Hmm. Where is the unicorn crystal?

They fit?
These two crystals belong together
所以 你是什么意思?
So, what are you saying?
也许你们失去了魔法 是因为两块水晶分离开了
Maybe you lost your magic because the crystals were separated
所以 如果我们能让它们重新团聚…
So if we put them back together…
magic will return?
And all three ponykinds will get along again!
All right! – Oh – ho – ho!
But what about the unicorn crystal?
如果要找水晶 缰绳森林里有几百万亿个水晶
Well, if you’re looking for crystals we’ve got, like, a gazillion of them back in Bridlewood
Then that’s where we’ll go next
不过当然 我们得先从你妈妈那里拿到飞马水晶
After we get the pegasus crystal from your mom, of course
这有点困难 她从来不摘下王冠
Ooh, that’ll be tricky She never takes her crown off
♪ 让女王保持清洁 ♪
♪ Keeping the queen clean! ♪
那我们该怎么办? – 我知道了! 琪琪今晚要在皇家庆典上表演
So, what do we do? I got it! Pipp’s performing at tonight’s royal celebration
所有人都会集中关注她 尤其是我妈妈
All eyes will be on her, especially my mom’s
She’ll be distracted
到时候 我们只需要用假王冠与真王冠对调
So we just need to swap the real crown with a fake
Ooh, I can craft a decoy!
不过我需要一盒通心粉 一管胶水 14小盒橡皮泥 还有3颗果冻豆
But I will need a box of macaroni a tube of glue, 14 gooey bunnies and three jellybeans
还有亮片 要很多亮片
Oh, and glitter. Lots of glitter
我去搞定材料 我会递给希悦 希悦再送给你
I’ll get the supplies I’ll pass them off to Sunny, and then she will get them to you
做好假王冠后 就赶紧去宫殿
Once you produce the decoy, get your flanks to the palace
Everypony who’s anypony will be there
so security will be tight
我会分散他们注意力 这样 你们就能溜进去了
I’ll distract them, so you can sneak in
Maximum sneaky
你们需要保持隐秘 小心翼翼地进入大礼堂
You’ll need to be stealthy. Carefully make your way to the Grand Hall
but watch out for the guards Oh! – Oh!
I will open the door to the back stage of the Throne Room
琪琪开始唱歌♥后 妈妈就会全身心关注她
And once Pipp starts singing, my mom will be so caught up
到那时 交换真假王冠就是小菜一碟
that swapping the crowns will be easy – breezy
Easy – breezy
I hear you paid our guests a visit
琪琪告诉你了? – 你知道的 她什么都会和我说
Pipp told you? Oh, you know she tells me everything
I wish you would tell me more
你有一天会成为女王 会戴上这顶王冠的
You’re going to be queen one day. You’ll wear this crown
相信我 它可比看上去的要重
And trust me, it is heavier than it looks
事实上 我是有话想和你说
Actually, there is something I wanted to tell you
独角兽也没有魔法了 我觉得这和我们不能飞有联♥系♥…
The unicorns don’t have any magic I think it’s tied to why we can’t fly…
力力丽娜! 我不知道那个独角兽 给你灌输了什么愚蠢想法
Zephyrina! I don’t know what silly ideas that unicorn put into your head
but we have a duty to protect our citizens
飞马们知道皇族能飞 已经很高兴了
Pegasi are happy enough knowing that we royals can fly
Why would you want to disrupt things?
Because it’s a lie
It makes them feel safe
哦 有一天你会明白的
Oh, one day you’ll understand
Your sister does
♪ 说着她就来了 ♪
♪ Oh, and here she is now – Me – me – me! ♪
We are go for launch
Remember to smile!
