I only will walk away when I know I do not have anything else to give.
当我知道我不能作贡献时 我会选择走开
It’s always been a treat to come back home…when you’ve grown up here
and you go out and become a man on your own,And then come back home
然后去到外面依靠自己的能力成为一位人物 再回来
I mean, he hasn’t been here for, you know, 60 games, 65 games.”
我意思是 他已经离开赛场 你知道 60 65场了
those are important things,and I believe those are enduring things.
那些是重要的事迹 我相信那是经久不衰的事迹
For fans who had watched him since his days as a Carolina schoolboy,
Michael, the next day that we played Cleveland got on the bus and said,
第二天 迈克尔在去克利夫兰的巴士上说
The influence of Michael on Scottie Pippen was almost from day one.
and taught him some little things. some of the small tricks that he’d use.
教他一些小事情 一些他用的小技巧
I’m exhausted. But that’s what it took to get to where we had to go.
我简直是虚脱了 但那才能带领我们迈向我们的目标
it would be Michael’s last professional appearance in North Carolina.
since, you know, prehistoric times brontosaurus and pterodactyls included.
从你知道的 包括史前的雷龙和翼龙时代
and would have to go the full seven in a series for the first time in years.
For the Bulls,the last man standing clawed his way back into the game.
对于公牛队 最后一位战士依然屹立不倒努力拉回比赛
And he didn’t want people who loved basketball…not to have that opportunity.
“Use that energy to prove to the coach and to your peers and your classmates,
用那精力向你的教练 同龄人和同学证明
The other thing that people told him that he wasn’t a really good defensive player.
And he did it by shooting and shooting and shooting and shooting consistently.
于是他不断地跳投 跳投 跳投 连续地跳投
The Jazz had earned the home court advantage on the strength of their regular season.
