Craze? – Well, it is rather sudden, isn’t it?
This is only the third time we’ve met.
Does that matter?
不 但我希望水到渠成
No, but I’d like to be sure.
我并不真正了解你 不是吗?
I don’t really know you very well, do l?
我们可以多交往 更进一步的相互了解
We could do something about that. We could see a lot of each other.
Every day while I’m around.
好吗?- 噢 好的
Would that be all right? – Why, yes.
Why not?
真高兴又见到你 – 我也是 文
Gosh, I’m glad to see you again. – I’m glad too, Vin.
我说 这是不是不合适?
I say, is it an awful nerve?
哦 我的意思是 我们之间有某种默契 不是吗?
Well, I mean, we have a sort of agreement, haven’t we?
我们是不是走的太远了?- 没有 文
Would it be going too far? It’s all right, Vin.
我听到有声音 我能问一下这位先生是谁吗?
I heard voices. May I ask whom you’re entertaining?
他是文森特·米尼弗 我祖母
This is Vincent Miniver. My grandmother.
你好 裴尔顿公爵夫人 – 米尼弗?
How do you do, Lady Beldon? – Miniver?
米尼弗 我听过这个名字
Miniver. I know that name.
A rose with that name has been entered in the show.
The Miniver rose.
That’s something new.
已经有花叫做”马歇尔 尼尔” “德如什克”…
The Marshall Neil, the flower called Drushke…
…the Duchess of Argyle
and now the Mrs. Miniver.
Please, Granny.
A tramp rose grown in a station yard.
It’s nothing to do with Vin.
那他在这儿做什么呢 如果可以问的话?
Then what’s he doing here, if one may ask?
我是过来看看能不能帮上忙的 – 我知道
I came to offer my services. I see.
You’re in league with wretched Foley.
噢 不是的 裴尔顿公爵夫人 – 噢 奶奶
Oh, no, Lady Beldon. – Oh, Granny.
Never heard such rot.
我们能照顾好自己 这八百年来一直如此
We can take care of ourselves. We have for the last 800 years.
但是… – 我们只命令别人 我们不接受命令
But… – We don’t take orders, we give them.
Worst thing about this war is the chance
it gives little persons to become important.
Air raids, indeed.
那些的下♥贱♥的德国佬 他们不敢…
Those wretched Germans. They wouldn’t dare…
我们该怎么做?- 怎么做?什么也不用做
What should we do? – Do? Nothing.
是那个佛雷发假警报 – 你这种态度不对
It’s Foley giving a false alarm. – You can’t take that attitude.
你在说什么 年轻人
I beg your pardon, young man!
现在很危险 要采取防范措施
You must take precautions.
按铃叫下管家 安排仆人们去地下室
Ring for the butler and gather the servants in the cellar.
Then go down there yourself.
我得给我父母打个电♥话♥ 电♥话♥呢?- 在大厅里
I must call my parents. The telephone? – ln the hall.
哎 不像话
Upon my word!
有警报 公爵夫人 – 我没聋
Sirens, milady. – I’m not deaf.
Get all the servants quickly to the cellar.
你也要去 奶奶 他是这样说的
You too, Granny. He said so.
The cellar!
喂?是你吗 爸爸?
Hello? That you, Dad?
All right with you?
是的 这里井井有条
Yes, everything under control.
好的 过后见
Right. I’ll expect you when I see you, then.
谁?- 空袭执行长
Who is it? – Air raid warden.
你好 佛雷 什么事?
Hello, Foley. What’s up?
你家里有灯光 – 是吗?
You’re showing a light. – We are?
从天上看 一束水平的亮光 很容易被发现
Bright horizontal beam plainly visible from the air.
屋里的每个窗户都已经… – 地下的
Every window in the house is… – Ground level.
噢 糟了 这边请 佛雷
Oh, gosh. This way, Foley.
Thank you.
晚上好 米尼弗夫人 – 晚上好 佛雷先生
Good evening, Mrs. Miniver. – Good evening, Mr. Foley.
拿这块毯子盖上怎么样 佛雷先生?
How about this blanket, Mr. Foley?
I think I can use it, all right.
好了 现在没问题了
There. That fixes that.
It’s those tiny cracks that do the damage.
