No, I didn’t. It was yours.
-是海因里希·伯尔 对吗? -名不副实?
-Heinrich Boell, wasn’t it? -Overrated?
-我们不想漏掉… -天呐 怎么没有莫扎特?
-We don’t wanna leave out… -Gee, what about Mozart?
你们不应该把莫扎特漏了啊 我是说
You guys don’t wanna leave out Mozart, I mean,
while you’re trashing people.
噢 是啊 再加上文森特·梵高赫
Oh, how about Vincent Van Gogh
or Ingmar Bergman?
-她居然念”梵高赫”? -英格玛·伯格曼怎么样?
-Did she say “Van Gogh”? -How about Ingmar Bergman?
-提伯格曼这下你麻烦来了 -你什么意思?
-You’ll get in trouble with Bergman. -What do you mean?
伯格曼? 我认为伯格曼 是当今电影界唯一的奇才
Bergman’s the only genius in cinema today I think.
他狂崇拜伯格曼 你知道
He’s a big Bergman fan, you know.
天呐 可是你和他截然相反啊!
You’re so the opposite.
You write that absolutely fabulous TV show.
非常非常的滑稽 而他的世界观太过斯堪的纳维亚
It’s brilliantly funny, and his view is so Scandinavian.
阴冷凄凉 我的天哪 我是说
It’s bleak, my God. I mean,
都是克尔恺郭尔的那一套 对吗?
all that Kierkegaard, right?
只有年轻人才会吃那一套 因为悲观主义时髦嘛
Real adolescent, fashionable pessimism.
我是说 静默 上帝的静默
I mean, the silence, God’s silence.
行啊 没错 很好 我是说
Okay, okay, okay, I mean,
I loved it when I was at Radcliffe…
这也没什么 可是人应该成熟起来啊 你绝对应该成熟起来
but you outgrow it, you absolutely outgrow it.
赶紧让她走吧 我想我再也受不了她了
Get her away from me. I don’t think I can take too much more of her.
你们不明白吗? 那都是出于一个人的…
Don’t you guys see that it is the dignifying…
心理和性方面的焦虑 为了使之显得崇高伟大
of one’s own psychological and sexual hang-ups…
而将它们附着于 博大精深的哲学命题而已
by attaching them to these grandiose philosophical issues?
-就是这么回事 -我们到了
-That’s what it is. -Here we are.
呃 你看 能认识你我很高兴
Listen, it was very nice meeting you.
我感到非常高兴 说真的
It was a pleasure and a sincere sensation…
可是我们得走了 因为我忘了 我们还要去买♥♥点东西
but we have to go because we gotta do some shopping.
嘿 你看 我并不想挑起这样的话题
Listen, I don’t even wanna have this conversation.
我是说 真的 我是从费城出来的
I mean, really, I’m just from Philadelphia.
你知道 我们信仰上帝 所以 你明白吗?
-We believe in God, so, okay?
What the hell does that mean?
这是什么? 你什么… 你什么意思?
What is it? What’d you… What’d she mean?
What do you mean?
“我从费城来 我信仰上帝”这是…
“I’m from Philadelphia. I believe in God.” What…
Does this make any sense to you at all?
真让人掉一地鸡皮疙瘩 居然碰到这样的人!
What a creep. Could you believe her?
She seemed real nervous.
神经质? 她简直蛮横无礼!
Nervous? She was overbearing.
她太… 你知道 她太可怕了
She was, you know, terrible.
She was all cerebral.
这他妈从哪边冒出个 拉德克利夫的小女人…
Where the hell does a little Radcliffe tootsie come off…
敢对斯科特·菲茨杰拉德 古斯塔夫·马♥勒♥
rating Scott Fitzgerald, Gustav Mahler
and then Heinrich Boell?
Why are you so mad?
I don’t like pseudo-intellectual trash.
她太喜欢卖♥♥弄学问了 “梵高赫”
She was pedantic. Van Gogh.
Did you hear that? She said Van Gogh.
我都没听出来… 以为她在说阿♥拉♥伯语呢
I couldn’t… Like an Arab she spoke.
If she made one more remark about Bergman…
我一定会打掉她的眼镜 把她的隐形眼镜给敲出来
I would’ve knocked her other contact lens out.
-她是耶尔的情人吗? -这我也一直琢磨不透
-Is she Yale’s mistress? -That will never cease to mystify me.
他有个很不错的妻子 却偏要和这样个小蠢货混在一起
He’s got a wonderful wife, and he prefers to diddle this little yo-yo.
话说回来 一碰到那样的女人 他就把持不住自己
But he was always a sucker for those kind of women…
you know,
the kind that involve him in discussions of existential reality.
也许他们会围坐在地板上 一边喝着酒 吃着乳酪
They probably sit around on the floor with wine and cheese…
一边却连”寓言的”和”启蒙主义” 这两个词都念不准
and mispronounce “allegorical” and “didacticism.”
给我的感觉是 耶尔真的很喜欢她
I get the feeling that Yale really likes her.
可是我比较老派 我对婚外关系很不以为然
I’m old-fashioned. I don’t believe in extramarital relationships.
我认为人们应该相守一生 就像鸽子或天主教♥徒♥那样
I think people should mate for life like pigeons or Catholics.
我不知道 也许人们并非一定要 真心相守一个关系
I don’t know, maybe people weren’t meant to have one deep relationship.
也许我们可以有 你知道 一系列的关系
Maybe we were meant to have, you know, a series of relationships…
of different lengths.
我是说 你说的东西有点过时了
That kind of thing’s gone out of date.
