Really? When did that happen?
前两天 我收到了封信
The other day. I got a letter.
太好了! 你可以… 真的很棒!
That’s great. You have… That’s terrific.
你不去 我不想去
I don’t wanna go without you.
嘿 我不可能去伦敦学习
I can’t go to London and study.
你看 完全不可能 特别是莎士比亚
It’s crazy, especially Shakespeare.
你知道 我穿紧身连衣裤之类的 一点也不好看
I don’t look good in leotards or anything like that.
-我是认真的 -你当然应该去 大好机会
-I’m serious. -Of course you should go. It’s great.
You’ll have a great time in London.
那是个伟大的城市 你是个了不起的演员
It’s a great town, and you’re a wonderful actress.
那儿是学习的绝佳的地方 你知道 你会备受推崇的
It’s a terrific place to study. You’ll be the toast of the town.
你会过得非常开心 真的
You’ll have a good time, really.
-你不应该错过这个机会 -那我们之间怎么办?
-You shouldn’t pass that. -So what happens to us?
你知道 我们可以去巴黎见嘛 我开玩笑
You know, we’ll always have Paris. I’m kidding.
你这是什么问题? 你知道你现在不能这么想
What kind of question is that? You know you can’t think of that now.
因为我十七岁 所以你不认真考虑我
You won’t take me seriously just because I’m 17.
是的 正是因为你只有十七岁 我是说 这太荒唐了
Yeah, exactly, ’cause you’re 17. I mean, it’s ridiculous.
你现在十七岁 当你三十六岁时 我会是…
You’re 17 now, when you’re 36, I’ll be…
六十三 对 谢谢 你看 这太荒唐了
63, right. Thank you. It’s absurd.
到那时 你正是如狼似虎的年龄
You’ll be at the height of your sexual powers.
当然 也许我也可能是 因为我性起步比较晚
Of course, I will too, probably, but I’m a late starter.
-谁点的无料馅饼 -我的
-Who ordered a plain pie? -Me.
那么您要的是加了凤尾鱼 香肠
So you must be anchovies, sausage,
蘑菇 大蒜 和青椒的
mushrooms, garlic and green peppers.
你忘了要椰子 你今晚想干什么?
You forgot the coconut. What do you wanna do tonight?
什么都行 我们可以去看电影
Anything. We’ll go to the movies.
我可以带你去跳舞 什么都行 今晚是你的
I’ll take you dancing. Whatever.
-什么都行 哈? -绝对都行
-Anything, huh? -Absolutely anything.
-好吧 我知道我们可以干什么 -别那么色迷迷地看着我
-Okay, I know what we can do. -Get that filthy look off your face.
闭嘴 我没色迷迷的
Shut up. It’s not filthy.
这太傻冒了 简直不敢相信
This is so corny. I can’t believe this.
这就是你想做的? 这就是你的愿望之一?
Is this what you wanted to do? This was your one wish?
我可不觉得傻冒 我觉得很有趣 真的觉得有趣
I don’t think it’s corny. I think it’s fun. I really do.
是很有趣 可是在我小时候 我就做过了 你知道
It is fun, but I did this when I was a kid, you know.
是啊 可是我从没做过 我感觉好极了
Yeah, well, I’ve never done it. I think it’s great.
我中学毕业那晚 我绕着这个公园兜了五六圈
On my prom night, I went around this park five, six times.
那时要有个女孩和我一起 那就会是个难忘的经历了
If I had been with a girl, this would’ve been an incredible experience.
别抗拒了 你知道你想我想得要死
Quit fighting it. You know you’re crazy about me.
是的 上帝可以拿你来回答约伯
I am. You’re God’s answer to Job.
You would’ve ended all argument between them.
He would’ve pointed to you and said…
“我♥干♥了许多可怕的事情 可我也创造出了像她这样的女人”
“I do a lot of terrible things, but I can also make one of these.”
然后约伯会说: “好吧 算你赢了”
And then Job would’ve said, “Okay, well, you win.”
好吧 你瞧 这太荒唐了 不能再这样下去了
Now, look, this is crazy. I can’t do this anymore.
简直荒唐透顶 你知道我的意思吗?
It’s really bullshit. You know what I mean?
我是说 你结过婚 你结过婚!
You’re married.
上个周末我想见你 可我只能干坐着 无所事事
And I expected to see you this weekend and I sit around. I got nothing to do.
所以我打电♥话♥找艾萨克 我们出去散了会步
So I called Isaac. We went for a walk.
我运气好 幸亏他也没事
I was just lucky he was free.
我知道 我知道 我很抱歉
I know, I know, I’m sorry.
这不是你的错 究竟怎么… 这样对谁都不好
It’s not your fault. What the hell… it’s a no-win situation.
这简直是… 我漂亮而且聪明 我应该有更好的归宿
It’s just, I’m beautiful and bright, and I deserve better.
我知道 那么我采取点行动怎么样?
I know. What if I took some action?
不! 我可不愿当家庭破坏者 去他的!
No, I’m not a home wrecker. Fuck it.
我只是弄不明白 我是怎么落到这个地步的
I just don’t know how I got into this situation.
I guess we met at the wrong time
我们见了面还是怎么 然后就这样了
or something. It happens.
喂? 噢 嗨 哈维 你好吗?
Hello? Oh, hi, Harvey. How are you?
呃 什么?
Uh, what?
你星期四带过来吧 我会读的 行吗?
Why don’t you bring it by on Thursday, and I’ll read it then, okay?
好的 好的 好的 行 可以
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Right.
以后再聊 好的 再见 天哪!
I’ll talk to you later. Okay. Bye-bye. God.
What do you want me to do?
