Byam will be in charge of the punishment.
24鞭 够了 莫里森先生
Two dozen. That’s enough, Mr. Morrison.
有人掉海了 – 拿绳子来
Man overboard! – Bring a line!
白♥痴♥ 我得去教会上面的人不要掉下船去
Idiot. I’ll have to teach my top men not to fall off the ship.
莫里森先生 你把他拽上来后
Mr. Morrison! When you get him onboard,
stretch him with a rail to dry him off.
我受不了了 我得去搞点水
I can’t stand it. I got to get water.
Get back to your work.
我的膝盖要用水洗洗 先生
I wanted water for my knees, sir.
我受不了了 求你了 先生
I can’t stand it. Please, sir.
什么事?- 这个人不继续干活 先生 他要用水
What is it? – This man left his work, sir. Wants water.
看 先生 是沙子 很痛
Look, sir, it’s the sand worked in cruel.
我要用水洗洗 – 我给你水洗
I wanted water to wash it. – I’ll give you water.
莫里森先生 对这个人用拖刑
Mr. Morrison, keelhaul this man.
Haul away!
嗯?- 这人死了 布莱先生
Well? – The man is dead, Mr. Bligh.
布莱先生 一点儿风也没有 无风带
Mr. Bligh, I’ve seen calms and doldrums,
but not one like this in 40 years.
The men in the boats are worn-out.
Not the way they’re pulling.
Put new men into the boats.
莫里森先生 召集人 换船员
Mr. Morrison, pipe the men. Change crews.
快点吃饭 伙计 小船就在边上靠着
Dive in with your mess, lads. The boats are alongside.
拜阿姆先生 你看看这块肉 是生的
Mr. Byam, look at this bit of meat, sir. It’s alive.
对不起 伙计 我无能为力
I’m sorry, lad. There’s nothing I can do about it.
This bit of meat was mined in a rock quarry.
喂 伙计 我们来换一下 – 谢谢
Here, I’ll change with you, lad. – Thanks.
这肉是生的 …
It’s alive, all right…
… 不过 总之说明还是新鲜的
…but they’re fresh meat anyway.
拜阿姆先生 我要告诉你一下
Mr. Byam, I’m reporting
these two men unfit for duty.
好 你们俩好好休息一下
Very good. You men are relieved.
What’s the delay here?
你知道现在没风 我们还在等他们拉这条船吗?
You realize we’re waiting for these men to pull us into a wind?
他们还没有吃完饭 还有这俩人不适合做事
The men haven’t finished mess, and these two are unfit for duty.
不适合?- 是我的命令 先生
Unfit?! – My orders, sir.
只要他们能走 他们就能做事
If they can walk, they can work.
让他们两个上船 还有其它人马上出去
Put them in the boats and get these other men out immediately.
是不是要来风了 先生?
Any sign of a breeze, sir?
I’m about at the end of my rope.
坚持划船 伙计 我给你们吹点儿风
Keep up your stroke, man. I’ll whistle a wind up for you.
Can’t we…?
我们能不能歇一会儿 先生?- 不行 闭上你的嘴
Can’t we rest a spell, sir? – No, and keep your hatch closed.
这桶里只有一块奶酪 先生
This is the cask with only one cheese in, sir.
什么事?出什么事了?- 两块奶酪不见了
What’s this? What’s this? – Two cheeses are gone.
什么?- 丢了两块50磅的奶酪
What? – Two 50- pound cheeses missing.
被偷了 肯定是的 先生 – 一帮小偷和囚犯
Stolen, of course, sir. – Thieves and jailbirds!
什么?- 一百磅的奶酪不见了
What? – A hundred pounds of cheese gone.
They’d steal canvas off a corpse.
奇怪 我亲自查的存货
Strange. I checked the stores myself.
奶酪不会自己飞走的 傻瓜
Cheeses can’t fly, fool!
They’ve been stolen, of course.
在贼抓到之前 停止供应奶酪
Stop allowance of cheese until the theft is made up.
请原谅 先生 在朴茨茅斯的时候…
Begging your pardon, sir. Back in Portsmouth…
…that cask was opened by you,
and Mr. Maggs had the cheeses carried ashore.
闭嘴 – 可能你会想起来 先生
Silence! – Perhaps you’ll recollect, sir.
Maggs had me take them to your house.
You insolent scoundrel!
但是我记得清清楚楚 先生
But I remember very well, sir,
because I didn’t get to see my wife that day.
水手长 把这个说谎的吊起来 一直到太阳落山
Boatswain, spread-eagle that liar to the rigging till sundown.
是 是 先生 – 风从右舷过来了 先生
Aye, aye, sir. – Wind off the starboard bow, sir.
