Home 动作电影 虎胆龙威4(2007)



华盛顿的交通系统快瘫痪了 他们还刚刚侵入了金融系统 所有的一切
DC transportation system’s crashing and they just hit the financial sector. All of it.
给我接交通和财政部门的秘书 还有联邦商业委员会的主席
Get me the secretary for trans and treasury on the line and the chairman of the SEC.
大家行动起来 肯定有人在哪里留下了蛛丝马迹 去把它找出来
Let’s go, people. Somewhere somebody left a digital fingerprint. Find it.
副局长伯曼在吗 – 现在不行 你得等一下
Deputy Director Bowman in here? – Not now. It’ll have to wait.
今天不行 这是马修·法瑞尔 我按照伯曼的要求把他带来了
Not today. This is Matthew Farrell. I brought him here on orders from Bowman.
如果你搞不清状况的话 那就给我去找个明白人过来
If you don’t know what’s goin’ on, find somebody that does.
I’m Bowman.
视频录像准备完毕 可以上传了
Video package is ready for upload.
听着 约翰 我很感谢你带法瑞尔过来
John, I appreciate your bringing Farrell,
但现在情况变了 我们正深陷危机之中 忙于控制局势呢
but we are neck-deep in damage control right now.
抱歉 长官 你们这儿有没有什么吃的 像点心之类的
Excuse me. I’m sorry, sir. Do you have anything to eat, any snacks around?
我想要 我现在真的有点儿低血糖了
I’d love… I’ve got really low blood sugar…
长官 – 没有吗
Sir? – No?
尽管出现了交通系统崩溃和炭疽病毒恐慌 但灾难还远远没有结束
As if the transportation breakdown and anthrax scares weren’t enough for one day,
今天下午的股票市场又发生了 疯狂的清♥仓♥事件
the stock market found itself in a selling frenzy.
联邦商业委员会认为引发这次恐慌 的原因可能是
The FTC believes this panic might have been triggered
by a computer malfunction in the stock exchange.
尽管二者听起来像是毫无关系 -哦 天啊 简直糟透了
Oh, man, that is all bad.
实际上并没有看上去的那么糟糕 对付这类事件 我们早有防备
It’s not as bad as it looks. We run drills to prepare for things like this.
这些都是嫌疑人吗 – 过去是
These your suspects? – Were.
All seven were killed in the last 24 hours.
Recognise any of these people?
Not one?
长官 出现一个系统错误
Sir, we got a system error.
我的美国同胞们 现在是时候
My fellow Americans… …it is time to…
把 恐惧 带入 你们心中了
strike… fear… into… the hearts of… citizenry.
不要问 – 这是未经批准的播出
Ask not… – That’s an unauthorised broadcast.
你的国家能做些什么 来避免 这次 危机
…what your country can do… to avert… this… crisis.
答案就是 毫无办法
The answer is… …nothing whatsoever.
我们的军事 力量 在这次事件当中
Our military… strength… is… in this case…
是 无能为力的
Read my lips.
那个 伟大 而充满自信的 繁荣崛起 美国的 发展 与 进步
The… great… confident… roar… of… American… progress… and… growth…
已经走到了 尽头
has come to… an end.
所有的那些 关键性 技术 那些被 这个国家 极为看重的
All the… vital… technology… that… this nation… holds dear…
通讯 交通 互联网 连接设备
all… communications… transportation… the internet… connectivity…
电力 能源 重要 设施
electrical… power… critical… utilities…
他们的 命运 现在 就在 我们的 掌控之中
their… fate… now… rests… in… our… hands.
我们不会疲倦 不会彷徨
We will not tire, we will not falter,
and we will not fail.
I don’t know how they’re getting in.
Thank you.
还有 独♥立♥日快乐 致你们每一个人
And a… happy Independence Day… to everyone.
That was creepy.
I tried to find more Nixon.
Think they bought it?
好吧 帮我连接电♥信♥ 交通 任何一个
OK, I want telecom, transportation…
上帝 这是场末世入侵行动 – 是什么
Jesus Christ, it’s a fire sale. – What?
It’s a fire sale.
嘿 我们现在还不能知道呢
Hey. We don’t know that yet.
