♪ 和你踏上前路 ♪
♪ I’ll go where you’re going to ♪
♪ 是我要的全部 会时时关注 你 ♪
♪ It’s all I ever want to do I am lookin’ out For you! ♪
我告诉过她 不再帮忙 不再救火
I told her. I told her. No more favours, no more bailing her out
She gave me no choice. No choice
我们必须逮捕她 把她带回来 接受法律的制裁
All right. We need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law
问题 你刚说 “我们” 指的是…
Question. When you say we, you mean…?
You and I
Uh, I’d… I’d love to
but, um, I just gotta clean up my workspace
整理一下文件 然后…
get my papers in order and…
你知道吗? 你说得对
You know what? I think you’re right
This one’s a job for Hitch, and Hitch only
好了 菜头 你待在这里 我去与危险共舞了
All right. Sprout, you stay here while I’m out dancing with danger
让所有小马都保持冷静 维护和平 做充满力量的支柱
Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, be a pillar of strength
我在开什么玩笑 我不在的时候 别挑事 好吗?
Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I’m gone, OK?
哦 所有小马都爱英奇 他有什么了不起的啊?
Oh, everypony loves Hitch! What does he have anyway?
行吧 他有着完美的鬃毛 漂亮的腹肌 房♥贷也还清了
Sure, he’s got a perfect mane, shredded abs paid – off mortgage
那又如何? 我也有厉害的地方 我也能… 做一些事
So what? I’ve got stuff. I can do… um, things
比如这个! 还有这个!
Like that. And that
And that
英奇呢? 全镇的小马都吓坏了
Where’s Hitch? Ponies all over town. They’re terrified
They want answers
他去追希悦了 又是一次英奇单枪匹马的任务
He went after Sunny. Another solo Hitch mission
小甜菜 噘嘴做什么?
Sugar cube, why the Sprout pout?
That’s great news
是吗? – 是的
It is? – Yes
这意味着 现在你是警长了
It means that you are the sheriff
at least for now
我的确是 你好啊 我是菜头 菜头警长
I am! Hey there. The name’s Sprout. Sheriff Sprout
有什么问题吗 小母马? 别担心 有菜头警长在
What’s the problem, filly? Don’t worry. Sheriff Sprout is here
把垃圾捡起来! 菜头警长的命令!
Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout’s orders!
我不是故意要吓你 但你知道
You know, not to freak you out or anything, but you do know
pegasi can steal your luminescence, don’t you?
我的什么? – 柔光
My lumi – what? – Luminescence
You know, like your sparkle
Yours is… lavender
而且你越开心 光就越亮!
Huh? – And the happier you are the brighter it shines!
Argh! – Sunny!
A real pegasus
哇! 一个独角兽 和一个陆马 而且还在一起?
Whoa, a unicorn and an earth pony? Together?
OK, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting
Don’t tell them you saw me
我们想说也说不了! 我们连你的名字都不知道!
There’s no way we could! We don’t even know your name!
She seems nice
小雷 振作一点!
Thunder, get it together!
可那是陆马! – 他们完全无害的
But – But that’s an earth pony – They’re harmless
他们的脑容量非常小 那我们要拿那个怎么办?
They have very tiny brains – What do we do about that?
带魔法屏障了吗? – 什么?
Well, did you bring the shield? – What shield?
没读过守卫守则吗? – 读了!
Didn’t you read the guard guide? – Yes
好吧 没读过 行吧 交给我吧
OK, no – Oh, fine! I’ve got this
这倒很有创意 飞起来是什么感觉?
That’s creative – What’s it like to fly?
Is your wingspan the same as your height?
这个… – 需要执照才能飞吗?
Well, I… – Do you need a licence to fly?
你能飞多远? – 你能飞去月球吗?
How far can you go? – Can you fly to the moon?
飞马♥会♥穿马蹄铁吗? 还是反而是拖累
Do pegasi wear horseshoes or do they just weigh you down?
Well, I – I do collect sneakers
喂! 别回答任何问题
Hey, don’t answer anything!
They could be spies
哇 – 哇
早上好啊 西风高地 又是大城市里美好的一天
Good morning, Zephyr Heights! It’s another beautiful day in the big city
看来今晚的皇家庆典 将会伴有温暖的微风和清澈的天空
Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight’s royal celebration!
皇家庆典? 我们太会挑时机了
Royal celebration? Ha! Talk about great timing!
