Cool dog.
它疯了 只让我靠近它
He’s crazy, actually. I’m the only one he’ll let near him.
Won’t even let me touch him.
你对它要有耐心 它会适应的
Just gotta be patient with him. He’ll come around.
她就是女版的西萨米兰 就连胡子都有呢
She’s like the chick version of Cesar Millan. Got the mustache and everything.
Don’t touch me.
如果你愿意 我可以去教你几招
Hey. If you want, I can come over and show you a few tricks.
Yeah, sure. Why not?
我做点吃的带去 所以会晚点到 二点钟怎么样
How about later, so I can cook up some treats? Say, 3:00?
-好 -好
-Cool. -Cool.
-刚才怎么回事 -你是个蠢货 就是这么回事
-What just happened? -You’re stupid. That’s what just happened.
嘿 安静
Hey. Easy.
Yo. That dog reminds me of your pops.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
平克·弗洛伊德 你倒是很深沉啊
Pink Floyd. You’re one of those deep ones, huh?
嘿 麦克斯 想吃点私家菜吗 很香 对不对
Hey, there, Max. Like some home cooking? Smells nice, doesn’t it?
Hey, I wouldn’t get too close to him.
现在已经够近了 让它想想再说
This is close enough for now. Let him think about it for a minute.
我要走了 卡门 你要是被咬了 可不是我的错
Yo, I’m out. Carmen, you get bit, it ain’t my fault, right?
楚伊 你可以留下
Hey, no, Chuy. You can stay if you want.
-除非你老爸不在家 -他在上班
-Not if your mean old man is around. -He’s at work, dude.
That man ain’t got no love for his light brown brothers.
Know what I’m saying?
你居然允许楚伊这么说你♥爸♥爸 这可不对
That’s messed up. The way you let Chuy hate on your dad like that.
-太冷酷了 -你是说真的
-That’s cold. -Are you serious?
I can say whatever I want about my old man.
但是谁不尊重他 我就跳上去教训谁
Someone else disrespects him, go upside their head.
-这叫做忠诚 -这叫疯狂
-It’s called being loyal. -It’s called being psycho…
so you and Max should get along pretty well.
I’m not the one he has to get along with.
在它让你摸它之前 别给它吃这个
Don’t give this to him until he lets you touch him.
So how’d you get to be such an expert in all this?
Do you have credentials or…
那块炖肉你是要自己吃 还是要给你的狗吃
You gonna eat that carnita or are you gonna give it to your dog?
-别去 哥们 -楚伊
-Don’t do it, man! -Chuy.
-你想让我的朋友被咬死吗 -闭嘴 楚伊
-Ow. Are you trying to get my boy killed? -Shut up, Chuy!
-也许我应该先给它 -不 那是个奖赏
-Maybe I should just give it to him first. -No, it’s a reward.
如果你没有什么功劳 就不该得奖赏
You can’t get a reward if you didn’t do anything to deserve it.
这是个开始 你有皮条吗
It’s a start. You got a leash?
是你在遛狗 别让狗遛你
Heel. You don’t let your dog walk you, you walk your dog.
狗是成群跑的 如果它领着你跑 它就是全群的领导
Dogs run in packs so if he’s leading you, he’s leading the pack.
我哥哥说 麦克斯是专门的搜索犬
My brother said Max was like a specialized search dog.
He could go out in front of his handler for like 300 yards.
Locate weapons and explosives and stuff.
听起来像是狗中的飞人乔丹啊 你要教它上篮吗
Yo, we got the Air Jordan of dogs here, man. You got him shooting layups?
-楚伊 你想遛遛它吗 -才不呢 你疯了吗
-Sorry, Chuy. Did you wanna try walking him? -Heck, no. Are you crazy?
Make sure to keep him to your left a little bit.
好啦 麦克斯 你真是个超级明星
All right, Max, you’re such a superstar,
let’s see you work off-leash.
I don’t think it’s a good idea.
如果出事了 我爸爸会杀了我的
If something happens, my dad will kill me, so…
胆小不得将军作 现在和它一起走 就像刚才一样
No guts, no glory. Now walk with him like you were just doing.
走吧 麦克斯
Heel, Max.
Well, I do not believe what I’m seeing.
-你是怎么让它做到的 -它早就知道怎么做
-How’d you get him to do that? -He already knew.
We were just refreshing his memory.
妈 这位是卡门 楚伊的表姐
Mom, this is Carmen. She’s Chuy’s cousin.