那只不过是个传说 不可能实现的 -只是个传说 是吗
It’s a myth, anyway. It can’t be done. – It’s a myth? Really?
别告诉我她在这里还管事啊 顶多是个花瓶罢了
Please tell me she’s not in charge of anything.
What’s a fire sale?
这是个三步的系统入侵方案 可以摧毁整个国家的基本构成
It’s a three-step systematic attack on the entire national infrastructure.
第一步 让交通系统瘫痪 第二步 攻占金融和通讯系统
Step one: Take out transportation. Step two: The financial base and telecoms.
第三步 破坏所有设施 比如燃油、水利、电力、核设施
Step three: Get rid of all the utilities – gas, water, electric, nuclear…
任何电脑控制的东西 这在今天简直就意味着一切
Anything that’s run by computers, which today is almost everything.
这就是为什么他们叫它末世入侵 因为一切都得被清除
That’s why they call it a fire sale – everything must go.
喂 听着 听着 你叫什么来着 法瑞尔
Hey, listen… What’s your name? Farrell?
你小声点好吗 这里不准任何人提什么末世入侵的事
Keep your voice down, OK? No one here’s talking about a fire sale.
Not unless you’re telling me you helped plan one.
不是 哥们儿 我只是说
No, man. I’m just saying…
感谢你的关心 我们都知道了 也在调查处理之中 谢谢你
Appreciate your concern. We’re on it. Thank you.
你的工作到现在为止做得一团糟 – 什么 你说什么
You’ve done a bang-up job so far. – What? What?
没什么 我是说我明白了
Nothing. I said I understand.
嘿 他们可不是派个女童子军去杀这小子的
Hey. They didn’t send the girl scouts out to get this kid.
他们用的是职业杀手 全副武装 把整个公♥寓♥都炸了
They sent professional guys, full tactical gear. They blew the whole joint up.
那 我不认识这孩子 说老实话这也不关我屁事 当然我没恶意啊
Now, I don’t know this kid, and frankly I don’t give a shit – no offence –
but somebody wants this kid dead,
而且很显然这跟现在 这里所发生的事情有某种联♥系♥
and obviously it’s got something to do with whatever’s going on here.
好吧 国土安♥全♥部♥现在负责询问所有被带来的黑客
OK. Homeland’s interrogating the hackers we’re bringing in.
我找个人陪同你们过去 行吗
I’ll get you an escort over there. All right?
莫利纳 保证这孩子优先被询问 我想知道他到底知道什么
Molina, get this kid to the front of the line. I wanna know what he knows.
他要是知道我所了解事情的一半 他那小鸟头就该爆♥炸♥了
If he knew half the shit I know, his head would explode.
我是特别事务员詹森 我们做这辆车走
Special Agent Johnson. We’ll take the sedan.
事务员詹森 – 没错 这边请
Agent Johnson? – That’s right. Right this way.
“太棒了” 你刚才说的事真的有可能发生吗
Great. So is any of that actually possible, what you were saying back there?
可能吗 好 你看 如果只拿走其中一样东西 系统是可以自动恢复的
Is it possible? Look, you take out any one thing, the system can recover.
如果你一次就把所有的都弄垮 那系统就崩溃了 你看看你周围就知道了
If you take it all down at once, the system crashes and… Look around, man.
得了 政♥府♥有几十个部门专门处理这事儿呢
Come on. Government’s gotta have dozens of departments dedicated to that shit.
别忘了上次闹飓风时紧急事务处理部门 可是花了五天时间才把水送到新奥尔良体育馆哪
It took FEMA five days to get water to the Superdome.
How long till we get to DHS?
罗夫林 帮我联♥系♥华盛顿警♥察♥分队 让他们给我们清出条路来去国土安♥全♥部♥
Laughlin, get on the DC police band and get ’em to clear a route to DHS for us.
华盛顿交♥警♥队 我们是联邦调查局 请求你们清出一条路
DC Metro, this is the FBI requesting you to clear a route…
Farrell just resurfaced on the grid.
联邦调查局的人正带他去国土安♥全♥部♥ – 很好
Feds are taking him to Homeland. – Good.
