Now, come on. Open your mouth. – I can’t swallow, see.
如果你吐出来了 我会再给你一粒 来
If you throw it up, I’ll give you another one.Come on.
不 求你了 – 尼克 别这样
No. Please. – Nick. Come on.
拜托 – 嚼一下就行了
Please. – Just chew it.
不要 – 味道不错
Don’t. – They don’t taste bad.
Come on.
快开门 让火车进来
Open the door, let the train come in.
快点 开开门
Come on, open the door.
你没咽 是吧?
You didn’t swallow it, did you?
You don’t want to feel better.
You want to die.

求你了 给我点水 – 行啊 哭吧
Please. A little water. – Yeah, cry.
I’m scared.
You gotta take one.
Come on.
Chew it.
就是这样 嚼碎了咽下去
That’s it.Chew it up and swallow it.
来吧 这就对了
Come on.That’s right.
呃 – 对 咽下去
Ugh. – That’s right. Swallow it.
现在把房♥间钥匙给我 我要下楼—
Now give me the room key.I’m going down –
I gotta get you some half and half.
尼克 街角有家咖啡店
Nick, there’s a coffee shop around the corner.
听我说 我马上就回来 – 我不要你走
Now, listen to me. I will be right back. – I don’t want you to go.
就十分钟 尼克 – 不
Nick. Ten minutes. – No.
我把我的手表给你 你可以看我去了多久
I’ll give you my watch.You can check me.
I will only be gone ten minutes.
尼克— – 别走
Nick -Don’t go.
You’re eating up the lining of your stomach.
Do you wanna die of peritonitis?
溃疡会穿孔的 我得给你弄点牛奶混奶油
That ulcer’s gonna perforate.I have to get you some half and half.
Gonna be back in five minutes.
好了 别这样
Come on.Stop that.
好了 我走了
All right, I’m goin’.

好 现在是9:15 拿着表
Here, it’s 9:15.Hold the watch.
好 – 9:15.
9:15. – Okay.
十分钟后 指针指向9:25时 我就会回来
In ten minutes, when the hand hits 9:25, I’m gonna be back.
麦基— – 我要走了 我得走了
Mikey – I’m goin’. I gotta go.
等一下 等一下 – 我得走了
Wait a minute, wait a minute. – I gotta go.
等一下 – 放开我的领带
Wait a minute. – Let go of my tie.
放开我的领带 放开我的领带
Let go of my tie.Let go of my tie.
如果你十分钟内不回来 我就不让你进来了
If you’re not back in ten minutes, I’m not gonna let you in.
Try and take another Gelusil.
晚上好 – 嗯
Good night. – Yeah.
给我些牛奶和奶油 分装在不同的盒子里 带走
Give me some milk and some cream in separate cartons, to go.
I just got milk.
没有奶油? – 能带走的没有
No cream? – Not to go.
What do you put in the coffee here?
你有奶油吗? – 用的是这些小罐的
Do you have any cream? – Use these little bottles here.
行吧 给我15罐这样的 带走
All right, give me 15 of those little bottles to go.
Give me a couple cartons of milk.
不行 我们不打包这些罐装的
I can’t do that.We don’t give these bottles to go.
如果你想打包咖啡 我就先倒奶油进去
If you want coffee to go, I put the cream in it right here
我用后面这台机器 先生
And I use a dispenser back there, sir.
那行 从那机器里给我弄一盒奶油
All right, give me a carton of cream from the dispenser.
要多少杯咖啡? – 不要咖啡 只要装满一盒奶油就行
How many coffees? – No coffees. Just fill up a carton with cream.
不行 那样我就不知道该收你多少钱了
Can’t do that.I wouldn’t know what to charge you.
奶油只搭配咖啡 不单卖♥♥
Cream is for the coffee only.It’s not for sale.
那就算我十五杯咖啡的钱 只给我奶油
Charge me for 15 coffees and give me the cream.
十五杯咖啡? – 没错
Fifteen coffees? – That’s right.
Let me tell you somethin’ else.
三十秒内给我 听见没 不然我杀了你!
