-呃 我去买♥♥车了 -噢 不会吧 你真买♥♥了?
-I bought the car. -Oh, no. You did?
我知道 这是无谓的招摇 可是我必须得到这车
I know, it’s a meaningless extravagance, but I had to have it.
-它太漂亮了 -就是我们见过的那辆?
-It was too beautiful. -That thing that we saw?
你听说艾克的事了吗? “维京”喜欢他书的前四章
Did you hear about Ike? Viking loved the first four chapters of his book.
-好极了! -是啊 他们狂赞
-Great. -They were real complimentary.
下周 等我拿到车 我们出去好好庆祝一下
Next week, I get the car, we’ll take it out and celebrate.
-好的 -坐我们的新车
-Okay. -In our new car.
《结婚 离婚 和自我意识》 吉尔·戴维斯著
《结婚 离婚 和自我意识》 吉尔·戴维斯著
天呐 听听这个
Jesus. Listen to this.
“与这样一位更深邃的 更精巧的女性做过爱之后
“Making love to this deeper, more masterful female…
made me realize what an empty experience…
显得多么的空洞 多么的怪异 ”
what a bizarre charade sex with my husband was”.
拜托 这太恶心了!
Please, that is so nauseating.
这是真的吗? 你和吉尔 还有另一个女的一起玩三陪?
Is this true? Did you make love with Jill and another woman?
她把那也写里面啦? 天哪!
She put that in there? Christ.
是她的主意 你知道 我不想扫她的兴而已
She wanted to, you know. I didn’t wanna be a bad sport.
-你玩得很过瘾吧? -没有 没啥过瘾的
-Did you have a good time? -No, I didn’t have a good time.
你有没有听说过 他试图用车轧她的情人?
Did you hear the one where he tried to run her lover over?
-你到底站在谁一边啊? -听过 几年前我就知道
-Whose side are you on? -That’s been going on for years.
我没试图用车轧她 那天下雨 控制不住车
I didn’t try to run her over. It was raining. The car lurched.
这下 城里每个人都会知道这些了… 这些细枝末节
Now everybody in town is gonna know all this… these details.
每个人… 我所有的朋友 还有…
Everybody… all my friends and…
听听这段: “他会突然之间 控制不住自己 变得暴怒
Listen to this. “He was given to fits of rage…
表现出自♥由♥派犹太人的妄想 大男子主义
Jewish liberal paranoia, male chauvinism
自以为是的愤世嫉俗 和虚无主义者的绝望情绪
self-righteous misanthropy and nihilistic moods of despair.
他总是抱怨生活 却拿不出任何解决的办法
He had complaints about life, but never any solutions.
他渴望成为艺术家 却逡巡不前于所必须付出的代价
He longed to be an artist, but balked at the necessary sacrifices.
在他最最私下的时刻 他会谈起对死亡的恐惧
In his most private moments, he spoke of his fear of death…
which he elevated to tragic heights when,
而实际上 这只是他自恋的的表现
in fact, it was mere narcissism”.
-我来这儿是想一手掐巴死你 -我写的没有一处不是真实的
-I came here to strangle you. -Nothing I wrote was untrue.
你什么意思? 那书把我塑造得跟
What do you mean? That book makes me
out to be like Lee Harvey Oswald!
-这是我们婚姻生活的忠实记录 -我是自恋狂?
-It’s an honest account of our marriage. -That I’m narcissistic?
Don’t you think you’re a little self-obsessed?
我愤世嫉俗? 我自以为是?
And misanthropic? And self-righteous?
-我也写了些你好的方面? -比如说什么? 什么?
-I wrote some nice things about you. -Like what?
比如说什么? 比如说你看《飘》时会泪流满面
Like you cry when you see Gone With the Wind.
你笑什么笑? 你应该是 你们两个当中比较成熟的那个
What are you laughing about? You’re supposed to be the mature one.
-你竟然允许她写出这样的垃圾! -嘿 等一下!
-You let her write that garbage? -Wait a minute.
This is between you two.
你… 你真的认为我想用车轧你?
Do you honestly think I tried to run you over?
难道不成是你踩油门时 我刚好路过你车前?
You just happened to hit the gas as I walked in front of the car?
我… 我会是故意的吗?
Did I do it on purpose?
唔 弗洛伊德怎么说来着?
Well, what would Freud say?
弗洛伊德会说 我真的很想用车轧死她
Freud would say I really wanted to run her over.
-所以人们才称他为天才 -你们俩听着 我要上楼去了
-That’s why he was a genius. -Listen, I’m going upstairs.
我还有活儿要干 别忘了威利在上芭蕾课
I got work to do. Don’t forget Willie’s at ballet class.
听着 我最好先给你打个招呼
Look, I better warn you.
I’ve had some interest in this book for a movie sale.
-有人在家吗? -啊哈
-Anybody home? -Uh-huh.
你在? 我有件难以置信的事要告诉你
Yeah? I got an unbelievable story to tell you.
绝对难以置信 你没事吧?
Absolutely incredible. You okay?
Just let me get one glass of brown water…
缓一口气 因为我渴得要死
and I’ll be fine, ’cause I’m dying of thirst.
I wanna talk to you first.
你知道 今天上午我去找吉尔
I go over to Jill’s this morning, right…
因为我对她书中印的那些垃圾 着实感到火大
because I’m real annoyed over all that junk she printed in the book.
