And don’t let my wife know how much it cost.
你好 朱蒂 – 爸爸
Hello, Judy! – Daddy!
Good evening.
米尼弗先生 你刚好赶上听朱蒂练习弹新曲子
Mr. Miniver, you’re just in time to hear Judy play her piece.
我恐怕…- 你会给她很大鼓励的
But I’m afraid… – It’d encourage her so much.
实际上 我俩都能得到鼓励
Encourage both of us, in fact.
我有点儿回来晚了 下次吧
I’m a little late. Next time.
一会儿见 朱蒂 – 再见 爸爸
See you later, Judy. – Bye, Daddy.
干吗这么急 托比?- 我不能停下来 爸爸
What’s the hurry, Toby? – I can’t stop, Daddy.
拿破仑想吐 – 噢 是吗?
Napoleon wants to throw up. – Oh, does he?
I wouldn’t dare tell you the price, though.
I feel terribly guiIty about it.
I was already on my way home
and something seemed to come over me…
…一种着迷的感觉 于是我下车…
…a sort of trance. I got off the bus…
你好 亲爱的
Hello, darling.
噢 克莱姆 – 你好吗?
Oh, Clem. – How are you?
是克莱姆 亲爱的
That’s Clem, dear.
刚才说到 我匆忙下车…
As I was saying, I got off the bus…
…and then I suddenly remembered that
Vin was due down from Oxford tomorrow.
是的 文 亲爱的 明天
Yes, Vin, dear, tomorrow.
Isn’t that exciting?
And so we’re all going down to the station to see him.
Isn’t that wonderful?
索菲 你个笨蛋 克莱姆刚才就站在我旁边
Sophie, you idiot, Clem was standing right here beside me.
Of course I haven’t told him.
You don’t just throw things like that at a man.
哦 这两件事没联♥系♥ 我只是找个话题说一下
Well, there wasn’t any connection, I just had to say something.
好 我也许会在晚餐后告诉他
Well, I’ll probably tell him after dinner tonight.
通常他在喝咖啡的时候 很好说话
He’s usually most docile when having his coffee.
May we go to the station and meet Vin tomorrow?
当然可以 亲爱的 不过你得听话
Of course, darling, if you’re good.
文还是…吃素食吗 妈妈?
Is Vin still a vege “Vegetenarian,” mother?
我不知道 亲爱的 可能他会有新的看法的
I doubt it, darling. He’ll have some new idea.
That was just a phase he was going through.
什么是时期?- 噢 就是人们需要经历的一个阶段
What’s a phase? – Oh, it’s just a thing people go through.
我经历过吗?- 是的 你正在经历一个时期
Do I go through it? – Yes, you’re going through one right now.
是吗?我正经历一个时期 我正经历一个时期
Am l? I’m going through a phase! I’m going through a phase!
别手舞足蹈了 吃饭
Stop waving your arms and finish supper.
What phase will he be going through?
We’ll have to wait and see.
亲爱的 我不能让爸爸一直等着
Darling, I mustn’t keep Daddy waiting.
晚安 宝贝儿 做个乖女孩儿
Good night, sweetheart. Be a good girl.
我能去趟邮局吗 夫人?厨师说她会收拾的
Could I run down to the post, ma’am? Cook says she’ll clear.
哦 当然可以 葛莱蒂斯
Well, of course, Gladys,
but don’t let Horace keep you out too late.
Rather a dashing fellow, young Horace Perkins,
是吧 葛莱蒂斯?
eh, Gladys?
凯伊 我… – 克莱姆 我…
You know, Kay, I… – You know, Clem, l
对不起 你先说 亲爱的 – 不 你想说什么?
I’m sorry. Go ahead, dear. – No, what were you going to say?
Nothing important.
我只想问你今天在城里开心吗 就这些
I just wondered if you had a nice time in town today, that was all.
噢 很开心 我买♥♥这儿买♥♥那儿
Oh, wonderful. I shopped and shopped.
都是些小东西 你知道的
Just little things, you know.
噢 我今天把车胎扎了
Oh, I had a puncture in the car today.
噢 不 太不幸了
Oh, no, what a shame.
Tires are getting pretty worn on that old bus.
克莱姆 你知道我想什么吗?- 什么?
Clem, you know what I think? – What?
I think you ought to buy yourself a new tire.
A new tire?
是的 这或许是个不错的主意
Yes, it might not be a bad idea, at that.
