Please, Mr. Kristo.
都是弗比恩 我不知道他要干什么
It was Fabian. I didn’t know what he was up to.
弗比恩干的 他去刺♥激♥史瑞勒
Fabian did it all. He went to work on the Strangler.
他激他 侮辱他
He needled him. He insulted him.
他把他带到这儿 给了他威士忌
He brought him here. He gave him whiskey.
He pushed the Strangler into it.
让他发疯狂 他不知道他在做什么
Why, he drove him so crazy, he didn’t know what he was doing.
求你了 克瑞斯多先生 我们不知道
Please, Mr. Kristo, we had no idea.
I want Fabian.
Get the word around the East End…
苏活区 河堤
Soho, the Embankment.
A thousand pounds for the man who gets Fabian.
I want him.
喂…喂 介意我…
He… Here! Here! Mind my…
等等 你不能来这儿
Just a minute. You can’t come in here.
罗瑟先生 罗瑟先生
Mr. Nosseross! Mr. Nosseross!
-弗比恩 我找弗比恩 -杰瑞 打电♥话♥报♥警♥
-Fabian! I want Fabian! -Jerry, ring for the police.
-他不在这儿 出去 -克瑞斯多查明真♥相♥
-He’s not here. Get out! -Kristo find out.
你藏起了他 你藏起了凶手
You hide him, you hide murderer!
-你在说什么 -没有人说我杀了乔治瑞斯
-What are you talking about? -Nobody say I kill Gregorious.
Fabian kill him!
-你没事吧 先生 -是的 我没事
-You all right, sir? -Yes, I’m all right.
-杰瑞报♥警♥了 -噢 没事了
-Jerry’s phoning for the police. -Oh, never mind.
-叫他清理一下 -那人有点像大猩猩啊
-Uh, tell him to clear up the mess. -That’s a bit of an ape.
相反 他是我的一个朋友
On the contrary, he’s a friend of mine.
A very particular and dear friend of mine.
-怎么了 -我要离开你 菲尔
-What is it, pet? -I’m leaving you, Phil.
-海伦 -你说得对
-Helen. -You’ll be all right.
一周会过去的 一个月…你是对的
A week will go by, a month… you’ll be all right.
海伦 你要怎么生活
Helen, how will you live?
我计划已久 菲尔 现在我成功了
I’ve been making plans for a long time, Phil. Now I’m set.
-我和哈里在经商 -不 海伦
-I’m in business with Harry Fabian. -No, Helen.
You don’t know what you’re walking into.
I know what I’m walking out of.
海伦 相信我…
Helen, believe me…
相信我 和弗比恩没有未来的
believe me, there’s no future with Fabian.
我会创造一个未来 我了解弗比恩 我会控制他
I’ll make one. I know Fabian, and I’ll control him.
I… I’ve been good to you.
I’ve done everything for you.
I love you.
天呐 菲尔 像个男人一样说再见
Oh, for goodness’ sake, Phil. At least say goodbye like a man.
-海伦 你会回来的 -不 我不会的
-Helen, you’ll come back. -Oh, no, I won’t.
看 白纸黑纸 我夜♥总♥会♥的执照
Look! Black and white. The license for my club.
My birth certificate.
相信我 海伦 我知道
Believe me, Helen. I know.
哦 你为什么不让开呢 让我走
Oh, why don’t you get out of my way? Let me go.
走吧 出去吧
Go. Get out.
但你会回到你开始的地方 依靠富豪
But you’ll end where you started, back on the dives.
-然后你会来巴结我 -巴结你
-Then you’ll come crawling back to me. -To you?
If you had all the money in the world,
I couldn’t stand you another minute.
I wouldn’t come back to you…
不 海伦 你会回来的
No, Helen, you’ll come back.
And I’ll want to take you back.
如果他在这附近 我们早就抓住他了
And if he was anywhere near here, we’d have had him long ago.
1000 quid!
-晚上好 -晚上好 警官
-Good night. -Good night, Constable.
-怎么了 -哦 警官 你在这呀
-What’s up? -Oh, Constable, there you are.
My name is Reeves.
-我和那个建筑队一起的 -嗯
-I’m with that construction crew. -Oh, yes.
We’re putting up some lamp platforms…
so we can load a few lorries with cement from the exhibition site.
