Alex! Do not interrupt me when I’m daydreaming!
亚里克斯 我做白日梦的时候不要打扰我
When the Zebra is in the zone, leave him alone.
当斑马在动物园里时 别理他
Come on Marty, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
马蒂 只是想祝你生日快乐
Hey man thanks.
伙计 谢谢
I got something stuck in my teeth. It’s driving me crazy!
我塞牙了 真难受
Can you help me out here? Please?
你能帮帮我吗? 拜托啦
You came to the right place, my friend.
你来对地方了 我的朋友
Doctor Marty tedious is in the house!
Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may.
请跳上我的消毒台 如果你还能行的话
I don’t see anything.
Okay, just don’t talk with your mouth open.
好吧 别张嘴讲话
Right here.
What a hack is this doing in there? Happy birthday!
这个东西在里面干什么? 生日快乐
Thanks man. It was behind the tooth! You’re all right.
谢谢 它在牙后面 你没事了
It’s hardly on a shelf yet. Here, check it out.
还没有上市呢 这个 看看
Look at that, look at that.
看看那个 看看
Look at that, it’s snowing.
看看 在下雪哟
Ten years old, ha! A decade!
十年了 哈 十年
Double digits. A big 10.
两位数 10
You don’t like it? No, no. It’s great!
你不喜欢吗? 不 不 礼物很棒
You hate it. I should have gotten you the Alex alarm clock.
你不喜欢 我应该给你亚里克斯闹钟的
That’s the one,that’s the big seller. No.The present is great,really.
就是那个卖得更好的 不 礼物很棒 真的
It’s just that another year’s come and gone
and I’m still doing the same old thing.
Stand over here, over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here.
站在这 站在那 吃点草 再走回来
I see your problem. Maybe I should go to law school.
我了解你的问题 也许我应该去上法学院
You just need to break out of that boring routine.
你只是需要 从那乏味的日常生活中解脱
How? Rock the old that
怎么办 不要老一套
get out there, who knows what you’re gonna do!
冲破禁锢 谁知道你要干什么呢
Make it up as you go along! Add limb, improvise, on the fire!
现编现演 增加一些临时的即兴表演
Really? You know, make it fresh!
真的? 你知道 保持新鲜感
Fresh? Okay. I could do fresh. Works for me.
新鲜感? 好 我可以做些新鲜事 对我有用哟
Here come the people Marty. Oh, I love the people!
参观的人来了马蒂 我爱人群
It’s fun people fun time!
Let’s go Gloria! Up and down and open!
快点格洛瑞尔 上下然后张嘴
What day is it? It’s Friday! Feel tricky.
今天星期几? 星期五 郊游日
Yes, it’s future day, let’s get up and go!
对 今天是郊游日 让我们起来开工啦
Ten more minutes.
Come on Melman, Melman, Melman!
快点 梅尔曼 梅尔曼 梅尔曼
Wake up! Rise and shine!
醒醒 太阳晒屁股啦
It’s another fabulous morning in the Big Apple! Let’s go!
又一个美好的纽约清晨 快起来
Not for me. I’m going in sick. What?
我不觉得 我病了 怎么了?
I found another brown spot on my shoulder. Right here!
我肩膀上发现又一块褐斑 就在这
See? Right there! You see? Melman, you know it’s all in your head.
就在那 看见了吗 梅尔曼 这都是你幻想出来的
Phil. Wake up, you funky monkey.
菲尔 醒醒 你这个滑稽的猴子
I’m gonna be fresh. Straight up the ground.
我要保持新鲜感 直截了当
Tasting fresh. Freshelicious.
尝试新鲜 新鲜
Zip lock fresh!
Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages.
女士们先生们 各位小朋友
The Central Park Zoo proudly presents
Show them the cat! Who’s the cat!
给他们看那狮子 谁是狮子?
The King of New York city, Alex the Lion! Alex the Lion!
纽约的国王 狮子亚里克斯
It’s showtime!
Gather around people, big show about to start!
大家聚一聚 重大表演要开始了
Check out the Zebra take a cannon, that’s right!
看看斑马的加农炮 没错
Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.
微笑着招手 伙计们
Kowalski, target report. We’re only 500 feet from the main zoo line.
科娃斯基 任务报告 我们离公园主干线还有500英尺
And the bad news? We’ve broken our last shovel.
坏消息呢? 我们最后一把铲子折了
Right. Rico, you’re on lead of patrol.
里科 你负责侦查
We need shovels and five more popsickle sticks.
We don’t want to rescue another cadet.
And me, Skipper? I want you to look cute and cuddly, private.