You give me that in 30 seconds, you hear me, or I’ll kill you!
好的 先生 – 因为我是疯子
Okay, sir. – Because I’m crazy.
好 – 赶紧给我!
Okay. – Now give it to me!
好的 先生! – 快给我!
Yes, sir! – Just give it to me!
好的 好的
Okay. Okay.
给我! 敢靠近就杀了你
Give it to me! Come near me, and I’ll kill you.
尼克 我是麦基
Nick. Mikey.
Come on.
怎么了? 这里没别人 尼克
What’s the matter? There’s no one here, Nick.
There is no one here.
尼克 求你了
Nick, please.
天啊 瞧瞧这个 难以置信
Christ, look at this.Would you believe it?
It’s murder.
All right.
Cleaning up the basin now?
很好 你做得很好
That’s good.You’re doing good.
So how do you know there was a contract out on you?
认识的人告诉我的 – 什么人?
A guy I know told me. – What guy?
认识的人 他想帮我个忙
A guy I know. Wanted to do me a favor.
所以对方是谁? – 一个朋友 一个熟人 我朋友
Well, who was it? – A friend of mine. A guy. A friend of mine.
他想帮我个忙 你干嘛非要知道?
Wanted to do me a favor.What difference does it make?
What do you mean, what difference does it make?
是个看门人? 还是弗兰克·科斯特洛?
Was it a doorman? Was it Frank Costello?
是谁? – 我不能告诉你
Who was it? – I can’t tell you.
But you gotta trust me.
我确实知道 相信我
I know.Take my word for it.
I’m tellin’you, it was someone I know.
Were you in on this deal with Lipsky?
Are you ctazy?
我甚至不认识利普斯基 直到雷斯尼克带他入伙
I didn’t even know Lipsky till Resnick brought him into the bank.
报信的都比我和他更熟 – 你怎么知道这是真的?
The runners knew him better than I did. – Well, how do you know it’s even true?
那我问你 你怎么知道不是真的?
I got a better one for you.How do you know it’s not true?
你身上有多少钱? – 一千美元
All right, how much money you got on you? – I got a thousand dollars.
A thousand dollars tight here.
好 剩下的我寄给你 来吧
All right, I’ll send you the rest.Come on.
我不想从这里给机场打电♥话♥ – 等等 我们去哪?
I don’t want to call the airport from here. – Wait a minute. Where we going?
我要带你离开这 – 现在?
I’m gonna get you out of town. – Now?
对 就现在
Yeah, now.
听着 尼克 如果他们真的在找你
Listen, Nick, if they’re really lookin’for you,
And you say they are,
Then they’re gonna find you.
I mean, especially the place that you picked out to hide out in.
You’re only eight blocks from the office.
You said they weren’t lookin’for me.
但你说你知道他们在找 – 你说他们没在找我
But you said you knew they were. – You said that they weren’t lookin’ for me.
那你想信哪边 尼克?
Which way do you want it, Nick?
他们在找你 还是他们没在找你
They’re lookin’for you or they’re not lookin’for you.
他们在找我 – 那我们赶紧走
They’re lookin’ for me. – Then let’s go..
Because two days of lookin’gives them a hell of an edge.
You got any clothes here you want to take?
I don’t feel good.
I don’t feel good at all.
Goddamn it.
怎么了? – 把窗户打开 麦克
What’s the matter? – Open the window, Mike.
开窗 快! 快!
Open the window.Quick! Quick!
怎么了? – 这里需要些冷空气
What’s the matter? – Gotta get some cold air in here.
他们不可能在20分钟内找到你 – 得离开这
They’re not gonna find you in 20 minutes. – Gotta get out of here.
没法呼吸 房♥间里没有空气
Can’t breathe.There’s no air in this room.
我得走了 我得走了
Gotta get out.Gonna get out of here.
来吧 快点 好吗?
Come on.Come on.Okay?
好了 走吧
Okay, come on.
快点! – 你想把整个酒店都吵醒吗?
Come on! – You wanna wake up the whole hotel?
走哪条路? 楼梯还是电梯?