转帆背向风 – 是 是 先生
Man the lee board braces! – Aye, aye, sir.
喂 拿着这个
Here. Get that.
喂 克里斯先生 如果你的那些无赖能加把劲儿
Well, Mr. Christian, if your rascals are any good,
bring us into the wind.

快划 伙计们 快划 – 快点划船 快 使劲
Pull, lads! Pull! – Lay into it, now. Get up.
快划 伯基特 快划
Send her up, Burkitt. Pull!
拜阿姆先生 让他们快划
Mr. Byam, pull up their strokes!
划 划
Pull! Pull!
海沃先生 加速 – 拜阿姆先生 用你的鞭子
Mr. Hayward, speed up! – Mr. Byam, use your rope’s end!
加油 伙计 划 – 快 赶上去
Come on, lads, pull! – Come on, pick them up.

我们快了 全力划啊
We’re almost in! Put your weight in it!
做的好 马斯普拉特 划 伙计们
Good lad, Muspratt. Pull, lads!
We’re in!
我们到了 干的好
We’re in! Well done, there!
要把船叫回来吗 先生?他们做完事了
Shall I call the boats in, sir? They’ve done their job.
你想让我做什么 给他们封爵吗?把船升上来
What do you expect me to do, knight them? Hoist the boats.
是 先生 – 好样的 伙计 好样的 伙计
Aye, sir. – Good, lads! Good, lads!
嗯 我们终于脱离无风带了 先生
Well, we are out of the doldrums at last, sir.
我让你把这个撒谎的吊起来 为什么还没有做?
I told you to spread- eagle that liar. Why hasn’t it been done?
好的 先生
Very good, sir.
过来 麦克伊
Come along, McCoy.
There’s nothing more powerful than brandy.
I threw a brandy bottle overboard once, an empty one,
从舰上往海里扔了一个白兰地瓶子 一个空瓶子
off the coast of Madagascar.
三年后 我在葡萄牙的一条河里拣到它
Three years later, I picked it up in a river in Portugal.
为了更多的白兰地 它自己回到它的葡萄园的家
It had gone back to its home vineyard for more.
You would’ve made an excellent historian.
You have a profound contempt for facts.
我不是轻视事实 先生
I don’t despise facts, sir,
I’m indifferent to them.
水 水
Water. Water.
奶酪 克里斯先生?
Cheese, Mr. Christian?
我不要 谢谢你 先生
No, thank you, sir.
拜阿姆先生?- 我不要 谢谢你 先生
Mr. Byam? – No, thank you, sir.
傅兰雅先生?- 我不要 谢谢你 先生
Mr. Fryer? – No, thank you, sir.
Perhaps the surgeon wants cheese.
我不要 谢谢你 先生 它对我的身体不好
No, thank you, sir. It’s bad for my innards.
我清楚的记得 克里斯先生
To the best of my recollection, Mr. Christian,
you’re partial to cheese.
今晚例外 先生
Not tonight, sir.
气我 我想你是和他们一伙的
Burn me. I believe you’re with the men.
如果你允许我说 我认为你处事不公平
If you’ll allow me, I think you’ve been unjust.
不公平?- 或多或少 也就是一点儿奶酪
Unjust? – A bit of cheese, more or less.
不公平?换句话讲 你是说我在撒谎
Unjust? In other words, you say I’m the man who lied.
我没有那么说 先生 – 你话里暗示的
I didn’t say that, sir. – You implied it.
I’ve no doubt that
Maggs disposed of the cheeses without your knowledge…
… 但是我不明白的是
…but I can’t understand
your treatment of the man who obeyed orders.
Maggs is my clerk.
It’s not for my men to question his orders.
Nor for you to question mine!
I want your apology.
我不想多说什么 先生
I have nothing more to say, sir.
那么你去别的地方 吃你想吃的吧
Then you can dine elsewhere on what you can get!
布莱先生 – 拜阿姆
Mr. Bligh. – Byam.
喂 他暗示了 是不是 拜阿姆先生?
Come, he implied it, didn’t he, Mr. Byam?
嗯 我也可以让你和船员一起吃
Well, I can also dispense with your company!
谢谢 先生
Thank you, sir.
那么你们都反对我 军官和船员
So you’re all against me, officers and men.
不想吃奶酪 嗯?
Won’t eat cheese, eh?
在我收拾你们之前 我要让你们吃草
Before I’m done with you, I’ll make you eat grass!
我饿死了 要是我妈妈这时来抚摸我 …
I’m so hungry, if my mother would reach out to pet me…
…I’d have a bit of her hand.
那儿有鱼的 但他们在和这鱼饵开玩笑