嘿 别跟我说什么是过时了 行吗? 你才十七岁啊
Hey, don’t tell me what’s gone out of date, okay? You’re 17 years old.
你在满是毒品 电视 和避孕药的环境中长大
You were brought up on drugs and television and the pill.
而我经历过二战 我蹲过堑壕
I was World War Two. I was in the trenches.
-二战时你才八岁 -对的 我没蹲过堑壕
-You were eight in World War Two. -Right. I was never in the trenches.
仗打到一半我就被抓去了 那段日子真是难熬
I was caught in the middle. It was a very tough position.
Get the groceries, will you?
早上好! 欢迎收看”人间一绝”节目
Good morning and welcome to Human Beings Wow.
今晚 我们谈话的对象是格里高利和
We’re talking this evening with Gregory
and Caroline Payne Whitney Smith…
他们和卡特一家 是很亲密的朋友 是吗?
who are very close friends of the Carter family, right?
我们只是常人 都是普通人 和你们一样也债务缠身
We’re normal people, just like you who are in debt.
除了佩恩·惠特尼·史密斯夫人 患有精神紧张症 对吗?
Except for the fact that Mrs. Payne Whitney Smith is a catatonic, correct?
唔 我们不认为她患有精神紧张症
Well, we don’t consider her a catatonic.
We just kind of consider her quiet.
天哪 这糟透了! 简直让我无地自容
Jesus, this is the worst. This is really embarrassing to me.
我是说 这太无趣了 和我们当初谈的完全不一样嘛
I mean, this is so antiseptic. It’s nothing like what we talked about.
-我不认为无趣 -这和我们谈的没有…
-That’s not antiseptic. -This has nothing…
-这是个很敏感的素材 -你怎么会认为这很敏感?
-That’s very chancy material. -How do you see this as chancy?
-谁和审查官打的交道多? -空洞无物
-Who fights more with the censor? -It’s empty.
What has the censor got to do with it?
非常空洞 里面什么东西都没有
It’s empty. There’s no substance to it.
You don’t find this insightful?
岂止一点也不深刻 简直一塌糊涂
It’s worse than not insightful.
一点也不好笑 这样笑起来一点道理也没有嘛
It’s not funny. There’s not a legitimate laugh in that.
-你觉得哪里好笑啦? -你瞧观众的反应
-Where do you see that’s funny? -Look at the audience.
You’re going by the audience reaction to this?
An audience raised on TV?
年复一年 他们的档次 已经系统地一降再降
Their standards have been systematically lowered over the years.
These guys sit in front of their sets…
伽玛射线早就吞噬干净 他们脑瓜子里的白细胞了
and the gamma rays eat the white cells of their brains out.
-我不干了 -去休息一下 服点安♥眠♥酮♥吧
-I quit. -Relax. Take a lude.
我不想再写这玩意儿了 我写不了 我不用服安♥眠♥酮♥
I can’t write this anymore. I can’t. I don’t want a lude.
All you guys do is drop ludes and then
可是却服了 羟考酮和天使粉
take Percodans and angel dust.
-自然会觉得好笑啦 -你看 你还是放松一下
-Naturally, it seems funny. -You know, just relax.
看什么都觉得好笑 要是你…
Anything would if you’re…
你知道 你们应该抛开这些节目 可以去开一家药房♥了
You should abandon the show and open a pharmaceutical house.
听着 你… 放松点 你这个样子真的很傻
Look, you… Relax. You’re being silly.
我不干了 我不干了 我不干了!
I quit.
她有点紧张 你看我的
She’s a little bit nervous. I’m just gonna do this.
我们谈过这个 我们认为…
We’ve talked about this.
别… 别拧断她的脖子!
Don’t break her neck there.
不 我不会的 很好!
No, I won’t. That’s fine.
我♥干♥了什么? 我犯了个可怕的错误
What did I do? I made a terrible mistake.
别说了! 这是你第一次 为你自己做了一件明智的事情
Stop it. This is the first smart thing you’ve ever done for yourself.
大概有三十秒钟 我认为自己是个大英雄
For about 30 seconds, I was a big hero.
现在好了 我工作没了
Now, it’s unemployment.
如果你需要借钱的话 我可以借给你
If you need to borrow any money, I’ll take care of it.
不是这么说的 这和钱没关系 我有足够的钱花上一年
What’s money got to do… I’ve got enough for a year.
要是我能像圣雄甘地 那样生活的话 我没事
If I live like Mahatma Gandhi, I’m fine.
My accountant says that I did this at
真是不合时宜 我的股票被套了
a very bad time. My stocks are down.
我快开不出现金了还是什么 我没有现金周转了
I’m cash poor or something. I got no cash flow.
说我完全被困住了 动弹不得
I’m not liquid, or something’s not flowing.
那些家伙用的那些术语 都把我给饶晕了
They got a language all their own, those guys.
这不是明摆着的嘛 没有大笔的收入
We discussed this.
It’s difficult to live in this town without a big income.
是啊 还有 我要付两份离婚赡养费
Plus, I got two alimonies and child support,
我有个孩子要抚养 所以我得消减开支了
and I gotta cut down.
我不得不将放弃我的公♥寓♥ 我不可能再上网球课了
I’m gonna have to give up my apartment, my tennis lessons.
I’m not gonna pick the checks up at dinner.
你知道 我也不可能再租 南安普敦的房♥子了
I won’t be able to take the Southampton house.
你知道 对了 说不定我给我 父母的钱也不得不减少
You know, plus, I’ll probably have to give my parents less money.
你知道 这会要我老爷子的命的
This is gonna kill my father.