皇家庆典 西风高地城♥堡♥直播
♪ 灯光已打开 我们来势强劲 ♪
♪ We got the light We’re coming in stronger ♪
♪ 我们共同降临 ♪
♪ We’re in it together ♪
♪ 你敢想就在心中闪耀 ♪
♪ If you want it It’s all inside your mind ♪
♪ 灯光已打开 我们来势强劲 ♪
♪ We got the light We won’t wait any longer ♪
♪ 我们一起打拼 ♪
♪ We’ll get it together ♪
♪ 只要你敢想象天空随你画 ♪
♪ If you want it Then you can paint the sky ♪
♪ 曾看重别人想法 杂音充斥大脑 ♪
♪ Used to care what they’d say Let’em into my brain ♪
♪ 但我找到新方法 ♪
♪ But I found a new way Oh – oh – oh… ♪
不 你先挂 不要 你…
No, you hang up No…
♪ 总要努力通过 曾经能随心飞翔 现在只能感伤 ♪
♪ We don’t fly like we used to We take what we’ve been through Argh! ♪
♪ 让我来变个样 ♪
♪ And we can feel brand – new… ♪
希悦 你被捕了…
Sunny Starscout, you are under arrest…
♪ 不! ♪
♪ I’m shining brighter Ooh – ooh ♪
♪ 光芒四射用力爱 别滑倒 别受伤 ♪
♪ Glowing up Kind of love Dip and slide Through the cut ♪
♪ 光芒四射用力爱 别滑倒 别受伤 ♪
♪ Glowing up Kind of love Dip and slide Through the cut ♪
♪ 光芒四射用力爱 往高飞 不明白 ♪
♪ Glowing up Kind of love We say high You say what? ♪
♪ 无论去到哪里 我是如此不同 ♪
♪ Everywhere that I’ve been Yeah, they say I’m different ♪
♪ 可我仍是自己 ♪
♪ But I’m good in my skin Ooh – ooh ♪
♪ 给我! ♪
♪ If it doesn’t feel right ♪
♪ 不要就此放松 ♪
♪ Break it in with tie – dye ♪
♪ 日出前别说停止 ♪
♪ And don’t you stop till sunrise ♪
♪ 曾经能随心飞翔 ♪
♪ We don’t fly like we used to ♪
♪ 现在只能感伤 让我来变个样 ♪
♪ We take what we’ve been through And we can feel brand – new Ooh – ooh… ♪
Oh! It’s the prisoners!
Shh! – Quiet!
♪ 光芒更加明显 ♪
♪ I’m shining brighter Ooh – ooh – ooh ♪
♪ 灯光已打开 我们来势强劲 ♪
♪ We got the light We’re coming in stronger ♪
♪ 我们共同降临 ♪
♪ We’re in it together… ♪
没事的 别害怕 – 我们不会烧焦你的大脑的
It’s OK – don’t be scared I’m not going to fry your brain, OK?
What the…?
♪ 吐个痛快 找只手套 ♪
♪ Throwing up Find a glove ♪
♪ 到处乱飞 ♪
♪ Fly around, bup – bup – bup ♪
♪ 做我爱的事 ♪
♪ Doing stuff that I love ♪
♪ 你问 “为什么?” 我说 “怎么?” ♪
♪ You’re like, why? I’m like what? ♪
What is happening?
♪ 干燥舒服 吃点土 ♪
♪ Crisp and dry Eat some mud ♪
♪ 闪闪发亮 可爱的鸽子 ♪
♪ Glowing up Lovey dove… ♪
我拿到了! – 太好了!
I got it! – Yes!
Let’s go!
不许动! 是囚犯们!
Freeze It’s the prisoners!
Another earth pony!
她是假装的! 是假的! 皇族也不会飞?
She’s a fake! – Fake! The royals can’t fly either? !
假冒! 力力?
Fake! – Zipp?
力力 快走! 他们也不会飞? 假冒的! – 她一直在假装!
Zipp! Hurry! They can’t fly? ! She’s faking it!
She’s a fake!
快点! 这边!
Quick! This way
好吧 应该甩掉他们了
OK, I think we lost them
英奇 你来这里做什么?
Hitch, what are you even doing here?
逮捕你! 同时拯救你 其实是同时做两件事吧
Arresting you. And saving you So, you know, a little bit of both, actually
You’re welcome
天哪 多谢了 但我们不需要你拯救 好吗?
Oh, gee, thanks. But we don’t need any saving. OK?
And you are?
Her mom is the Queen!
等一下 所以你是个公主?
Wait a minute. So that means you’re a princess?
瞧瞧 警长进化成了警探
Huh, look at that. The sheriff just became a detective
突发新闻 西风高地今晚陷入混乱
Breaking story. Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight
背后原因令人震惊, 皇族并不会飞
after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly
Pipp used to be my favourite
如果连自己的皇族 都不能信任 还能信谁?
If we can’t trust our own royalty, who can we trust?
I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies
They ruin everything!
最新消息 天堂女王被捕 罪名是胡说八道欺骗民众
This just in. Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney
无可奉告 也不许拍照
No comment, and no photos!
好吧 就拍一张
OK, one photo
Anypony care to explain?
我们必须拿到那块水晶 看
We had to get the crystal! Look
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
不在这里! – 真的吗?
It’s not here! – Seriously?
往好的方面看 我们丢失它的过程非常开心
On the bright side, we had so much fun losing it
We have to go back
But it could be anywhere!
某个小马真的需要 解释一下这东西为什么那么重要
Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important
