I got a good prize on a lot. – And where does the money come from?
这算什么 采访吗 – 我是记者
What is this? Is this an interview? – I’m a journalist.
那么 来看看吧
Then, come and see.
来 我给你看 对举国有好处
Come and see and I’ll show you. It’s good for the country to know.
对国家有利 还是对你有利
Good for the country, or good for you?
Am I not part of the country?
当时不知道 但那晚 我们庆祝的是
We weren’t aware at that time, but that night, we were celebrating
the founding of the Medellin cartel
and the crowning of Pablo as its’ king.
Things were about to change forever.
对哥伦比亚 对我的生活
In Colombia and in my life.
摩拉维亚地区 麦德林
用嘴呼吸 习惯恶臭
Breathe through your mouth, so you can get used to the stench
注意脚下 可能会有尸体
And watch where you stand. People dump bodies out here sometimes.
You’re kidding.
唐·巴勃罗 唐·巴勃罗
Don Pablo! Don Pablo!
巴勃罗 妈妈怎么样了 康复了吗
Pablito. How’s your mom? Is she recovering?
保利托 巴勃罗来了 快来
Paulito! Don Pablo is here. Come here.
这里的人都叫巴勃罗吗 – 所有人都以他的名字命名
Is everybody here named Pablo? – Everybody. They named if after him.
已经造了600栋 但我们要造2000栋 2000栋
Listen, we are now finishing the first 600, but we want to build 2000. 2000
Oh my God.
大家好 埃斯科巴先生 请告诉观众 您的动机和目标
Good day, Senor Escobar. Please tell our viewers the motivation and goal
美妙行动的背后 “没有贫民窟的麦德林”
behind this wonderful initiative, “Medellin without slum”.
看到这么多的孩子挨饿 我们很痛苦
Well, it is painful for us to see so many children starving
and completely abandoned by the government.
And building these houses for them
helps us to create a country that we always dreamed about.
我爱哥伦比亚 现在我们有机会
I love Colombia and now that we have a chance
to give back to this beautiful country that gave us so much.
That is exactly what we’re doing.
那天 我不再关心巴勃罗如何赚钱
That day, I decide that I don’t care how Pablo makes his money.
Only how he uses it.
Come in please.
弗吉尼亚 你真漂亮
Virginia, how beautiful you are.
谢谢 亲爱的 谢谢
Thanks sweetie. Thanks.
弗吉尼亚小姐 – 很高兴
Miss Virginia. – A pleasure.
Do you know that people?
我喜欢你笑的样子 和电视里一样
I like the way you laugh. You laugh like that in your show.
你在电视上很放松 怎么做到的
You are so relaxed on TV. How do you do that?
我能行吗 – 有窍门的
Do you think I can ever do that? – There are tricks.
你想接替我的工作吗 – 不 没有
Are you after my job? – No I’m not.
Are you married?
没机会 – 他做什么的
Not by choice. – What does he do?
整形外科医生 我们分居了 但他不想签署离婚
He’s a plastic surgeon. We are separated, but he does not want to sign the divorce.
Ah, he does not want you to get married again?
不 他不想娶小女朋友
No, he does not want to have marry one of his teenage girlfriends.
Well, that can be fixed
Hmm, you talk to him.
我是说 我不喜欢和已婚女人鬼混
I mean, I don’t like hanging around with married women. I don’t.
所以下次我们出去时 你不再是他妻子了
So next time we’re going out, you’re not going to be his wife.
是吗 – 对
No? – No.
Will I be his widow?
圣母 弗吉尼亚 你把我当什么
Ay Maria, Virginia, what do you take me for?
Now we take that damn! Take him out!
都准备好了吗 弗吉尼亚
Everyone ready? – Virginia!
你律师打电♥话♥来了 你前夫签了离婚协议
Your lawyer called. Your ex signed the papers.
准备 三 二
We are all in three, two…
To celebrate me being free again
Pablo takes me to an island paradise only he knows about.
为男人 宁在私人飞机里哭 而不在公车里笑
If you’re going to cry over a man, better on a private jet than on a bus.
你要去哪里 – 他们在等着呢
Where are you going? – They are waiting.

我看起来还好吗 – 完美
Do I look OK? – You look perfect.
你好吗 老大 夫人
How is it going patron? Maam
Here’s my caveat, if you tell me your secrets and I’ll tell you mine, okay?
Our trip is an excuse to attend a congress of drug traffickers.
先生们 弗吉尼亚·瓦列霍
Gentlemen, Virginia Vallejo.
弗吉尼亚 你好吗 几时到达的 – 今天
Virginia, how are you? When did you arrive? -Today.
Pablo introduces me to his associates in the cartel.
He shows me off to them like a trophy.
And I know they are also there to evaluate me.
