

No man ever give me anything so good.
我们不需要男人 妈妈
We don’t need men, Mama.
我们可以很好的 你和我
We can do very well for ourselves. You and me.
端庄的女人不需要 男人的帮助
A decent woman don’t have need for any man.
看看你 玛尔尼
Look at you, Marnie.
我告诉柯顿小姐 看看我的女儿玛尔尼
I told Miss Cotton, look at my girl Marnie.
她太厉害了 以至于 不受任何一个男人迷惑
She’s too smart to go gettin’ herself mixed up with men… none of ’em!
好了 我们去厨房♥吧
Well, let’s go on back to the kitchen.
I’ve got to see to that pie.
呃 玛尔尼 我仔细考虑过了
Uh, Marnie, I’ve been thinking seriously
叫柯顿小姐让 杰希搬过来跟我住
about asking Miss Cotton and Jessie to move in here with me.
Miss Cotton is a real nice woman.
她很端庄 努力工作养大一个小女孩
She’s decent. A hard-working woman with a little girl to raise.
妈妈 说说你的意思吧
Come on, Mama, why don’t you just say what you mean?
What you want is for Jessie to come live with you.
玛尔尼 你不必那样 妒忌那小女孩
Marnie, you oughtn’t let yourself act jealous of a little ol’ kid like that.
She don’t bother me none.
And we could always use the extra money.
The Cottons are mighty decent people.
为什么你不爱我 妈妈
Why don’t you love me, Mama?
我总是想知道 为什么你不爱我
I ‘ve always wondered why you don’t.
你从来不给我你给 杰希的爱的一部分
You never give me one part of the love you give Jessie.
Mama –
Why do you always move away from me?
为什么 我做错了什么
Why? What’s wrong with me?
没做错 你没做错
Nothing! Nothing’s wrong with you.
不 你不是那样认为的
No. You don’t think that.
你总是觉得我做错了事情 不是吗 你总是那样
You’ve always thought there was something wrong with me. Haven’t you? Always!
I never.
上帝 当我想到我 做过的努力
My God! When I think of the things I’ve done
to try to make you love me.
The things I’ve done!
嗯 你现在在想什么 妈妈
Hm. What are you thinking now, Mama?
About the things I’ve done?
你以为那是什么 那些不正经的事 是不是
What do you think they are? Things that aren’t decent, is that it?
为什么 你以为我是 潘顿先生的女人
Well, you think I’m Mr Pemberton’s girl.
那就是你不愿 我碰你的原因吗
Is that why you don’t want me to touch you?
你以为我用这些钱 赡养你的吗
Is that how you think I get the money to set you up?
对不起 妈妈
I’m… I’m sorry, Mama.
我不知道我为什么 会这样说话的
I don’t know what got into me talking like that.
我知道你从来 没有觉得我很坏
I know you’ve never really thought anything bad about me.
是的 我没有
No, I never.
对不起 真的对不起
Well, I’m sorry. I really am.
-我来捡起这些核桃 -不用了 呃 你上楼躺躺吧
– I’ll pick up the pecans. – No, you go upstairs and lay down.
你累坏了 我会叫 杰希来捡起这些核桃的
You’re all wore out. I’ll ask Jessie to come over and pick up the nuts.
毕竟 这是杰希的馅饼 不是吗
After all… it is Jessie’s pie, isn’t it?
不 我不要 妈妈 不
No, I don’t want to. Mama, no!
玛尔尼 起来了 玛尔尼
Marnie, wake up. Marnie?
别让我离开 妈妈 很冷
Don’t make me move, Mama. It’s too cold.
起来了 玛尔尼 你还在做梦
Wake up, Marnie. You’re still dreaming.
梳洗一下吧 晚饭已经准备好了 噢
– Get washed up. Supper’s ready. – Oh.
I was having that old dream again.
-首先是敲打声 然后 -我说晚饭准备好了
– First the tapping and then – – I said supper’s ready.
It’s always when you come to the door.
That’s when the cold starts.
-柯莱本小姐 -早上好
– Miss Clabon. – Good morning.
Is Mr Ward in his office?
是的 他在面试新的办公室助理
Yes. He’s interviewing for the new office assistant.
拉特兰公♥司♥是一间 悠久的出版
Rutland and Company is an old established publishing –
噢 拉特兰先生 这是 贝柯丽小姐 拉特兰先生
– Oh, Mr Rutland. – This is Miss Blakely, Mr Rutland.
我确定你会收到 我们的通知的 贝柯丽小姐
Well done. You’ll hear from us, Miss Blakely, I’m sure.
谢谢 华特先生 再见 拉特兰先生
Thank you for your time, Mr Ward. Good day, Mr Rutland.
再见 贝柯丽小姐
Good day, Miss Blakely.
我想就这个 她有真才实料
Well, I guess that does it. She seems to have the exact qualifications –
Come in for a moment, please.
坐下吧 泰勒夫人
Now, sit down, Mrs… Taylor.
Thank you.
