口味 人 一切都变了
Tastes, people, everything changes.
明天早上 我会带你和尼古拉斯去利物浦
Tomorrow morning I’ll take you and Nikolas to Liverpool.
明天 我要回雅典
Tomorrow I go back to Athens.
看这儿 我要我的钱
See here! I demand my money!
How dare you call this filthy exhibition wrestling?
-什么 -我想要回我的钱
-I beg your pardon. -I demand my money back, you hear me?
轻点声 轻点声 你的票在哪里
Easy on. Easy on. Where’s your ticket?
It’s right here.
恶心 我从没有见过这样的场面
Disgusting. I’ve never witnessed such a spectacle.
不 不 不可能吧
No. No, it can’t be.
You’re not Gregorious.
Gregorious the Great.
看到了吗 尼古拉斯
You see, Nikolas?
There are people who do not forget great wrestling.
忘记 忘记了世界上最伟大的摔跤手
Forget? Forget the greatest wrestler the world has ever known?
I was just a kid,
but how can one ever forget your glorious struggle…
和 呃 呃…
with, uh, uh…
-汉特西米 -汉特西米
-Heiterschmidt? -Heiterschmidt!
是的 的确 汉特西米
Yes, of course. Heiterschmidt.
多谢你 年青人
I thank you, young man.
我也感谢你 先生
I thank you, sir.
-我叫哈里·弗比恩 -这是尼古拉斯
-My name is Harry Fabian. -This is Nikolas.
-一个英俊的年青人 -多谢
-A fine-looking lad. -Thanks.
Uh, do you suppose you could pin a man like the Strangler, say?
-是的 -噢
-Yes. -Oh.
Nikolas pin 10 Stranglers…
在同一时间 同一回合
all in same ring, same time.
噢 是的 我应该想到他能的
Well, Well, yes, I should think he could!
I would consider it a great honor, sir,
if you and Nikolas would have a drink with me.
弗比恩先生 你是个好人 我喜欢你
Mr. Fabian, you’re a fine young man. I like you.
我们可以为你伟大的时代干杯 汉特西米
We’ll drink to your great contemporary, Heiterschmidt.
年青人 你很有魅力
Young man, you are too charming.
-很好 年青人 -好 好
-Very well, young man. -Fine. Fine.
你知道吗 我有个奇怪的感觉…
You know, I have a strange feeling…
我们今晚的见面会 呃…
that our meeting tonight is, uh…
-等会儿边喝边谈吧 -是的 好的
-Well, we’ll talk over our drinks. -Yeah, all right.
-喜欢吗 亲爱的 -喜欢
-Like it, my love? -Yes.
喜欢 很好 多谢 菲尔
Yes, it’s nice. Thank you, Phil.
I’ve long thought it appropriate…
that the wife of the owner of the Silver Fox…
should wear silver fox.
不仅大方 还是种幽默
Not only generous, but a sense of humor.
Then you won’t mind rewarding my generosity and wit…
with a kiss?
是的 我…
Yes, I…
我的确需要幽默 对吧
I do have need of humor, don’t I?
菲尔 菲尔
Phil! Phil!
菲尔 我搞定了 我搞定了 我搞定了
Phil. I hit it. I hit it, I hit it, I hit it!
成百上千的财富啊 要发了
Hundreds! Thousands! A fortune! Fabian Promotions!
-我搞定了 菲尔 -喂 你在说什么
-I hit it, Phil! -Here, now. What’s all this?
-摔跤 摔跤 -啊
-Wrestling. All-in wrestling. -Eh?
菲尔 我手握着
Phil, I hold here in the palm of my hand the means
to control wrestling in all London!
-控制摔跤 -整个伦敦
-Control wrestling? -In all London.
-你 -我
-You? -Me.
小伙子 你听过一个叫克瑞斯多的人吗
Dear fellow, have you ever heard of a citizen called Kristo?
知道我这儿有什么吗 菲尔
Know what I got in here, Phil, huh?
不 你不明白 我见到了克瑞斯多
Oh, no, Phil, you don’t understand. I’ve got Kristo where I want him.
乔治瑞斯 明白吗 我有了乔治瑞斯
Gregorious. See? I’ve got Gregorious.
噢 小伙子 你真是笑死我了
Oh, dear boy. Dear boy, you’ll be the death of me.
听着 菲尔 听清楚了 我找到了克瑞斯多
Listen, Phil! Hear me out. I’ve got Kristo stopped!