-她很会训狗 -这就不用说了
-She’s, uh, real good with dogs. -Well, I can see that.
卡门 很高兴见到你…嗨 楚伊
Nice to meet you, Carmen. Hi, Chuy.
你好 太太
我在想 我们可以把麦克斯给她
I was thinking that, you know, we could just give Max to her.
这不可能 它是你的狗
No such luck, Chuck. That’s your dog.
But I’m fixing to start supper.
如果你们饿了 可以留下来吃饭
If y’all are hungry, you’re welcome to stay.
谢谢你 太太 我很高兴留下来
Oh, thanks, ma’am. I’d be glad to.
谢了 我得回去看看
Thanks. I gotta go home,
make sure the border patrol hasn’t invaded my house.
我去告诉我妈 表姐被外国佬绑♥架♥了 你们好好吃吧
I’ll tell my moms gringos have kidnapped my cousin. Y’all have fun.
饭菜都很好吃 谢谢你 潘密拉
Everything’s outstanding, Pam. Thank you.
Yeah, it’s really good.
Now, you guys know this is overcooked.
这个我做过几百遍了 这次也不知道是怎么了
I don’t know what happened. I’ve made it a hundred times.
我把它放进烤箱 玛丽打电♥话♥过来
I put it in and Mary called.
You know how she can get. And, um…
And I just forgot to take it out.
You having fun yet?
I’m so sorry.
卡门 我们的大儿子最近没了
Carmen, we lost our oldest son recently and, um…
-Well… -I’m really sorry.
Thank you.
Why don’t you tell us something about you?
How’d you get to be so good working with dogs?
哦 嗯…
Oh, um…
Well, my old ma…
我父亲过去曾培育斗牛犬 我哥哥训练它们
My father used to raise pit bulls. And my brother trains them, so…
斗牛犬 他训练它们去斗狗吗
Pit bulls? Does he train them for dog fighting?
My brother rescues strays.
Well, you should see Carmen with Max.
她告诉贾斯汀如何与它相处 他学得很快
And she’s showing Justin how to work with him too. He’s really coming along.
I got it.
天啊 你这个小朋友…
My goodness. Wow. Look at you, kid.
-长这么大了…你好吗 -很好
-All grown up. How you doing? -Good.
Can I come in?
-Well… -I hope it’s okay I came by like this.
-我回家已经有几天了 -很高兴见到你
-I’ve been home for a couple of days. -Good to see you.
Good to see you. Well…
I just, uh… I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.
-很高兴见到你 -我也是
-Glad to see you. -Me too.
-我们没想到你回来得这么早 -是啊 因伤复员
-You’re back sooner than we expected. -Yeah. Medical discharge.
我的背上全是弹片 有几片留在脊椎里了
Got shrapnel all up and down my back. Got a few pieces lodged in my spine.
Man, makes us a couple of beat-up old Marines, I guess.
I’m proud to be one alongside you.
You’re back just in time for the 4th.
And I’d really like to have you alongside me marching in the parade.
不疼吗 有那么多弹片在背上
Doesn’t it hurt? All that metal in your back?
是啊 我用了很多药
Yeah. Uh, well, they got me on so many meds,
几乎感觉不到 对不起 你是…
I hardly notice it. I’m sorry, you are?
这位是卡门 贾斯汀的朋友
This is Carmen, Justin’s friend.
她是…哦 你知道吗
She’s… Oh, you know what?
还有一位也会很高兴见到你的 跟我来
I know somebody else who’ll be glad to see you. Come on.
I’ll put these in water in just a minute.
Here he is.
-麦克斯 退后 -麦克斯
-Max, stay! -Max!
-退后 退后 -安静 麦克斯
-Stay! Stay! Stay. -Easy, Max! Max!
麦克斯 安静
Max! Easy. Easy, Max.
I can’t believe Max did that, you know?
我是说 你花了这么多工夫…
I mean, after everything that you did with him.
After everything we did.
-He’s your dog. -Whatever.
一般来说 狗看人是看得很准的
You know, dogs are usually pretty good judges of character.
这么说来 麦克斯很喜欢我了
Then I guess Max likes me pretty well.
Yeah, well, even dogs can make mistakes.
Hey, are you gonna be at the, uh, bike park tomorrow?
Wouldn’t you like to know?
不好 不好
Min! No, no, no.
过来 不许这样
Come on, girl. No!
Yo, Justin!
贾斯汀 遛完狗还有别的活要干
Justin, got more chores for you when you’re done.
