redondo Beach by 3:00.
今天 唔 拉倒吧
3:00 today? Hmm.Ain’t gonna happen.
好吧 呃 我可不可以
Okay, um, can I just-
我知道这 呃 这可能有点不合情理
I know that this is, uh-this might be a little unusual…
但是 有可能的话 我们可不可以先走
but if maybe we could just go.
到时候 我们会再回来 再来处理这些文件 还有
And then we’ll come back, and we’ll take care of all the paperwork and-
不行 你不能丢下他的遗体不管
No. You can’tjust abandon the body.
不 不 不 没人想丢下他的遗体 我们只是现在要走 还有
No, no, no. Nobody’s gonna abandon the body. We’re gonna go and-
否则的话 医院就要承担责任
Otherwise, the hospital becomes responsible.
先生 我们做事情有规定的
Sir, there are ways we have of doing things.
We’re gonna go and come back.
今天不只你一家有人死了 好不好
You are not the only one that’s had somebody die here today, okay?
Is there any way we might be able to view the remains?
We haven’t had a chance to move him downstairs…
几分钟后 会有人来把他搬去地下室
so someone may come in in a few minutes to take him to the basement.
只需跟他们亮明身份 他们会等你们的
Just tell them who you are,and theywill wait.
-Thank you.-Okay?
填好那些单子 我会在护士站等你们
And when you’re done with the paperwork,I’ll be at the nurses’ station.
-好极了 谢谢你 琳达 -谢谢你
-Great. Thank you, Linda. -Thank you.
真见鬼 爸 见鬼
Goddamn it, Dad.Goddamn it!
我们明年再参加阳光小美女选美吧 好吗 亲爱的
We’ll go to Little Miss Sunshine next year, okay, honey?
Next year.
不 不 我们已经走了700多英里
No. No.We’ve come 700 miles.
不参加比赛那才叫见鬼 雪儿
I will be damned if I’m not making that contest, Sheryl.
理查 我们不能把他丢这里不管
Well, Richard,we can’t leave him here.
We’re not gonna leave him.
-理查 你在干什么 -妈的
-Richard, what are you doing? -Fuck.
-德维恩 出去看着 -理查 你在想什么
-Dwayne, go around outside. -Richard, what are you thinking?
-我们要带着他走 -不 不 不能那样
-We’re gonna take him with us. -No, no. That is not happening.
He’s better off with us that these people.
你绕出去 呆在这窗户下
I want you to go around outside and underneath this window.
德维恩 你不许动
Dwayne, don’tyou dare move.
亲爱的 你呆在这里 我们带奥丽芙走 弗兰克也会开车
Honey, you stay here.We’ll take Olive. Frank can drive.
不 雪儿 我们会在两小时内赶到哪里 一到那里我就给殡仪馆打电♥话♥
No, Sheryl, we’ll be there in two hours.I’ll call a funeral home once we get there.
If there’s one thing my father would have wanted…
it’s tosee Olive perform in the Little Miss Sunshine Pageant.
我相信 如果现在我们放弃
Now, I believe we’d be doing a grave disservice to his memory…
if we were to just give up now.
明白吗 这世上有两种人
All right? There’s two kinds of people in this world.
成功者和失败者 好吗 知道他们的区别是什么
There’s winners and there’s losers. Okay?You know what the difference is?
Winners don’t give up.
那么我们算什么 成功者还是失败者
So what are we here?Are we winners, or are we losers?

好吧 好吧 好吧 一起来吧
Okay, okay, okay.Let’s do it.
你们到外面去 奥丽芙 注意看着帘子外面
You guys go. Olive,you watch the curtain.
我不知道 没理由会节外生枝啊
I don’t know. I have no reason to assume it’s gonna be otherwise.
看着点 托着背部 托着背部
Watch. Get the back.Get the back.
嘘 来 来 来
Shh. Go, go, go.
好 一点钟
-Yeah, 1:00.
他很重 温柔点
-He’s very heavy. Be gentle. -Mm-hmm.
一 二
One, two-
好 三 等等 等等
Okay, three.Wait, wait, wait!
不行 还不行
-Not yet. Not yet.
-好了 来 来 来 -嘘 嘘 嘘 好
-Okay, go. Go, go, go. -Shh, shh, shh. Okay.
