It’s Ballister Boldheart!
‎我很邪恶 我讨厌所有人!
Yaah! I’m evil, and I hate everybody!
‎但我最讨厌自己 ‎谁来给我一个拥抱?
Not as much as I hate myself. Can somebody give me a hug?
Baah! I hate smiles!
‎-找到他了! ‎-我讨厌纸杯蛋糕
Got him! -I hate cupcakes.
And I think babies are ugly!
‎看啊!我在闲逛 我在乱扔垃圾
Look at this! I’m loitering, and I’m littering.
I hope you all like freestyle jazz.
Get him!
‎-快点! ‎-别催我!我在追了!
Hurry up! -Stop pushing me! I’m trying!
I’m not pushing! I’m encouraging you forward!
‎鼓励归鼓励 别打我!
Well, do it without hitting!
Our chariot awaits.
‎刚才是什么情况? ‎你没说过你可以变成我
What was that? And you never said you could turn into me.
‎对了 我可以变成你
By the way, I can turn into you.
‎郑重声明 刚才一点都不像我
Well, for the record, that is nothing like me.
‎说得对 你从来没那么有趣过
You’re right. You’re never that much fun.
We found him. -We found him!
‎好吧 走 我们去抓这个穷小子
All right, let’s go. Let’s get this gutter punk.
‎-是 长官 ‎-等等
Yes, sir. -Wait.
Let it run.
Something doesn’t feel right.
He hates freestyle jazz.
‎-你要让他跑掉了 兄弟 ‎-继续播放
You’re letting him get away. -Keep playing.
The clock’s ticking.
‎是他 那班地铁开往哪里?
That’s him. Where’s that train headed?
‎那是前往集市的快车 六分钟后到达
That’s the express to the market. Arrives in six minutes.
And we’ll be there to meet him.
Now we go.
‎-所有人去集市 ‎-是 长官
Everyone to the market. -Yes, sir.
‎“所有人去集市 我是个呆子 ‎我的头发有薰衣草的香味”
“Everyone to the market. I’m a dork, and my hair smells like lavender.”
Starving? -Rahhr!
Then slay your hunger with Dragon Krisps!
‎-嘎嘣脆! ‎-大口嚼!
Crunch! -Munch!
Take that!
‎好啊 耶!
All right, yay!
‎龙牌脆脆果 英雄早餐必不可少!
Dragon Krisps. Part of your heroic breakfast!
You’ve been staring.
Did somebody want pizza?
Can you please just be normal for a second?
‎我只是觉得 ‎如果你是个女孩 那会轻松一些
I just think it’d be easier if you were a girl.
Easier to be a girl? You’re hilarious.
‎我是说 如果你 ‎看起来像人类 会轻松一些
I mean, easier if you look human.
Easier for who?
‎你啊 很多人不像我这么包容
For you. A lot of people aren’t as accepting as me.
How did you get like this?
What? You mean awesome?
‎不 你是怎么… ‎我只想搞清楚我在跟谁合作
No, how do you– I’m just trying to understand what I’m working with here.
I’m Nimona.
That explains literally nothing.
‎没错 你说得对
No, you’re right.
You deserve a better explanation than that.
I was just a kid.
Cute, little, innocent me.
I was playing in the woods,
‎追逐飞翔的鸟 游泳的鱼
following the birds flying and the fish swimming
and the deer bounding.
‎它们在一起 显得如此快乐
They all looked so happy together,
but I…
I was alone.
That’s when I heard it… –
…a song, calling me,
leading me to a wishing well. –
‎许愿井?你怎么知道 ‎那不是普通的井?
How did you know it wasn’t just a regular well?
‎-你想替我讲故事吗? ‎-对 抱歉 请继续
Do you wanna tell my story for me? -Right. Sorry. Go on.
As I slowly approached the well,
a coin appeared in the palm of my hand as if by magic.
And I knew what I had to do.
‎我鼓起勇气 攥紧那枚硬币
I summoned my courage, held the coin tight,
‎把它扔进井里 同时许了一个愿
threw it into the well, and made a wish.
‎希望有一天 我会被困在一列地铁上
A wish to one day be trapped on a subway
‎跟一个紧张兮兮的骑士在一起 ‎他还问我一堆土老帽的问题
with an uptight knight asking me small-minded questions.
Do you still have that pizza?
Now arriving at Market Station.
‎酷 我们到了
Cool, we’re here.
And so are your friends
Do you think he saw us?
Go, go, go!
‎-上! ‎-左边
Move! -On the left.
‎-安全 ‎-安全
Clear. -Clear.
‎-安全 ‎-快!
Clear. -Moving!
What in the name of Gloreth?
Tiny whale.
Did Goldenloin see you do the thing?
‎不是吧?那家伙砍断了你的胳膊 ‎你还担心被他见到你跟我在一起
Seriously? That guy cut off your arm, and you’re worried about being seen with me.
‎-我说了 这件事… ‎-很复杂 我知道
I told you, it’s– -Complicated. I know.
Look! Squire.
‎嗨 不好意思
Hi. Hi. Uh, excuse me.
‎好 我们带他离开这里 别张扬
Okay. We’ve gotta get him out of here quietly.
On it.
‎等等 不要这个样子 也不要这个样子
Wait, not like that. Not like that, either.
‎你一会儿让我变形 ‎一会儿让我别变 想好再说
You want me to shift. You don’t want me to shift. Pick a lane.
And now you’re a boy.
‎-今天是的 ‎-等等 不!
I am today. -Wait, no!
Wanted. Wanted. Wanted. -Excuse me.
Come on.
‎他肯定就在附近 找到他!
I know he’s here! Find him!
‎-看啊 是戈登罗恩! ‎-没错 我不敢相信自己的眼睛
I can’t believe it.
‎-请让让 ‎-可以给我签个名吗?
Please move aside. -Can I get your autograph?
‎-好 就签一个 你叫什么? ‎-能签在身上吗?
Just one signature. Who am I signing? -Do you sign skin?
Don’t move! –
‎不然的话 你今天会错过 ‎一笔巨划算的买♥♥卖♥♥!
‘Cause if you do, you’re gonna miss out on a great deal today!
‎不好意思 侍从先生
Excuse me, Mr. Squire, sir.
I can’t find my mommy.
She went to that scary alley over there.
Can you help me find her?
‎哦 不!
Oh, no.
Let me go ahead and pass this problem on to someone else.
There’s no time! -Aah!
‎这辆车配置齐全 最先进的音响系统
This baby’s fully loaded. State-of-the-art sound system.
‎好了 请大家让让
There. Can we just part the waters?
‎-谢谢 ‎-谢谢 让让
Thank you. -Thank you. Move aside.
‎救命啊 救救我
Please help me. Help me, please.
‎有个恶魔宝宝在追我 救救我
A little demon baby is after me. Please help me.
Check this out.
‎通过360度环影行车记录 ‎你可以对周围的情况了如指掌
With our 360-degree dashcams, you’ll always see what’s coming.
‎我们的新闻功能 ‎能让你随时了解王国的头条新闻
And our news feature will keep you up to date with the kingdom’s headlines.
‎-你长得很像… ‎-我是无辜的!
Uh, you look a lot like– -I’m innocent!