乔治瑞斯 克瑞斯多是他儿子 你不明白吗
Gregorious, Kristo’s his son. Don’t you see?
Gregorious’ll protect me from Kristo, see?
I only need a few hundred quid.
听我说 你给我400英镑 我会让你成为富人
Just listen to me! You give me 400 quid, I’ll make you a rich man!
-让我成为富人 -让他滚 让他滚
-Make me a rich men… -Throw him out. Throw him out!
噢 不
Oh! No.
Mustn’t be unkind to the dear boy.
I haven’t laughed so much in years!
你 大商人 弗比恩先生
You, big businessman, Mr. Financial Wizard.
Do you know what it means to earn 400 quid?
Let me see you get it.
赚三百镑 两百镑
Get 300, 200.
是啊 你为什么不自己去搞200镑放这桌上
Yes, why don’t you get 200 of your own and put it on that desk?
我的丈夫会给出另一半 是吗 菲尔
My husband will match it. Right, Phil?
对了 放200在上面 我出另一半
That’s right. Put 200 here, and I’ll match it.
All right,
我去搞 我去搞两倍 三倍的钱
I’ll get it! I’ll get twice, three times, 400,
and I’ll fling it in your face!
Go on! Laugh!
把自己晃成碎片 我要让你们都看到
Shake yourself to pieces! I’ll show you both!
I’ll show everybody!
我会拿200块回来 你拿200 我会拿来的
I’ll be back with 200, and you match it! I’ll show you!
哈里 哈里 你没有看到现在是结账时间吗
Harry, Harry, Harry. Can’t you see this is checking-out time?
I’ve got a dozen workers waiting.
-但你不明白 我…-这个 带上这个
-But you don’t understand, Figler. I’ve got… -Here. Strap this on.
-你看上去适合假肢 -听着 费葛
-You look like a good type for a stump. -Listen, Figler. Listen to me.
哈里 除了我的乞丐们 我在世界上孤身一人
Harry, apart from my beggars I’m all alone in the world.
我没有妻儿 没有家庭
I’ve got no wife, no kids, no family.
对了 你现在所需要的就是这些
That’s right. All you need now is these specs.
-你看上去很可爱 -听着 我有个很好的想法
-You look lovely. -Look, I’ve got an angle that can’t be beat.
Don’t forget to tuck your trouser legs in,
or you’ll give the old game away.
-好吧 费葛先生 -喂 听我说
-Right, Mr. Figler. -Now, listen to me.
哈里 我得到的是我自己的钱
Harry, all I got is me money.
And between me and me money is a kind of understanding,
like holy matrimony
till death us do part.
但我不能错过机会 费葛
But I can’t miss, Figler!
费葛 你听我说
Figler, will you listen!
我喜欢你 哈里
I like you, Harry.
Why don’t you settle down,
掌控几个好乞丐 把他们放到街上
get hold of a few good beggars and put them out on the street?
我给你所需要的一切 假腿 假眼 残值
I’ll give you all the supplies you need , legs, eyes, stumps.
What are you talking about?
这样你可以过很好的生活 哈里
You can make a nice living out of it.
我带来财富给你 你却让我乞讨
I bring you a fortune, you give me beggars!
如果我有这钱 我会帮助你的
If I had the money, I could help you, couldn’t I? Right.
如果我能帮你 我会帮你的
And if I could help you, I would, wouldn’t I? Right.
但是如果你就没有袜子 你怎么穿上袜子呢
But if you ain’t got socks, you can’t pull them up, now, can you?
葛根 你真有想象力
Aw, now, Googin, you’re a man of imagination.
我的想法是好的 我只是需要帮助
With all the best will in the world, I’m just helpless.
只是平凡 无助
Just plain, sprawling helpless.
这是个非常好的机会 千载难逢
But this is a golden opportunity. One chance in a thousand.
Invest your money where it means something.
我只是平凡简单的人 对不起了 哈里
I’m just plain simple, sorry, Harry.
But if you want anything else…
我可以给你弄护照 出生证明 和医疗证明
I can print you a passport, birth certificate, medical license.
找葛根就行 全部搞定
Just ask old Googin, and it’s yours.
就是这样 哈里
And that’s how it is, Harry.
但是 安娜 听着 我可以给你…
But, Anna, listen, I can give you…
You’re wasting your time and mine.
Anna O’Leary’s got only one business.
平衡尼龙长袜 好
Balance of the nylons. Good.
I could do with another 50,000 cigarettes.
