Three times, if you’re keeping score.
‎不过你说得对 我相信你一个人能行
But you’re right. I’m sure you can do this alone,
‎虽然王国的所有骑士 ‎都在追杀你 祝你好运
with every knight in the entire kingdom gunning for you. Good luck.
‎什么事 邪恶老曹?
Yes, Evil Larry?
‎-我… ‎-我加入
I… -I’m in.
‎不过先说好 帮你洗刷罪名之后 ‎我要永远做你的正式助手
Here’s the thing. When we clear your name, then I am your official sidekick forever.
‎不许反悔 成交?
No take-backsies. Deal?
‎-我不确定我是否愿意 ‎-别想那么多
I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that. -Don’t overthink it.
Can you just be you, please?
I don’t follow.
Girl you.
But I’m not a girl.
I’m a shark.
‎嘿 你试过把脑袋 ‎放进鲨鱼的嘴里吗?
Hey. You ever put your head in the mouth of one of these?
‎-我应该待在牢里的 ‎-来吧!
Should’ve just stayed in jail. -Come on!
You know you wanna!
Oh man! Look at this place!
A thousand years of history destroyed.
‎-嘿 曼斯利 ‎-干嘛?
Huh. Hey, Mansley. -What?
Your uncle’s head fell on my grandma’s butt.
‎-太好笑了 ‎-不错
Oh, so sad, though.
Well, if Goldenloin hadn’t helped him…
I never liked… -Let me get this straight.
The murderer of the queen escaped
‎在一个女孩、一只鸵鸟 ‎和一条鲸鱼的帮助下逃走了?
with the help of a girl, an ostrich, and a whale?
It destroyed our showers!
This is his fault!
‎-告诉他 托德 ‎-怪我?
Tell him, Todd. -Me?
‎你为什么不早点告诉我们 ‎巴利斯特跟鲸鱼是同伙?
Why didn’t you tell us Ballister was working with whales?
‎鲸鱼?不是吧 托德?
Whales? Really, Todd?
‎咋了?鲸鱼?不是吧?就是 ‎你比任何人都了解他 兄弟
Oh, what? Whale? Really? Yeah. You knew him better than anyone, bro.
‎我想阻止他来着 兄弟
I tried to stop him, bro.
‎是吗?像这样吗? ‎“哦 嗨 巴利斯特 进来吧”
Really? Like this? “Oh, hi, Ballister. Come right in.”
‎“当然可以带上你的鲸鱼 ‎鸵鸟和巨胖的独角兽”
“And of course you can bring your whale, ostrich, and big fat unicorn.”
‎-胖独角兽? ‎-没错 你也看到了
Fat unicorn? -Yeah, you saw it.
‎-那东西用角撞烂了所有东西 ‎-你是说犀牛吧?
One with the horn that broke everything. -You mean rhinoceros?
‎如果我是说犀牛 我会说“犀牛”
If I meant rhinoperos, I would have said rhinoperos.
There is a villain on the loose in our kingdom.
‎看看你们 像平民的孩子似的
Look at you, acting like common children.
Remember your training.
Remember who you are.
We are born to protect this kingdom.
I was born.
‎让我带队吧 院长
Let me take the lead, Director.
‎我现在只想做两件事 ‎第一 有一把巨大的剑
There’s only two things I want right now. A, to have a really big sword.
‎第三 让巴利斯特这个 ‎杀害女王的恶魔得到他应有的下场
And three, to treat Ballister like the queen-killing monster he is.
‎-我会追捕他 ‎-对!
I’ll hunt him down. -Yeah!
‎我不会手下留情 我会…
I’ll make it hurt. I’ll make–
I’ll do it. -Huh?
If anyone can find Bal…
find Ballister
before someone else gets hurt…
it’s me.
This is the greatest threat we’ve faced in generations.
Thankfully, we have a descendant of Gloreth to lead us.
Knights of the realm,
‎搜查每一条街道 每一处暗影
search every street, every shadow.
‎找到巴利斯特 带他来见我
Find Ballister, and bring him to me.
After yesterday’s vicious attack on the Institute,
our knights have redoubled their efforts
in the manhunt for the villain Ballister.