-你有屋主的许可吗 -噢 是的
-I suppose you’ve got permission of the owner, sir? -Oh, yes.
The superintendent’s taken care of all that.
I had in mind to take our platform…
-谁在车里 -不是和你一起吗
-Who are those chaps in the car? -They’re not with you?
不是的 可能是卡车司机
They’re not with our company. Might be loiterers.
I’ll have a word with them.
喂 没坏处 晚上这时间 你懂的
Yes, do no harm. This time of night, you never know.
-很对 有什么要帮忙的 -我们好象迷路了
-Quite right, sir. Can I help you gentlemen? -We seem to be lost.
We’ve been driving around and around.
Can you tell me how to get to York Road?
另一边 大约40码路程
About 40 yards on the other side there.
You get the shop!
嘿 你去哪里 是这儿的人吗
Hey, where are you going? Do you belong here?
-法利在哪 -谁
-Where’s Farley? -Who?
法利 办公室的工程师
Farley! The engineer from the office.
-我不知道 -电♥话♥在哪
-Oh, I don’t know. -Where’s the phone?
在那个小屋里 先生 那个小屋里
Up in the shack, sir. Up in the shack.
Figler here.
费葛 我弗比恩
Figler? Fabian.
听着 我需要帮忙
Listen, I need help,
a place to hide till I can get away.
嗯嗯 知道了 哈里
Yes. Yes, I know, Harry.
听到了 你在哪里
I heard. Where are you?
离你只有几分钟 求你了 让我过去吧
It’s only a few minutes away. Please, Figler. Please let me come.
当然 马上来 哈里 你到这就安全了
Yeah, sure. Come right away, Harry boy. You’ll be safe here.
噢 多谢 费葛 多谢
Oh, thanks, Figler. Thanks.
你好 你好 我是费葛
Hello. Hello. Figler here.
Let me talk to Mr. Kristo.
找到他 叫他马上给我电♥话♥…很紧急
Find him. Tell him to phone me at once… urgent.
不 不 我不相信任何人
No,no,no. I don’t trust nobody.
除了克瑞斯多先生 我不和任何人做生意
I ain’t doing business with nobody but Mr. Kristo himself.
不是为了1000镑 我不是
Not for 1000 quid, I ain’t.
Keep his glass filled.
There’ll be a waiter at your elbow all the time.

-晚安 警官 -晚安 夫人
-Good evening, Officer. -Good evening, madam.
对不起 这个地方在列表中…
Begging your pardon, but I have this place listed…
as being struck off for another year.
-我没有接到局里的通知 -你会有的 这儿
-I’ve had no word from the station. -You will have. Here.
This your regular beat?
希望是 刚完成了上个月的训练
I hope so, madam. Just finished training school last month.
不错 我们喝一杯庆祝一下
Oh, good for you. Let’s have a drink to celebrate it.
不了 抱歉
No, I’m sorry,
夫人 职务在身的警♥察♥不允许…
madam, A police constable on duty is not permitted to…
没事的 不会因为一杯酒就坏了规矩的
Come on. You can’t be breaking many rules with a little ginger ale.
We’re opening here on Saturday night.
You certainly can’t refuse to wish me luck.
多谢 夫人 祝好运
Thank you, madam. All the best.
Well, everything seems to be in order.
I’ll just make a note of the serial number.
你在那儿得到这个执照的 夫人
Where did you obtain this license, madam?
I’m afraid this is not in order.
I shall have to take it up
and deliver it to the authorities at Bow Street.
I’m sure you’ll be able to explain everything at the police court.
抱歉 夫人
I’m sorry, madam.
Good night.
你好 菲尔
Hello, Phil.
I’ve come back.
You… you said I’d come back.
噢 原谅我吧 是我无知
Oh, forgive me, Phil. I was out of my mind.
I didn’t mean those things.
让我回来吧 菲尔 我会对你好的
Take me back, Phil. I’ll be good to you.
我会为你做任何事 我会照顾你的
I’ll do everything for you. I’ll look after you.
我们去旅行吧 菲尔
Let’s make that trip, Phil.
噢 会很棒的
Oh, it’ll be wonderful.
菲尔 让我回来吧
Phil. Take me back.
Please take me back.
菲尔 再给我一次机会
