你打开车门 让乘客上车
You open the door and let the passengers on.
把门打开 让乘客上来 否则我扭断你的脖子
Open the door and let the passengers on, or I’ll break your neck.
尼克 这家伙块头太大
Nick, this guy is enormous.
你想打架? 放开我 来打啊
You wanna fight? Let me go.I’ll fight you.
I’m not leaving this bus until you fight me.
我会因为在公车上打架被解雇 – 好 我们出去打 好极了
They can fire me for fightin’ on the bus. – Okay, we’ll fight outside. Good.
可以 但我们不能从前门下车
Okay, but we don’t get off through the front door.
好 我向你保证 只要你让乘客先上车
kay, you have my word on that, as long as you let the passenger on firs
这样可以 – 好
That’s fair. – Okay.
好了 坐起来 – 我相信这个人
All right, sit up. – I trust this man.
And he has my word of honor.
好的 – 我保证
All right. – You got my word.
去吧 然后我们到外面去 好好打一架
Go ahead.Then we’ll go outside and really have at it too.
先把门打开 – 去吧 把门打开
Let’s just open the door first. – Go ahead. Open the door.
不 等一下! 等一下!
No, hold on there! Hold on!
I got you.
拜托 尼克 我累死了 真的 尼克
Come on, Nick.I’m exhausted.Really, Nick.
This is foolish.
嘘 – 尼克
Shh. – Nick.
求你了 这太蠢了
Please.It’s just foolish.
It’s foolish?
坦白说 我觉得很荒唐
Frankly, I think it’s ridiculous.
You didn’t like my mother.
我爱你妈妈 我觉得她是个了不起的女人
I loved your mother.I thought she was a wonderful woman.
Why is it ridiculous to visit her grave?
因为现在是凌晨一点 – 这岂不是更好
Because it’s one o’clock in the morning. – That makes it nicer.
这不代表什么 尼克 坟墓就只是坟墓
Doesn’t make it anything, Nick.A grave is a grave.
There’s not a religion in the world that says a person’s soul
Is buried with them in their grave.
That’s not your mother in there.
你根本不信那些东西 对吧? – 不 拜托
You don’t believe in any of that stuff, huh? – No. Come on.
You don’t believe there’s anything after you die.
Uh, me, personally? No.
我相信死了就是死了 仅此而已
I believe you die, and that’s it.
That doesn’t scare you?
想到总有一天你会死 想到你会终结
To think that one day you’ll die? You’ll be over?
不再存在 不再感知
You won’t be anything.You won’t know anything.
You’ll be nothing.
听着 尼克 你想去看你妈妈 我们就去看你妈妈
Look, Nick, you wanna visit your mother, let’s visit your mother.
因为这段话太蠢了 – 这一点都不蠢
Because the conversation is stupid. – It isn’t stupid.
如果你快死了 这话就可有趣了
It’s interesting if you’re gonna die.
我不会死 所以我觉得很蠢
Well, I’m not gonna die, so I think it’s stupid.
是吗? 总有一天你会死的
Yeah? Well, you are someday.
听着 尼克 – 总有一天你会死的
Look, Nick – You’re gonna die someday.
I’m not gonna stand here at one o’clock in the morning
And discuss what’s gonna happen to me when I die.
I mean, that meshugas I leave to the Catholics.
Aren’t you gonna die someday?
Aren’t you gonna die someday?
Aren’t you gonna die someday?
尼克 我不会… – 我只想知道你是不是总有一天会死?
Nick, I’m not gonna – All I wanna know is, are you gonna die someday?
尼克 你想去看你妈妈的坟
Nick, you want to visit your mother’s grave,
那我们现在就去 然后离开
Let’s do that and then get out.
Give me your lighter.
I want to see the names on those headstones over there.

小心 那里有座坟
Watch it.There’s a grave.
对不起 – 有坟
Excuse me. – Grave.
Let me see this.
你在哪儿? – 在这儿
Where are you? – Here.
Excuse me.
“Born March5, 1863.
Died January 28, 1930.”
That’s not it.
Are we close, do you think?
尼克? 我们快找到了吗?
Nick? Are we close?
看看这个 行吗? – 尼克 我们快找到了吗?
Look at this, will ya? – Nick, are we close?
我不知道 还得看更多名字
I don’t know.Gotta see some more names.
你靠这样找到它? 记墓碑上的名字?