Tonight’s royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning
但是大家关注的焦点 将会是琪琪公主的表演!
but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp’s performance
对吧 银天?
Isn’t that right, Skye?
天哪 没错 亮羽
Oh, my, yes, Dazzle
还有最新消息 来自琪琪的最新独家视频
And this just in – an exclusive vid from Pipp
送给西风高地所有忠实的粉丝们 大家好吗 小马们?
for all you loyal fans out there in ZH What is up, everypony?
Big shout – out to all my fans, the PippSqueaks
So tonight’s the night
I can’t wait to debut my new song later
It has a very special place in my heart
但是 比不上你们对我的重要性
but not as much as you guys!
我们爱死你了 琪琪!
Aww! – We love you so much, Pipp!
好了各位 爱你们哟 我得走了 琪琪万岁!
OK, guys, I love you lots. Got to go. Pipp, Pipp, hooray!
Pipp, Pipp, hooray! – Pipp, Pipp, hooray!
走起来! – 没问题!
Move it – You betcha
Do you see anypony flying here?
Oh, they have a castle! Oh!
哇! 向我们的女王行礼!
Wow! – Bow before our queen!
Your Majesty
你好呀 新朋友
Hi, new friend!
守卫 有什么事赶紧说
Guards, state your business, and please make it quick
We’re on a very tight schedule today
在庆典之前 云芙需要做美甲
Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure
琪琪要排练 而我还得练习笑声
Pipp needs to rehearse and I need to practise my laugh
Hmm. Still not right
女王陛下 我们在境内 发现了这两个入侵者
Your Highness, we found these intruders in our territory
一个陆马 和一个独角兽 出现在西风高地?
An earth pony and a unicorn in Zephyr Heights!
我们已经将情况控制住了 女王陛下
We have them under control, Your Highness
And we deployed the shield
Is this an attack on the night of our royal celebration?
你们为什么来这里? 谁派你们来的? 不能让任何小马知道
Why are you here? Who sent you? Nopony must know they’re here
冰淇淋们 大家快看 在城♥堡♥里直播
Check it out, PippSqueaks, live from the castle…
i’s a real unicorn and earth pony
我知道 对吧?
I know, right?
这绝对不是滤镜特效 琪琪! 完全不用担心
This is so not a filter – Pipp! There’s nothing to fear
Those nasty little ponies have been captured
Your queen will protect you
Shut it off
打扰一下 陛下
Excuse me, Majesty?
我们只想问你几个 关于魔法的问题 我们…
We only want to ask you a few questions about magic We…
守卫 请把这些小马送入地牢
Guards! Please escort these ponies to the dungeon
until I can question them properly
And confiscate the book
什么? 不要!
What? No, no
可是陛下 我只想问你几个问题 拜托了
But – But, Your Majesty I just wanted to ask you a few questions, please
她刚刚是说了 “地牢” 吗?
Did she just say dungeons?
What else could go wrong today?
我的天哪 你可真是史上最帅的警长 瞧瞧你
My, oh, my. Aren’t you the handsome sheriff! Look at you
是的 没错 我就是 妈咪
Yes. Yes, I am, Mommy
好吧 就是这一刻了
Well, this is it
你闪耀的时刻到了 亲爱的
It is your time to shine, dear
Everypony wants to hear from you
是吗? 当然了
They do? – Of course
You are in charge now
It’s your destiny
是我 菜头警长
It is I, Sheriff Sprout
警长? 英奇呢? 我们要真正的警长! – 发生了什么! 英奇肯定有办法! – 拜托 小马们
Sheriff? Where’s Hitch? – We need a real sheriff Tell us what’s going on! – Hitch would know what to do Come on, now, everypony
Let’s listen to what our new sheriff has to say
说你呢 小甜菜
That’s you, sugar cube
一切都出了岔子! – 对 是我
Oh, yeah, it’s me
好了 大家冷静下来 不需要慌张
OK, folks, calm down. There’s no need to be scared
我们很害怕 想要做好准备
We’re scared and we want to be prepared
The unicorns are coming! The unicorns are coming!
该怎么办? – 你们知道英奇在哪儿吗? 你有什么计划 警长? – 独角兽再回来怎么办?
What do we do? – What’s your plan, Sheriff? What if the unicorn comes back?
事实上 如果你们说得对怎么办?
Actually, what if you’re all right?