我这里有一份 匹兹堡的推荐信
I have here your Pittsburgh references.
推荐信 那是肯德尔 公♥司♥的推荐信 是的
Reference, that is. Kendall’s, yes.
This the only reference you have to show us?
华特先生 我受过良好的训练
Well, Mr Ward, I have good training,
but I’ve had very little actual experience.
Kendall ‘ s was my first real job.
我一毕业就结婚了 我丈夫是个C P A
After I finished school, I was married. My husband was a CPA.
He helped me keep up with my training.
我从他身上学到很多东西 会计 计算成本
I learned a great deal more from him: accounting, cost-price,
-甚至计算机的知识 -我明白了
– even something about computers. – I see.
When my husband died very suddenly last November,
他留给我一些钱 但是我觉得我需要工作
he left me a little money, but I felt I needed work.
好的 辛苦的 苛求的工作
Good, hard, demanding work.
我在肯德尔公♥司♥找到工作 但是那
I got the job at Kendall’s, but it was –
Well, it wasn’t a very exacting position,
在肯德尔公♥司♥工作 好像没有立刻的机会
and there didn’t seem much chance for anything else at Kendall’s.
我不是说报酬 对于我来说 报酬不是最重要的
I don’t mean pay. Salary isn’t the most important thing with me,
有趣的工作才是更重要的 华特先生
but more interesting work, Mr Ward.
Something that will keep me busy, occupied.
我不介意我要做多少工作 要工作多长时间
I don’t care how much work I’m given or what hours I work.
呃 泰勒夫人 你为什么要离开匹兹堡
Uh, Mrs Taylor, why did you leave Pittsburgh?
我丈夫去世后 我
After my husband died, I just –
泰勒夫人 这是个要有信心的职位
Mrs Taylor, this is a post of some confidence.
噢 拜托了 请让我有机会 证明自己 华特先生
Oh, please, let me have a chance to prove myself, Mr Ward.
呃 好 非常好 泰勒夫人
Uh… very well, Mrs Taylor.
I suppose you might as well report to work on Monday.
办公室外的柯莱本小姐 会给你说明的
Miss Clabon in the outer office will brief you.
I’ll be out in just a moment.
为什么我们要雇佣一个 没有正式推荐信的人
Taking her on without references?
You’ re always such a stickler
我只能说我对经过的检阅 有兴趣而已
Let’s just say I’m an interested spectator in the passing parade.
I don’t get it.
You’re not supposed to get it.
你好 柯莱本小姐
Hi, Miss Clabon.
你好 萨姆先生 生意如何
Hello, Mr Sam. How’s the curmudgeon business?
噢 梅华琳小姐
Oh, Miss Mainwaring!
马克在吗 我想吃免费午餐 想要人帮我兑现
Is Mark in? I want a free lunch, and somebody to cash a check.
我想我会找马克吃午饭 你帮我兑现
I thought I’d stick Mark for the lunch and you for the cash.
Go right on in.
你有社会保险卡吧 泰勒夫人
You have your Social Security card, Mrs Taylor?
当然有 就在我钱包里 那美人是谁
– Of course. Right here in my purse. – Who ‘s the dish?
柯莱本小姐会带你看看的 她在这里工作7年了
Miss Clabon will show you around. She’s been with us for seven years.
我相信她会发现工作非常吃力的 再见了 泰勒夫人
I believe she finds the work exacting enough. Good day, Mrs Taylor.
柯莱本小姐 你可以打电♥话♥ 叫人送一些表格来吗
Miss Clabon, will you call personnel and have them send the forms up?
当然可以 华特先生
Certainly, Mr Ward.
你好 这里是 华特先生的办公室
Hello. This is Mr Ward’s office.
Would you send up a W-4 and the rest of the employment forms?
是的 在午饭前 我等你
Yes, before lunch. I’ll wait.
Thank you.
贸德 星期六可以吗
Maud, what about Saturday?
我只是想正如你所说的 你妈妈不想和我们在一起
No, I only thought as you said your mother wasn ‘t coming with us,
我只是想确定 我们之前的约定
I just wanted to make sure about our reservations.
Well, why don ‘t you call me back?
好 随时都可以
Alright. Anytime.
谢谢 萨姆先生 我会不理智地花光它的
Thanks, Mr Sam, I ‘ ll try not to do anything sensible with it.
再见了 柯莱本小姐 再见
– Bye, Miss Clabon. – Bye.
那是莉梅华琳 拉特兰先生的小姨
That’s Lil Mainwaring, Mr Rutland’s sister-in-law.
– Her sister was Mr Rutland’s wife.
-什么 -她一年半前去世了 心脏问题什么的
– Was? – She died about a year and a half ago. Some kind of heart thing.
想象一下 只有29
Imagine. Only 29.
Well, anyway, she kind of brought Lil up.
莉跟拉特兰先生 它们住在维克温
Lil lived with them and old Mr Rutland down at Wykwyn.
我觉得小莉 打算这样过一辈子

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。