马上截断他们的通话 – 隔离通话频率
Close that loop, now. – Isolate the frequency.
找出汽车的具体♥位♥置 再给我把这个约翰·麦克连的档案调出来看看
Get us a location on the vehicles and pull me up a file on this John McClane.
兰德 我们刚找到法瑞尔 准备追踪他的具体♥位♥置
Rand, we just found Farrell. Stand by for a location.
听着 伙计们 我不想找麻烦 可咱们刚 经过了一个汉堡店 我已经快饿死了
I don’t mean to harp, but we just passed another Arby’s, and I’m starving.
我连包装纸都可以吃了 – 闭嘴
I could eat a wrapper. – Shut up.
就算是只吃番茄酱包也行 – 闭嘴
I could just get some ketchup packets. – Shut up.
给你十四分钟时间来解释一下 之前为什么要骗我
You got about 14 minutes to tell me why you lied to me.
骗你 你 你在说什么
Lied to you? What are you talking about?
墙上的那些照片 你认识那些人 对吧
The pictures on the wall – you knew those guys.
我不 – 孩子 别骗我
I don’t… – Kid, don’t lie to me.
我是个警♥察♥ 我知道你在说谎 他们到底是什么人
I’m a cop. I can tell you’re lying. Who were they?
好吧 好吧 好吧
他们和我各自工作 为第三方服务
They were my competition.
Make the next right onto Concord.
那个第三方说他们是个软件公♥司♥ 刚发明出一种新的加密算法
They said they’d developed a mutating encryption algorithm
and they wanted to see if it could be cracked.
我做个就是这个 我 我负责数学部分的安全工作
That’s what I do. I do math-based security.
听着 我正在想 如果你想实施像末世入侵这样 庞大又变♥态♥的计划
Here’s the thing. To pull off something as massive and crazy as a fire sale,
就需要成千上万的人来编程序 但要安装运行的话 只要几个黑客就可以搞定了
you need tons of guys to write programs, but only a few Black Hats to implement it.
而到那时 那些做最初工作的人 那些实际上没有做错什么事的人 比如说我
At that point the start-up guys, who haven’t really done anything wrong, like me…
Would end up as pictures on some guy’s wall.
我向上帝发誓 麦克连 我向你发誓 我真的不知道会
I swear to God, McClane, I swear to you I had no idea I was gonna be…
an accessory to Armageddon.
Take the next left at Lexington.
那声音可真性感 她干嘛要让我们走这条路
And that’s a sexy voice. What’s she taking us this way for?
510小队 – 哦 上帝
Unit 510. – Oh, my God.
请为两辆联邦调查局的车子清出道路 他们正在前往康卡街
Clear a route for two FBI vehicles approaching on Concord.
收到 马上行动
Copy, dispatch.
That’s her.
她是谁 – 你在说什么呢
Her who? – What are you talking about?
是他们 – 你说的“他们”是哪个
It’s them. – You’re saying it’s them them?
我向你发誓我绝对认识她 不管到哪儿我都认得出这个声音
I swear to you I know her. I would know her voice anywhere.
别 什么也别说 – 你先把嘴闭上一会儿
No, don’t say anything… – Just keep your mouth shut for a minute.
嘿 交♥警♥局的 你们那边今天还好吗
Hey, Metro, how’s your day goin’ over there?
接到那么多举报电♥话♥ 挺手忙脚乱的吧
Gotta be pretty crazy over there, what with all those 587s, huh?
是的 警官 我们已经全员出动了
Yes, sir. We’ve had to dispatch all units.
你们全员出动 就为了那些光着身子 到处走的疯子吗
You had to dispatch all units for all the naked people walking around?
少说废话了 宝贝儿 叫你老板过来
Cut the bullshit, honey, and just put your boss on.
罗夫林 我们得离开这条路 左转到十四号♥大街
Laughlin, we’re getting off this route. Turn left on 14th Street.
麦克连警官 – 是麦克连探员 混♥蛋♥
Officer McClane. – It’s Detective McClane, asshole.
别担心 等哪天我到监狱去看你时 咱们有的是时间来互相认识
Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other when I visit you in prison.
但是 约翰 我已经知道很多关于你的事了
But, John, I already know so much about you.