回想什么 你咬我的屁股吗
I am gonna take that, that thing you are holding on to…
我要把这个 你一直说的这件事
and I am going to use it, on stage.
在舞台上用 …
So all part of my little actor’s salad bar of emotional tidbits.
全都变成 像我的演员沙拉吧一样的 就像活动小报 其中之一
Are the butts next to the crutons at the salad bar?
所有的屁股小吃 都在沙拉吧的油面包旁边吗
You don’t need to be sarcastic Marty. Hey guys, you know, I was thinking.
你没必要讽刺啊 马蒂 嘿 大家 我正在想
When we get back, I might assign up for the breeding program.
我们回去的时候 我没准可以报名参加那个繁殖计划
Breeding program? I think we all reach a point on our lives…
繁殖计划? 我觉得我们都到了一把年纪了
when we wanna meet somebody, you know settle down, have a relationship.
我们应该遇到某个人 安定下来 交往交往
I see that. What?
什么 你是说
Like, like dating? Yeah, dating!
像是 约会吗 是啊 约会!
Other, other… Other guys?
其他的 其他的 男生?
What do you mean “other guys”?
你是什么意思 其他的男生?
Darn it!
I’m gonna, what is holding up that beverage service.
我要去看看 饮料怎么来的这么慢
I’m gonna go and check.
Oh, yeah ya, keep talking. I’m gonna catch a few wings.
嗯 你们大家继续聊 我要先打一下盹儿
Did you see that? It is so funny.
你看到了吗 好好笑哦
I like laughing.
It is such a nice experience. To laugh.
感觉真不错 笑呀
Do you mind going back? This is first class.
不好意思 我想你得往回走 这里是一等舱
It’s nothing personal, it’s just that we are better than you.
没什么针对你个人的 只是说 我们比你好而已
Hey Maurice. I’m awful, hit me, hit me.
嘿 莫里斯 快呀 快啊
Is it Vivaldi? It’s nothing personal, it’s just that we are better than you.
那是吧台吗 飞行奴隶
Can I help you Mr. Mankiewicz?
我能怎么帮你呢 先生
Bring me my nuts, on a silver plate.
给我干果 用银盘子装
We just wanted to check on the drinks we ordered.
我们只是想看看 我们点的饮料怎么样了
Oh, sorry. We are in a little backed up.
真对不起 有点太忙了
Then I guess I am gonna back to..
Hey, what happened to your body? You are freaking me out.
嘿 你身体怎么啦 真令我不舒服
And can you please go over there please. Thank you very much.
你能不能请到那边去呢 多谢你啦
Whatever happened to the separation of the classes.
Yeah, I am sure is all democracy thing is just affeered.
那些什么民主的东西 只是一时的啦
你要不要一点菠萝呢 我的小可爱
Skipper, look.
老大 你看
Analysis. It looks like a small incandescent bulb designed to
分析分析 这看起来很小的灯泡
indicate something out of the ordinary. Like a malfunction.
应该是有什么不寻常的东西 比如机械故障
I found it pretty and somewhat hypnotic. That too sir.
我倒是觉得它很漂亮 而且有点催眠 知道了 长官
Right. Rico, manual.
瑞哥 手册拿来
Problemo solved. Sir, we may be out of fuel.
问题解决了 长官 我们的燃料可能不够了
What makes you think that? We lost engine one.
你为什么会这么觉得呢 我们的一号引擎已经不工作了
And engine two is no longer on fire.
伙计们 系好安全带
Don’t look dull. This might get hairy. Attention.
别看 娃娃 这可能会变得很残忍
This is your captain speaking.
注意 我是机长
I’ve got good news and bad news.
我有好消息 也有坏消息
The good news is, we will be landing immediately.
好消息就是 我们马上就要降落了
The bad news is…
we are crush landing!
When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.
当你们要航空旅行时 我们知道 你们别无选择
But thanks again for choosing air penguin.
Raise your arms Maurice.
把双手举起来 莫里斯
It’s more fun when you raise your arms like this.
I can fly.
This could be it Marty.
我们可能这样就完了 马蒂
I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend.
但我还是想说 你是个真正的朋友 百万里挑一的
Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.
谢谢 伙计 你是最棒的 永远都是
I know you won’t mind when I tell you…
我知道如果我告诉你 你不会介意的
Come on. Tell me it, tell me, tell me what?
告诉我啊 告诉我什么
iPod弄坏了 什么?! I broke your iPod! What!
The button were so small.
按键太小了嘛 我受不了
It made me mad. I’m sorry.
太恐怖了 对不起嘛
I’m gonna kill you!
我要杀了你! 是个意外嘛 对不起啦
I love you Gloria, I always have!
我爱你 格洛丽娅 一直都爱
Like ah… Like you love the beach or a good book.