Whew. Okay.
‎我们只需要前往集市 ‎找到那个侍从 同时不惊动…
We just have to get to the market and find the squire without drawing att–
Will you be quiet?
‎相比之下 你的计划很烂 而且无聊
Counterpoint. Your plan sucks, and it’s boring.
Where’s the drama? The screams of terror? –
‎等等 嘘
Wait. Shh. –
‎我们是坏蛋 接受吧
We are villains. Embrace it.
‎不 这次按我的方式来 不要伤人
No. We’re doing things my way this time. No one gets hurt.
I was going for the “hurting people” version.
‎-我们找到那个侍从 盘问他 ‎-然后伤害他
We find the squire and question him. -Then hurt him.
‎-不 然后寻找证据 ‎-通过拷打他
No. And then find the proof. -By hurting him.
‎不 我们赶紧去集市吧 行吗?
No. Can we just get to the market, please?
Roger that.
‎-距离下一趟航♥班♥起飞还有三… ‎-不 你干什么?
Next flight leaves in three… -No. What are you doing?
‎-二… ‎-不…哈!我是鬼
…two… -No– Boo! I’m a ghost. Heh heh heh.
‎抱歉 不能让别人见到 ‎我跟那玩意儿在一起!
Eh, sorry. I can’t be seen with that! Aah!
This is quality sidekicking stuff.
It’s too much.
‎别那么紧张 最坏能糟到哪里去?
Oh, unclench your mustache. What’s the worst that could happen?
Monster attack. Monster attack.
Seek immediate shelter.
‎王国的公民们 大家好
Citizens of the realm, hello.
In light of yesterday’s horrific attack on the Institute,
‎我们正在采取一切防范措施 ‎保证大家的安全
we are taking every precaution to keep you safe.
‎请不要惊慌 这只是测试
Please do not be alarmed. This is only a test.
‎请大家一切照常 请大家放心
Go about your normal lives and rest assured
that the Institute has this situation well in hand.
‎祝大家愉快 愿葛萝丝永远指引你
Good day and may Gloreth guide you always.
‎不要惊慌 请保持镇定
Do not be alarmed. Please remain calm.
This is only a test.
‎哦!“不要惊慌”警报 真有效
Oh! A “don’t-be-alarmed” alarm. ive.
Don’t you get it?
‎一旦我们放松戒备 ‎就会有可怕的东西翻墙而入
The second we let our guard down, something terrible comes over that wall.
Have you ever even been outside the wall?
‎出过 因为我想找死 ‎没有!没人出去过!
Yeah, ’cause I have a death wish. No! No one has!
So, maybe there’s nothing there?
‎算了 我们走地下 收起翅膀
You know what? We’re going underground. Without the wings.
You’re gonna want ’em later.
Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Go back to the shadows and–
Next train arriving in three minutes.
‎记住 见到可疑的东西 杀无赦
Remember, if you see something, slay something.
You’re watching KTV News.
High five!
‎休息过后是“第一家庭时尚”栏目 ‎介绍贵族们的当季穿着
After the break, “First Family Fashion,” what the nobles are wearing this season.
‎太酷了 我们出名了
So cool. We’re famous.
You’ve gotta be kidding me.
Ah. I love us.
‎-不好意思 让我看看你的脸 ‎-好的
Excuse me. I need to see your face. -Of course.
‎然后转角处冒出一只水獭 它咬了我
So then an otter comes around the corner, and it bit me.
A sea otter or a river otter?
‎你在开玩笑吗? ‎这有关系吗?它咬了我
Are you kidding? Does it matter? It bit me.
There’s significant anatomical differences between the two.
‎我不知道 它…
I don’t know. It was…
‎想上地铁 就肯定会被他们看到
We’re never gonna make it on that train without them seeing us.
We need a distraction.
‎谁有四根拇指 ‎而且特别擅长引开敌人?
Who has four thumbs and is great at distractions?
‎好吧 但低调点
Fine, but dial it down.
Something inconspicuous and discreet, like…
And she’s gone.
The queen killer!
‎见到可疑的东西 杀无赦!
If you see something, slay something!
