-这感觉真好 -是啊 我完全同意
-That was wonderful. -Yeah, I’ll say.
-我喜欢呆在乡间 -感觉很放松
-I love being in the country. -It’s very relaxing.
当然 那些蚊子已经快把我 左腿的血吸光了
Of course, the mosquitoes have sucked all the blood out of my left leg.
-除了这个 我状态良好 -没有让你感觉好很多吗?
-Apart from that, I’m in good shape. -Doesn’t it make you feel better?
-我感觉自己好了很多 -是啊 你非常出色
-I feel better about myself. -Yeah, you were dynamite.
Except I did get the feeling for
about two seconds you were faking a little.
没有特别厉害 你只是稍微夸张了点
Not a lot. You were just overacting
是的 你用指甲掐入了我的脖子
when you dug your nails into my neck.
I thought you were just giving it a little…
唔 我不知道 我想我和你在一起时 还是有点紧张吧
Well, I don’t know. I guess I’m a little nervous around you still.
-还紧张? -嗯 是的
-Still? -Well, yeah.
-这怎么可能! -因为我真的… 希望一切都顺利
-It’s so crazy. -I’d like everything to work out.
它会… 一切都会顺利的 你可以把所有事都交给我
It will. You should leave everything to me.
全包在我身上了 你不用担心什么
I’ll make everything happen. You don’t have to worry.
你保证了 真的保证了? 因为我真的很喜欢你
Do you really promise? Because I do like you a lot.
-有你在身边我感觉很好 -这我不怪你
-I feel good around you. -I don’t blame you.
是啊 我是说… 我不知道
Yeah, I mean… I don’t know.
耶尔是很棒 绝对很棒 可是他有太太
Yale was absolutely great, but he was married.
而杰里迈亚 我的前夫杰里迈亚呢
And Jeremiah… Look at Jeremiah, my ex-husband.
他有点像只性♥欲♥过剩的动物 也很出色
He was just this oversexed brilliant kind of animal.
嘿 那我成什么啦? 摩西奶奶? 你什么意思嘛?
What am I, Grandma Moses? What do you mean?
不是这么回事 不 你和他们都不一样
Not at all. No, you’re much different.
-你和他们大不相同 -是吗?
-You’re much different. -Yeah?
你是那种我可以 呃…
You’re someone I could, uh,
I could imagine having children with.
真的吗? 很好 把灯关了 快点!
Really? Well, hit the lights. Go ahead.
再把灯关咯 我们来”打破四小节”
Turn them out again. We’ll trade fours.
Well, we never see you anymore.
因为我在忙着写书 我潜水了 非常专注
I’ve been working on my book. I’m submerged, dedicated.
是因为你交的那个女朋友吧 这次是认真的 是吗?
It’s that girl you’re seeing. It’s serious, isn’t it?
唔 这次是认真的 你知道
Well, it’s serious.
When are we gonna get to meet her?
I’m sure Yale would like to meet her.
我们可以找个机会聚聚 我不明白
We should go out sometime. I don’t understand.
他为什么需要辆车? 突然就有了要辆车的冲动
Why does he need a car? A sudden urge to get a car.
他说他想要 我也不知道为什么
He just wants it. What can I tell you?
Is there nothing I can do to dissuade you from this?
真太乱了 曼哈顿应该禁止人们开车
It’s so crazy. They should ban all cars from Manhattan.
This is a real bargain.
听着 埃米莉想知道为什么 我总是不带玛丽来认识一下
Emily wants to know why I never bring Mary around.
Why don’t you bring her around?
我不知道 你不会感到难堪吗?
Is it awkward for you or what?
别扯了 你开玩笑?
Stop it. Are you kidding?
我跟她谈过 她觉得没什么问题
I spoke to her about it. It’s no problem for her either.
-那么我们为什么不见见呢? -可是 你知道…
-Then why aren’t we doing it? -Well, you know…
嘿 别买♥♥这车了 你知道 我讨厌汽车
Hey, don’t get this thing. I hate cars.
-你知道 它会破坏环境 -这是件艺术品
-It screws up the environment. -This is a work of art.
-这是埃米莉 -你好! 很高兴认识你
-This is Emily. -Hello. Nice to meet you.
-这是耶尔 -嗨 耶尔
-This is Yale. -Hi, Yale.
那么 我们走吧?
So, shall we go?
-好 我们走 -当然
-Yeah, let’s go. -Sure.
你看那边 那座大楼已经拆得差不多了
Look at that. That building is almost completely torn down.
他们就不能把那些旧楼 作为标志性建筑保留下来吗?
Can’t they have those things declared landmarks?
是啊 我曾经去阻止过拆除
I once tried to block a demolition…
getting some people to lay down in front of a building.
我的手被个警♥察♥踩了 这座城市真的变了
Some policeman stepped on my hand. The city’s really changing.
I need something that I can wear around the house…
that doesn’t make me look too Mexican.
-噢 我的天哪 杰里迈亚! -嗨!
-Oh, my God, Jeremiah. -Hi.
对了 这时我朋友 艾萨克·戴维斯
This is my friend, Isaac Davis.
嗨 很高兴认识你!
Hi. Glad to meet you.
-天哪 这太巧了! -真太巧了!