就像爱海滩一样 或者一本好书
Or the beach.
My goodness doll, you are shaking like a leaf.
天呀 娃娃 你像叶子一样颤抖
Rico, you had your fun. Haul up!
瑞哥 你玩过瘾了 拉上去吧!
Gear down.
Gently now. You just wanna kiss the ground.
好 现在我们要稍微亲一下地面
Just a little pack, smooch like a kiss…
小小的亲而已 蜻蜓点水那种
I said kiss it!
Now, just a little break. Just a touch, a little whisper.
现在踩踩煞车 轻轻的踩
I believe that’s checkmate.
我相信 现在我要将军了
Immersed emergency landing procedure.
操作紧急降落步骤 襟翼向上!
Flaps up! Deploy!
Oh, we are here.
哦 我们终于 嗯?
What in the world?
What happened to the plane?
OK. I’m OK. OK. I’m alive.
飞机坠毁了 好了 我还活着 我不知道
See, I can’t even sleep for a minute.
You know what, this is not JFK.
你知道么 这里也不是纽约肯尼迪机场
Kowalski, casualty report.
科沃斯基 伤亡报告
Only two passengers unaccounted for, Skipper.
只有两名乘客不知去向 机长
That’s a number I can live with.Good landing boys.
这个数字我可以接受 着陆不错 伙计们!
Who says a penguin can’t fly.
Hey, happy slappers. Is there some reason to celebrate? Look at the plane.
嘿 打得火热的人们 有什么可庆祝的 看看这个飞机!
We’ll fix it. Fix it? How you gonna fix this?
我们会修好的 修好? 你怎么修这个?
Grit, spit and a whole lotta duct tape.
他 口水 还有很多布基胶带
We should be up and running in say,
我们应该可以完成 时间大概需要
six to nine months. Sixty nine months?
6到9个月 69个月?
No! Six to nine months.
不是 是6到9个月
Kowalski, I say we use this setback to our advantage.
科沃斯基 我觉得我们要化困境为优势
Where do you get, where do you pull that number out of, huh?
你怎么计算出这个数字的? 嗯?
I want you to reconfigure the design, so start reconfiguring! Great, that’s a great…
我想让你把整个设计重新改造 现在开始
How do you estimate that? You! Pretty boy!
你怎么能预估呢? 你 小白脸
Why don’t you and your friends dig a tree, maybe find water.
要不然你和你的朋友们去挖树 找找水
Hold on, hold on a second. Who made you…
等一下 等等 谁说你可以当这个
king of the plane wreck?
Excuse me. Fine,
啊? 你说什么? 行啊
you can be in charge. You fix the plane!
你来指挥吧 你来修飞机啊
Who gives you the authority to put me in charge?
谁给你的权力 让我来指挥的?
OK then, I’ll remain in charge.
那好吧 我继续指挥
Yeah, that’s right.
对了 你继续指挥
You will remain in charge. You and your little happy friends can stay out of our hair.
没错! 就是这样!
Because I decided to. Good for you.
因为是我决定这么做的! 不错 不错
Yeah, well guess what this discussion isn’t over.
哦 是吗 你知道吗 这个谈话还没结束
Higher mammals, you stay with us.
嘿 动物们 你们可以跟我们在一起
We could use your front cortexes and apposable thumbs.
我们可以用一下你们的头皮 和可吸吮的拇指
Feel crushed wash your hands out with soap.
菲尔 我该让你用肥皂洗一洗手的
How, in the.. Hello! are they gonna fix this plane?
怎么会 ? 喂! 他们到底会不会修这个飞机啊
You know, grit ‘n spit and spit, once spit and griten.
你知道吗 补破皮褥子不如不补破皮褥子
Stick to it at mist. They don’t sound too promising.
我们就等吧 听起来没啥希望
You’re right. Right, we are stuck here.
你是对的 是对的 我们被困在这里了
Hey guys, as long as we’re together we’ll be OK.
嘿 大家 只要我们在一起 我们就没事的
Yeah, yeah but love ain’t gonna get us home.
是啊 是啊 但这不能送我们回家啊
Behold, the lion!
Hey, it’s people. OK. There is much to see, moving on.
哇 人类! 好啦 还有很多要看的 赶快走吧
People. Wait, wait.
人! 人们! 等等!
Wait people.
人们! 停下
Help us!
Hi! Wait!
喂 等等
Hey wait, if you stop we’ll autograph those.
如果你们停下 我可以帮你们签名啊
I know you.
You. It’s that bad kitty.
你 是那只坏猫咪
How do you like some other?
Are you in Tokyo?
Right in the batteries!
You think that old lady can’t take care of you?
Next time I won’t go so easy on you.
下次我再遇见你 就不会像这次一般手软了
Thank you dear.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