又不是特别贵 对吧?
They aren’t so frightfully expensive, are they?
噢 我想它还是可以凑合用的
Oh, I guess we can swing it all right.
我的意思是 一个新轮胎不会比…
I mean, a new tire shouldn’t cost more…
…一顶新帽子贵 对吧?- 帽子?
…than a new hat, should it? – A hat?
哦 我只是举个例子
Well, I just said hat.
也可以说是鞋子 裤子或其他的东西
I might have said shoes or trousers or anything.
再来点咖啡吗 亲爱的?- 我还有 谢谢
Some more coffee, dear? – I have some, thank you, darling.

那辆旧车 真的很糟糕
That old bus. Pretty sad.
Been giving a lot of trouble lately.
Has it? I hadn’t noticed it.
That’s the danger with an old car.
You don’t notice anything,
then when you’re doing 70 miles
我们的车不会的 亲爱的
Not with our car, dear.
对 那也是个问题 它太慢了
And that’s another thing. It’s too slow.
实在是太慢了 – 克莱姆 你想说什么?
That car is dangerously slow. – Clem, what have you been up to?
来 穿上外衣 戴上帽子
Come on. Get your coat and hat on.
I’ve got something to show you.
很平稳 是不是?
Smooth, isn’t she?
你还好吗 亲爱的?- 还好
You all right, darling? – Yes.
I was afraid you’d think I’d been a bit too extravagant.
噢 我们都会偶尔奢侈一下的 你不觉得吗?
Oh, all of us are extravagant now and then, don’t you think?
是的 挺好笑的 如果不能偶尔狠狠心…
Of course. It’s fun. What’s the use of having a little money…
…if once in a while you can’t be reckless with it
on something you really want.
Where are you going?
说到底 钱为何物?
After all, what is money?
它是个记号♥ 是种能力
It’s a token. It’s the power
to buy ourselves something that’ll make us a little happier.
You shouldn’t be a slave to it, though.
喂 你在做什么呢?
Say, what are you doing, anyway?
那是什么?- 喜欢吗?
What on Earth is that? – Do you like it?
Do you?
I bought it today.
Isn’t it lovely?
Not bad.
我觉得它给我增添了一些东西 是不是?
I do think it does something for me, don’t you?
是的 它让你看起来挺可笑 – 克莱姆
Yes, it makes you look rather ridiculous. – Clem.
也许是这睡袍的原因 不大相称
Maybe it’s this gown. Doesn’t quite go with it.
是的 要只看帽子本身 如果我把头发弄一下的话…
Yes, but just look at the hat itself. And if I’ve had my hair done…
…看起来会很不一样 – 是的 会不一样的
…it’d look different. – Yeah, it would be a difference.
Yes, it’s very pretty.
好极了 所以我认为它值这钱
Good! Then I think it was worth the money.
很贵?- 对开我们那种车的人来说 不太贵
Much? – Not for people with a car like ours.
你真的很聪明 不是吗?- 希望你能这样想 亲爱的
You’re pretty clever, aren’t you? – I hope you think so, darling.
凯伊 在这儿坐一会儿
Kay, sit down here a minute.
Let me look at you.
你真的很漂亮 不是吗?- 但愿你是这样想的 亲爱的
You’re really quite beautiful, aren’t you? – lf you think so, darling.
I think you’re even more beautiful than when I married you.
对吧?- 我不知道为什么会不漂亮
Could that be? – I don’t see why not.
I’ve had more reason to be.
把那个傻乎乎的东西收起来 现在上♥床♥睡觉
Put that silly thing away and get into bed, now.
快点 别整晚站在那儿看
Come on, don’t stand looking at it all night.
钻进来吧 – 今天真是美好的一天 不是吗?
ln you go, there. – It’s been a lovely day all round, hasn’t it?
克莱姆 我觉得我们是非常幸运的人
Clem, I think we’re very lucky people.
Because we’ve got a new car and a new hat?
噢 不仅如此
Oh, much more than that.
因为我们有文 托比和朱蒂…
Because of Vin and Toby and Judy…
…还有我们彼此 – 是的
…and each other. – Yeah.
Guess what.
I had a rose named after me today.
You left the light on in the dressing room tonight.
晚安 克莱姆
Good night, Clem.
晚安 亲爱的
Good night, dear.
他在那儿 – 他在那儿