Is that how you find it? You memorize the names on the headstones?
She’s buried next to a whole family of Irishmen.
这是个天主教公墓 尼克 到处都是爱尔兰人
It’s a Catholic cemetery, Nick.It’s full of irishmen.
听着 你要不想跟我一起去 那就算了 我一个人去
Look, you don’t wanna come with me, let’s just forget about it. I’ll go alone.
哦 当然 我墙都爬了 还不知道自己在什么地方
Oh, sure, since I climbed the wall and I’m in the middle of nowhere,
Don’t know where the hell I am-
对不起 你要一个人去? – 你一直在对谁说”对不起”?
Excuse me. You’re gonna go alone? – Who do you keep saying “excuse me” to?
噢 我可真是犯个大错 对不起
Oh, did I make a mistake.Excuse me.
你没有犯错 这是件好事
You didn’t make a mistake.It was a good thing to do.
嘿 妈! – 我可要揍你了!
Hey, Ma! – I’m gonna hit you!
为什么? 你怕我吵醒什么人?
What for? You afraid I’m gonna wake somebody up?
Do you know the difference between not believing in something and having a little respect for it?
妈! 你在哪儿? – 我要走了
Hey, Ma! Where are you? – I’m going.
嘿 妈 你在哪? – 行 我走了 我走了—
Hey, Ma, where are you? – All right, I’m goin’. I’m go –
妈? – 我走了 尼克
Ma? – I’m goin’, Nick.
我来了! – 我要走了
I’m here! – I’m goin’.
嘿 妈! 妈?
Hey, ma! Ma?
如果我出了什么事 都是麦基干的!
If anything happens to me, Mikey did it!
嘿! 收回你的话!
Hey! Take that back!
喔你还在这儿? 我以为你走了 – 你这狗♥娘♥养♥的! 收回你的话!
Oh, are you still here? I thought you left. – You son of a bitch! Take it back!
好吧 妈 我收回刚才的话 反正你早晚也会知道的
Okay, ma, I take it back.You’ll find out for yourself anyway.
听着 尼克
Listen, Nick.
嗨! – 好吧 听着
Hi! – All right, listen.
别在这胡闹了 – 我没有胡闹
Let’s not fool around anymore. – I’m not fooling around.
听我说行吗? 这是个很大的墓园
Listen to me, huh? This is a very big park.
我相信你也同意 如果我们挨个检查每一块墓碑—
And I’m sure you’ll agree with me that if we look through every headstone –
Right here.
麦克 你猜怎么着?
Hey, Mike, you know what?
我到了这 反而不知道该怎么办了
Now that I’m here, I don’t know what to do.
Don’t do that.
我妈不介意我大笑 对吗 妈?
My ma doesn’t mind me laughing.Do you, ma?
别说了 尼克 – 我只是在跟我妈说话
Stop it, Nick. – I’m just talkin’ to my mother.
You don’t have to talk out loud to her.
Well, I don’t know what to do.
噢 这—
Oh, this is –
这太难了 伙计 这太难了
This is tough, man.This is hard.
和死人说话很难 我-我没有共同语言
It’s very hard to talk to a dead person.I-I have nothing in common.
嗨 妈
Hi, ma.
尼克 你让我忘了祈祷文
Nick, you’re makin’me forget the kaddish.
妈 对不起妈
Ma-I’m sorry, ma.

我不想死 妈
I don’t want to die, ma.
I’m talking to my mother here.
嘿 麦基—
Hey, Mikey-
I’m trying to remember the kaddish.
Wouldn’t it be great-
我只是想说 如果她还活着 那不会很好吗?
I was just gonna say, wouldn’t it be great if she was alive?
Don’t you wish your mother was alive?
Of course I wish my mother was alive.
I think that’s the reason we’re such good friends.
Because we remember each other from when we were kids
当我们还是孩子时发生的那些事 除了我们没人知道
Things that happened when we were kids that no one else knows about but us.
It’s in our heads.
That’s how we know they really happened.
你在说什么? 我当然知道我小时候到底发生了什么
What are you talking about? I know what really happened when I was a kid.
是的 但没有其他人知道
Yeah, but no one else does.
I mean, everyone we knew when we were kids is dead.
那又怎样? 我依然记得发生了什么
So what? I still remember what happened.
And I tell Annie about a lot of things that happened to me when I was a kid.
And she enjoys listening to that.