他们之间 形成了新社会阶层: 毒品百万富翁
Between them, they form a new social class: the Narco Millionaires.
And I’m the only journalist with exclusive access to their first summit.
谢谢 我要去喝一杯
Thank you. I’m going to get a drink.
离我近一点 弗吉尼亚 这些人不能信任
Stay close, Virginia. These men can’t be trusted. Ok?
那天之前 我最违法的 就是并列驻车而已
The most illegal thing I’ve ever done before that day was to double-park.
但事实是 我感到了未曾有的安全
But the truth is, never in my life had I felt safer.
优先级标签 哥伦比亚不变
Our lower priorities label where Colombia doesn’t change.
那晚 他们划分了在美国的地盘
That night they split the United States of America among them.
佛罗里达州 归麦德林贩毒集团
Florida for the Medellin cartel.
纽约 归卡利贩毒集团
New York for the Cali cartel.
其余独♥立♥及货运 归巴勃罗
The independents and other shipments to Pablo’s.
他们知道 没有人敢偷他的 哪怕一克
They know that nobody would ever dare to steal even one gram from him.
他就是为此而生的 上瘾
Seeing him in his natural habitat is, addictive.
多亏了这些人 美国的可♥卡♥因♥多得像下雪一样
Thanks to those men, it is going to snow cocaine in the US.
美国 佛罗里达 1982
亲爱的 你看到了吗
Honey, did you see that?
你们疯了吗 他妈的干什么
Hey guys, are you nuts? What the fuck are you doing?
回到车上 快点 别碍事
Back to the car, quickly! Stay away!
75号♥公路南行 交通堵塞
Stuck in a jam on Highway 75 heading Southbound. Eric Temple
Holy shit!
你们做什么 疯了吗
What are you doing? Are you fucking nuts?
I almost killed you!
他们称之为圣徒 因为他们在那里创造了奇迹
They call them the saints, because they make the miracle of multiplication up there.
Do the math.
哥伦比亚 一公斤值7000美元
One kilo is worth 7,000 dollars here in Colombia.
在美国 用乳糖稀释 变成三公斤
In the United States, they cut it, add lactose and it becomes three kilos
值15万 这是奇迹吗
which are worth a 150,000 there. Is that a miracle or not?
天哪 – 吉姆 停车
Oh my God! – Jim, stop!
Oh shit!
来自白宫 罗纳德·里根总统和夫人
From the White House: President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan.
A message on drugs.
尽管尽了最大努力 非法可♥卡♥因♥正惊人地进入我国
Despite our best efforts, illegal cocaine is coming in to our country at alarming levels
对仰仗未来的年轻人 尤其有害
It’s especially damaging to the young people, on whom our future depends.
所以今晚 从我们家到你们家
So tonight, from our family to yours.
From our home to yours.
Thank you for joining us.
过去的几年 美国取得了众多成就
America has accomplished so much in these last few years…
欢迎你 谢帕德探员 总统欢迎您来
Welcome, Agent Shepard. President’s glad to have you on board.
这位是维拉德先生 代表哥伦比亚政♥府♥
This is Mr. Velarde, representing the Colombian government.
The president is worried about the latest report.
可♥卡♥因♥不再只属于富人 正向中产阶级蔓延
Cocaine is no longer the drug of the jetset, it’s reaching the middle class.
你知道这意味着什么 – 不受控制的进入
You know what that means. – It’s coming in without control.
80% of it is coming from Colombia.
We are working to have an old bilateral treaty re-activated.
The Extradition Treaty.
我们会抓住毒贩 交给你们 由贵国处理
We’ll catch the narcos and turn them over to you so you can try them here.
他们不惧怕哥伦比亚的法官们 或贿赂或杀害他们
They don’t fear the judges in Colombia. Either bribe them or kill them.
但他们害怕贵国的司法系统 – 是否有法律依据
But they do fear your justice. – Is there a legal basis for this?
可♥卡♥因♥是在我国生产的 但在这里消费
The coke is produced in my country, but is consumed here.
The crime is completed in the United States.
I brought a draft.
总统知道你的背景 他要你监视全程
The President knows your record. He wants you to monitor the whole process.
The president will be off shortly.
We are hoping to implement this in the next day or so.
别把孩子们的梦带走 取而代之的是噩梦
Don’t take away the dream from every child’s heart and replace it with a nightmare.
And it’s time we in America stand up and replace those dreams.
我们是孩子吗 不会自我评判吗
What are we, children? Don’t we have judges here?
没有母亲会把孩子送到邻居那里接受惩罚 绝不
No mother sends her children to the neighbors to be punished. No.
律师怎么说 符合宪法吗 可以上诉吗
What do the lawyers have to say? Is it constitutional? Can it be appealed?