那我呢 船长? 我要你看上去可爱讨喜 二等兵
Today we’re gonna blow this dam.
You don’t see that on animal planet!
你没在动物星球 看过这样的表演吧
Well show’s over, falks! Thanks for coming!
表演结束了 感谢光临
I hope you thought it was fresh! I’ll be here all week.
我希望你们觉得新鲜 我整个星期都在
In fact I’ll be here for my whole life 365 days a year,
事实上我一生中 每一年365天我都在
including Christmas, Hanaka, Halloween!
包括圣诞 光明节 万圣节
Please don’t forget to never stay on a pet.
And tip your cabman, cause it’s gross.
还有给出租司机小费 因为他破产了
You, quadropaint. Sprecken Sie English?
你 黑白的家伙 会说英语吗?
I sprecken. What county is this?
我会 这是什么国家?
Manhattan. Damn! We’re still in New York.
曼哈顿 该死 我们还在纽约
Aboard! Dive, dive, dive! Hey! You on the docks! Wait a minute!
任务取消 下潜 下潜 穿晚礼服的家伙 等等
What are you guys doing? We’re digging to Antarctica.
你们在干什么? 我们要挖去南极洲
Anhootica? Can you keep a secret, my monochromatic friend?
南什么州? 你能保密吗 我的色盲朋友?
Do you ever see any penguins running free around New York city?
Of course not. We don’t belong here, it’s just not natural.
当然没有 我们不属于这里 这里不是大自然
This is all some kind of wackdown conspiracy.
We’re going to the wide open spaces of Antarctica.
To the wild!
The wild? You could actually go there? It sounds great.
野外? 你们真的能到吗? 听上去不错
Hey! Hold up! Where is this place?
等等 那是什么地方?
Tell me where it is! You didn’t see anything.
告诉我那是什么地方 你什么也没看到
Right? Yes, sir.
对吧? 是 长官
Sorry. No, sir.
抱歉 没看到 长官
And now appearance of the day.
The King of New York city, Alex the Lion!
纽约市之王 狮子亚里克斯
Thank you! Thank you very much!
谢谢 非常感谢
You guys are great. You’re great prowl.
你们太好人了 你们真好
Give me something here. Thank you.
给我点什么 谢谢
Thank you! Oh well, thank you!
谢谢哦 谢谢
Everybody get home safe.
This is the life.
That’s the spot. Oh, I’m in heaven.
就是这里 我身处天堂
Whoo, it’s Marty’s birthday! Open it, just open it!
今天是马蒂的生日 拆开 拆开吧
What is it? What is it? Come on, open it up!
这是什么 这是什么? 快点 拆开
Yeah! Thermometer! Thanks.
体温计 谢谢
I love it. Melman, I love it!
我喜欢 梅尔曼 我喜欢
Yeah, I wanted to give you something personal.
是啊 我想给你些私人的东西
You know that was my first rectal thermometer.
Happy birthday to you!
You live in a zoo.
You look like a monkey.
And you smell like one too.
I say
Well done, you guys are just embarrassing me! And yourself!
不错 你们真让我难堪 还有你们自己
What are you talking about? We’ve worked on that whole week.
你在说什么? 我们准备了一个星期
Let’s go, let’s make a wish baby cakes.
快点 许个愿吧
Come on, what did you wish for? No, can’t tell you that.
快点 你许了什么愿? 不能告诉你
Come on, tell! No sirrey, I’m telling you!
快点说啦 没戏 我告诉了你们就会被诅咒的
It is bad luck! You want some bad luck?
你们想走霉运? 那我就说
I’ll blow it out, but if you wanna be safe
但如果你们想没事的话 我就什么都不说
Ah, Marty would you just tell us?
马蒂 你能告诉我们吗?
I mean really, what could happen? Okay.
我说了又会怎样? 好吧
I wished I could go to the wild! The wild!
我希望我能去野外 野外
I told you it was bad luck!
我告诉过你们 说了会走霉运的
The wild? Are you nuts? That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard.
野外? 没搞错吧? 这是我听过的最糟的主意
Sounds amatory. The penguins are going, so why can’t I?
这样很不卫生 企鹅能去 为什么我不能?
The penguins are psychotic.
Come on, just imagine going back to nature.
Back to your roots, clean air, wide open spaces!
回到老家 清新的空气 广阔的天地
Well, I hear they have wide open spaces in Connecticut.
Connecticut? Yeah, what you got to do
康涅狄格? 对 你要做的
is you gotta go over Grand Central.
And then you gotta take the metro north train. North?
然后上一辆北上的列车 是北吧?
So one could take the train? Just hypothetically.
所以可以搭车过去? 只是想想罢了