什么都别做! 这简直是… 我们这样…
Nothing! It’s just, we’re going…
“汪汪” 你别闹了行吗?
Waffles, will you please stop that now?
我们这样没有出路 让我过一下
We’re just going no place. Excuse me.
你瞧 我知道这很糟糕
Look, I know it’s terrible.
我和她一起坐在”斯尼登高地” 她父母的家中 我也爱她
I’m sitting up at Sneeden’s Landing with Emily and her parents. I love her.
我坐在那里 心里却无时无刻不在惦记着你
I’m sitting around, thinking about you all the time.
I wanted to call you.
噢 上帝啊! 我不想听到你说这些!
Oh, Christ. I don’t wanna hear about that.
我来自于费城 我家里从来没人有过婚外情
I’m from Philadelphia. My family’s never had affairs.
我父母结婚有43年了 没人欺骗过谁
My parents have been married 43 years. Nobody cheats at all.
喂? 噢 唐尼 嗨! 是我心理医生 你好!
Hello? Oh, Donny, hi. It’s my analyst. Hello.
呃… 不 我想那不可能
Well, I think that’d be impossible.
好的 唔 为什么… 也许这个星期晚些时候
Okay, well, why… probably later in the week.
行 好的 好的 我会和你联♥系♥
Okay. All right. All right, I’ll get back to you.
好的 好的 再见
Okay, bye.
放松点 “汪汪” 别这样
Relax. Waffles, please. Don’t,
别这样 拜托 千万别这样
please. Please, just don’t.
现在不是时候… “汪汪” 我真的感觉很糟
This is really a bad time… Waffles… a bad time for me.
I’ve gotta think things through.
很显然 我不应该来 对吗?
Obviously I shouldn’t have come here, right?
噢 是的 是不该来
No, probably not.
听听那声音 我怎么可能… 那是什么声音啊?
Listen to that. How am I gonna get… What is that sound?
你听见了吗? 仔细听听 它是从哪儿发出来的?
Can you hear that? Just listen. Where’s it coming from?
那就像… 就像是有人在玩小号♥
It’s like somebody’s playing the trumpet
像是有个家伙他正… 那儿有人正在锯…
like a guy who’s… where somebody’s sawing…
like a man sawing a trumpet in half.
-是吗? 你同意吗? 那就像… -我们来玩玩吧
-Right? It’s like… -Let’s fool around.
You hear the sound?
我们来玩一下 这样你就不会在意那声音了
It’ll take your mind off it.
嘿 一个晚上你能有几次…
How many times a night can you…
How often can you make love an evening?
-很多次 -是啊 看得出来 很多次!
-A lot. -Yeah, I can tell. A lot.
很多次是我最喜欢的数字 天 真的吗? 你真能行?
A lot is my favorite number. Gee, really, can you?
是的 让我们试一点新奇玩意儿
Let’s do it some strange way
你一直想那么做的 可惜没人陪你玩
you always wanted to do, but no one would do it.
我很震惊 你这个年龄的孩子 竟然会说出这样的话!
I’m shocked. What kind of talk is that from a kid your age?
好吧 我去取我的潜水呼吸设备 我让你真正瞧瞧…
I’ll get my scuba diving equipment, and I’ll really show you…
认真点 别糊弄我!
Take me seriously.
我没糊弄你 可是 你知道…
I do take you seriously.
听听这个 你听到了没有? 难道是我疯了?
Listen to this. Can you hear this? Am I crazy?
怎么回事? 啊 那隆隆的声音!
What? That’s a rumbling.
听听那他妈的… 这他妈的究竟是从哪儿来的声音?
Listen to that goddamn… Where the hell is that coming from?
-也许是电梯井的声音 -这不是电梯井的声音
-It’s probably just the elevator shaft. -It’s not the elevator shaft.
It’s coming from the walls someplace.
这声音很奇怪… 我们… 我们…
It’s a strange… Let’s…
我们去住旅馆好吗? 我今晚不想睡在这里了
Could we check into a hotel? I don’t wanna sleep here.
在这儿我睡不着 根本睡不着 阿司匹林在哪儿?
I can’t sleep here. I can’t. Where’s the aspirin?
What’d you do with the aspirin?
你给我机会 我会帮你整理这个地方
I’ll help you fix this place up.
我不想整理这个地方 我也不想让你住在这儿
I don’t wanna fix it up, and I don’t want you living here.
今晚是特殊情况 这是我第一天晚上住这屋子
Tonight is a special occasion. It’s my first night in the apartment…
so it was okay.
我刚搬入这地方 今晚我害怕一个人睡
I wanna break in the place, and I was afraid to sleep alone tonight.
嘿 这是什么? 棕色的水 龙头里的水是棕色的
What is this? There’s brown water.
The pipes are rusty.
-这是怎么回事 特蕾西? -水管锈掉了!
-What is this, Tracy? -The pipes are rusty.
你看看这个 水是棕色的 我一个月付700美元
Look at this. It’s brown water. I’m paying $700 a month.
I got rats with bongos and a frog,
这儿的水是棕色的 看看这个
and I got brown water here. Look.
What’s gonna happen to us?
太恶心了 我喜欢无色的液体
Disgusting. I like colorless liquid.
听着 你总是不在乎我 你对我们将来到底有何打算?
Listen. You keep ignoring me. What’s gonna happen with us?
你什么意思? 我对我们将来到底有何打算?
What do you mean, what’s gonna happen with us?
你和我在一起开心吗? 我是不是带给你很多笑声和乐趣呢?
Do you have a good time with me? Aren’t I a load of laughs and fun?
Can’t you tell from this evening?
这不就结啦 你知道 我们在一起很愉快
So that’s it. Then we have fun.
接下来你就要去伦敦了 就像我们已经讨论过的那样