我已经 你知道…
And I’m, you know…
我想先打断一下 我有件事要告诉你
Before you get wound up, there’s something I wanna tell you.
出什么事了? 你看上去… 看上去很苍白
What’s the matter? You look pale.
怎么 出什么事了?
Well, what’s the matter?
嘿 怎么啦? 出了什么事了吗? 怎么回事?
What… Is there something wrong? What is it?
I think I’m still in love with Yale.
你… 你开玩…
Are you kidd…
-真是这样? -是的
-You are? -Yes.
这是什么时候的事情? 我是说 怎么会…
Well, when did this happen? I mean, what…
你是真的爱他 还是自以为爱他?
You are or you think you are?
I started seeing him again.
什么时候? 从什么时候开始的?
When? Since when?
今天刚开始 我们还没有…
Just since today. We’re not really…
That’s why I wanted to be open about it.
天哪 我…
Jesus, I’m…
我很震惊 我很… 我很震惊
I’m shocked. I’m-I’m shocked.
I’m surprised.
I think I’ve always been in love with him.
How does he feel about this?
他想从家里搬出去 好让我们俩住在一起
he wants to move out of his place so that we can live together.
我惊呆了 我… 我…
I’m stunned. I’m-I’m…
我现在处于… 这一桶水浇得我透心凉 你知道…
I’m in a state of… Somebody should throw a blanket over me.
唔 是这样 他给我打过几次电♥话♥
Well, you see, he called me several times…
他非常沮丧 茫然无措 他说他还爱我
in a very depressed and confused state, and he still loves me.
这可以整成诺埃尔·科沃德戏里的情节了 你知道
This is shaping up like a Noel Coward play.
Somebody should go out and make some martinis.
I don’t blame you for being furious with me.
我惊呆了 感觉不到愤怒
I’m too stunned to be furious.
那我希望你能感觉 我希望你愤怒起来
Then I wish you would. I wish you’d get angry…
这样我们就可以发泄出来 而不是闷在心里
so that we could have it out, get it out in the open.
我愤怒不起来 行了吧? 我是说 我习惯于内部消化
I don’t get angry, okay? I have a tendency to internalize.
我不会表达愤怒 这是我具有的问题之一
I can’t express anger. That’s one of the problems I have.
-相应地 我会长肿瘤 -我告诉过你我是个…
-I grow a tumor instead. -I told you that I was…
麻烦 从一开始 从我们 开始约会时我就告诉过你
trouble from the beginning, from when we first started dating.
你的心理医生怎么说? 我是说 你和他谈过了吗?
What does your analyst say? Did you speak to him?
唐尼现在处于昏迷状态 他致幻药用多了
Donny’s in a coma. He had a very bad acid experience.
噢 那… 那真是太好了!
Oh, that’s great.
I think you’re making a big mistake here.
为什么? 因为你… 为什么?
Because you… Why?
Because you’re preferring Yale to me.
我知道那听上去有点自我为中心 可是…
I know that sounds egotistical, but…
那家伙和埃米莉结婚 已经有十二年了
This guy’s been married for 12 years to Emily.
你以为会发生什么? 他会离开她一个月
What do you think’s gonna happen? He’ll be away from her for a month.
然后他就会疯掉 如果他真的想对你做出承诺
He’ll go crazy. And if he does commit to you…
你知道 一旦当你觉得有了安全感 你就会把他踹了
when you start to feel secure, you’ll drop him.
我知道的 我想这一切最多不会超过
I give the whole thing
四个星期 就这么回事
four weeks. That’s it.
我… 我不可能事先计划得这么远
I can’t plan that far in advance.
你不可能事先计划 四个星期以后的事?
You can’t plan four weeks in advance?
-是的 -这是何等的远见啊?
-No. -What kind of foresight is that?
天哪 在我们刚开始约会时 我就知道你很任性
Jesus. I knew you were crazy when we started going out.
你总是认为你可以改变 别人的行为 可是…
You always think you’re gonna be the one that makes ’em act different, but…
我很抱歉 真的很抱歉 我真的非常抱歉
I’m sorry. I really am. I’m really sorry.
-你要… 你要去哪儿? -我要去透透气
-Where are you going? -I gotta get some air.
-我有事和你谈 -你在这里干嘛?
-I wanna talk to you. -What are you doing here?
你什么意思 我在这里干嘛? 我和玛丽谈过了
I spoke to Mary.
Weren’t you gonna say anything?
我是想说点什么 不过不是… 我正在…
I was gonna say something, but not…
我们可以去哪里谈? 哪里可以说话?
Where can we go and talk? Where can we speak?
-你怎么通过门卫的? -直接走进来
-How’d you get past security? -I walked right past.
你想跟我说什么? 你… 你准备离开埃米莉
What are you telling me? You’re gonna leave Emily…
是这样吗? 和个”泽尔达·菲茨杰拉德
and run away with the winner…
of the Zelda Fitzgerald Emotional Maturity Award?
听着 我爱她 我一直爱着她
Look, I love her. I’ve always loved her.
-你这算哪门子朋友啊? -我是个好朋友!
-What kind of crazy friend are you? -I’m a good friend.
是我介绍你们俩认识的 还记得吗?
I introduced the two of you. Remember?
你到底想说什么? 我不明白
What was the point? I don’t understand.
I thought you liked her.
我是喜欢她! 现在搞得我们两个都喜欢她了!
I do! Now we both like her!