One man lighting a cigarette…
…stands out like a beacon from 5000 feet up.
One little crack of light might
lead the whole German air force straight here.
多亏是你发现了 – 是的
Well, it was lucky it was just you. – Yes, indeed.
严格来说 你应该受到处罚…
Strictly speaking, you’re liable to a fine…
…但因为你是个高级执行长 我也不会再追究了
…but as senior warden, you’ll hear no more about it.
That’s awfully nice.
You got a nice place here for storage.
Hear the Minister of Food the other day…
…recommended stocking up a bit?
You want to put in some tin foods in case of emergency.
糖 现在一定很紧俏
Sugar, now, sure to go out.
我有些很好的红糖 50磅够吗?
I’ve got some wonderful demerara. Will 50 pounds be enough?
哦 其实 我… – 那就20磅吧 最好的一种红糖
Well, really, I… – Make it 20 pounds, best demerara.
鲱鱼 要吗?- 我讨厌那个
Bismarck herring? – I hate them.
Kipper snacks? Salmon? Sardines?
I’ve got lovely Italian sardines.
Might not be able to get them later.
You never know what Mussolini will do.
好啦 警报解除
There you are. All clear.
They didn’t get further than the coast.
战争结束了吗 妈妈?- 没有 亲爱的
ls the war over, Mommy? – No, darling.
这只是刚开始 – 噢 挺好
This is just the first day. – Oh, good.
噢 拜托
Oh, come on.
请注意 英格兰的人♥民♥们
Attention, England.
This is your English friend in Germany again.
请听清楚了 你们现在还有时间
Now, listen carefully while there’s yet time.
Time to avoid further useless bloodshed.
It’s now eight months since your government declared war…
…八个月来 德意志帝国的敌人
…eight months of progressive disaster for
the enemies of the German Reich.
就象我说的一样 法国已经被彻底打败了
France has been utterly defeated as I told you she would be,
if you remember…
…他们号♥称无敌的军队 已经被完全击垮
…and her invincible armies completely crushed.
我想无需告诉你们 英格兰会是下一个遭殃者
I need hardly tell you that England comes next on the list.
不列颠人所自诩的冷静 已经让位于盲目的恐慌
Already the boasted British coolness has given place to blind panic.
Already there have been serious riots in your key industries…
…政♥府♥没有透露这些事 对吗?
…and they didn ‘t tell you that, did they?
Already the British lion is howling with terror.
把那个玩意儿关掉 乔治 – 听够了?
Turn it off, George. – Had enough?
那家伙满口胡话 像个瞎眼骗子
He’s all wind and whitewash, like a blinking rook.
还没有消息吗?- 要到九号♥才有
Can’t we get some news? – Not till 9.
你在机场工作 看到那架德国飞机掉下来吗?
You work at the airfield. You see that German plane come down?
我听说了 我想知道驾驶员现在在哪儿
I heard it. I wonder where the pilot is.
好像掉进森林里了 估计会在那里待好几天
With all that cover in them woods, he could lay there for days.
但他得找东西吃的 别忘了
But he’s got to get food, don’t forget.
如果他跑到这里来 岂不是很有趣?
Be funny if he walked in here, wouldn’t it?
不会的 – 我看不见得
He’d never do that. – I don’t know so much.
They’re clever.
有些人还去牛津 学习说英语…
Some goes to Oxford and learns to speak English…
… 而且说得跟我们一样好
…just as good as what you and me do.
不会的 – 嗯 差不多
============= Well, almost.
Did you get that Fritz?
还没有 不过我们会找到的
Not yet. We will.
来杯威士忌 你来点什么?
A drop of whiskey. What are you having?
来杯啤酒吧 先生
I’ll have a beer, sir.
Pretty smart, these Jerries.
This chap was an ace too.
Got six of our fellows.
文 – 你好 爸爸
Vin! – Hello, Dad.
你从哪儿冒出来的?- 贝尔汉姆机场 我调到那儿了
Where did you spring from? – Belham Airfield.
贝尔汉姆机场 那不就象在家门口一样吗 – 不好吗?
You’re practically on the doorstep. – lsn’t it grand?
我正往家里走 刚好看到了您 – 这是个好消息