-God, this is so incredible. -It’s incredible.
我来城里几天 有个什么语义学的讨论会
I’m in town a few days. There’s a symposium on semantics.
你看上去真有神采 我… 呃…
You’re just looking so great. I just, uh…
是你 你变瘦了 你减了不少体重 是不是?
You’re so thin. You lost a lot of weight, didn’t you?
-你知道 我搞了套健身器材 -唔 你看上去真不错
-I have an exercise machine. -Well, you really look good.
-真的不错 -天哪
-Really good. -God.
唔 我有点来不及了 不过… 见到你真的很高兴
Well, I’m a bit late, but… It’s just so nice seeing you.
你知道 我读过你发表在《大西洋》上
I read an article by you
in the Atlantic on Brecht.
是的 我知道 布莱希特 可是 你知道
I know, Brecht. Well, you know,
I was always a sucker for Germanic theater.
-真太好了 -好的 嗯 天哪
-Just great. -Okay, well, God.
-好吧 再见 -再见 杰里迈亚
-Okay, so long. -Bye, Jeremiah.
天哪 太让人意外了 我还没缓过来
God, what a surprise. I cannot get over it.
我前夫 他看上去真的瘦了很多
My ex-husband, and he really does look a lot thinner.
-他看起来真不错 -你无疑把我给骗了 我很吃惊
-He looks great. -You certainly fooled me.
-你什么意思? -我可没想到他是这个样子
-What do you mean? -This is not what I expected.
-你认为该是什么样? -我不知道
-What did you expect? -I don’t know.
你说… 你一直让我有这样的印象…
You had always led me to…
你说女人对他趋之若鹜 是他开♥发♥了你的性能力
that he was a great ladies’ man and opened you up sexually.
-怎么说? -你知道 就他这么个小号♥侏儒…
-So? -And then this little homunculus…
-他非常厉害的 -真的吗?
-He’s quite devastating. -Really?
你知道 我…
You know, I…
真有意思 那玩意儿全凭个人的感觉
It’s amazing how subjective all that stuff is.
天呐 你打得好起劲啊
Boy, you’re really typing away in there.
是啊 简直易如反掌
It’s a cinch.
Are you still reviewing “The Tolstoy Letters”?
不 那个我两天前就写完了 我在把一部电影小说化
I finished that two days ago. I’m on that novelization.
你为什么要把时间浪费在 把电影改成小说上面?
What do you waste your time with a novelization for?
为什么? 因为这很容易 而且报酬颇丰
Why? Because it’s easy, and it pays well.
你知道 这似乎也成了当代美国的一景
It’s like another contemporary American phenomenon…
把电影改成小说 真是愚蠢之极
that’s truly moronic… the novelizations of movies.
我是说 对你来说真是大材小用了
You’re much too brilliant for that.
你知道 你应该干些其它的事情
You should be doing other stuff.
-比如说什么? -你知道 比如说小说
-Like what? -Like fiction.
我看过你的小说 写得很好
I’ve seen your fiction. It’s terrific.
玛丽 嗨 是我 耶尔
Hi, it’s Yale.
I was hoping you’d pick up.
听着 我们能见面喝杯咖啡吗?
Listen, could we meet for coffee?
唔 为什么? 有什么事?
Well, why? What is it?
唔 你知道 我想你…
Well, you know, I miss you…
and I thought maybe we could talk.
不 我认为这不可能 真的
No, I don’t think that would be possible, really.
I don’t think that would be possible at all.
对不起 我只是 呃…
I’m sorry. I just, uh…
不行 对不起 我得挂了
No, I’m sorry. I gotta go.
-谁的电♥话♥? -什么?
-Who was that? -What?
Who was that on the phone just now?
呃… 是舞蹈课
Dance lessons.
Dance lessons that was?
是的 问我们是否想上免费的舞蹈课
Yeah. Do we want free dance lessons?
是啊 他们送你一节免费课引你上钩
Right. They give you one free lesson,
then hook you for $50,000 worth.
“维京出版社”喜欢我的书 他们说喜欢前面四章
Viking loved my book. They loved the first four chapters…
我就给他们这么多 他们说很引人入胜 你知道…
which is all I gave them, but they said it was amusing and…
耶尔也读过了 他对书的出版前景非常看好
Yale read them, and he thought they showed a great deal of promise.
是啊 我知道 可耶尔是一家人
But Yale’s family, so of course
he’s always enormously encouraging.
而对于”维京”来说 他们到时候得付我钱的
But Viking, they’re the ones who gotta shell out the money.
也许这会刺♥激♥耶尔 完成他的奥尼尔的传记
Maybe it’ll inspire Yale to finish his O’Neill biography.
我是说 他已经讲了太长时间了
He’s been talking about it long enough.
我知道 都好几年了
I know, for ages.
玛丽… 玛丽读过这些 她… 她笑到不行
Mary read the stuff, and she was just laughing out loud.
我很看重她的评价 你知道
I respect her judgement.
尽管她自己正打算写一个摇滚明星 这真的…
She’s doing a think piece on a rock star which is…
-你们好! -嘿 你去哪儿啦?
-Hello. -Hey, where were you?
You were supposed to be home an hour ago.
