Home 惊悚电影 十一罗汉(2001)



下了电梯 有个小麻烦要料理
Once we get down the shaft, it’s a piece of cake.
那儿有两个以上 带着乌兹冲♥锋♥枪♥的警卫
Just two more guards with Uzis…
…and the most elaborate vault door ever conceived.
Any questions?
我们为什么不从地下挖个洞 钻过去呢?
Tunneling’s out. There are…
…sensors monitoring the ground.
就算 只是土拨鼠的动静 他们也会察觉
If a ground hog nested, they’d know.
-还有吗? -那有什么好消息没?
-Anyone else? -You mentioned good news?
是的 内华达赌博委员会要求…
Yeah. The Nevada Gaming Commission requires…
赌场必须保持足够多 的资金用作周转
…a casino to keep enough cash tocover every chip in play on the floor.
That means on a weekday it must carry…
…就储存有至少 六到七千万的现金
…between $60 and $70 million in cash and coin.
而到了周末 甚至会有八千到九千万
On the weekend, between 80 and 90 million. On a fight night…
…like in two weeks,the night we’re robbing it…
我们就能毫不费力 的搞到一亿五千万
…$1 50 million, without breaking a sweat.
这儿共有11个人 这笔钱将会被平分
There are 11 of us, each with an equal share.
You do the math.
I have a question.
Say we get into the cage and through the security doors…
…down the elevator we can’t move…
避过那些警卫和枪 进入无法被打开的金库…
…past the guards with the guns,into the vault we can’t open–
-还要不被监视器发现 -抱歉 我忘了提那点
-And not seen by cameras. -Sorry, I forgot to mention that.
对 就算是我们全躲过了
Yeah, well, say we do all that…
…we’re just supposed to walk out of there with $1 50 million…
…without getting stopped?

Oh. Okay.
首先的任务: 我要知道整个赌场的运作情况
First task: reconnaissance. I want to know what goes on…
…in all casinos, from the dealers’ rotation…
…to the path of cash carts. I want to know everything about every guard.
This girl Charmaine…
要了解他们来自哪里 别名 所有的生活细节
Find out where they’re from, nicknames, how they take their coffee.
…dances at Crazy Horse Too. It pays for her school.
-我想她喜欢我 -真棒
-I think she really likes me. -Cool.
要了解赌场的结构 建这些赌场就是让人进去
Know these casinos. They were built to keep people in.
Know the quick routes out.
他一般都是10: 44进去
-He went through at 10:44.
是10: 46 看看里面如何运作
-10:46. Get a watch that works.
-你可真讨厌 我说了是10: 44 -是10: 46
-You make me sick, dude. It’s 10:44. -10:46.
第二个任务: 力量
Second task: power.
拳赛的那天晚上 我们要使这城市混乱
On fight night, we ‘ll throw the switch on Sin City.
巴舍 这就要看你的了
-Basher, it’s your show.
你想要破坏这城市 让那儿漆黑一片
-You want broke, blind
or bedlam?
-三者兼备如何? -好 就那样
-How about all three? -Right, it’s done.
第三个任务: 监控
Third task: surveillance.
安全人员眼观六路 耳听八方
Security has an eye and an ear on everything.
而我们也对他们来这套 利文斯顿 怎么样?
We want an eye and ear on them. Livingston?
It’s not the least accessible system I’ve seen.
-那儿没有闭路线吗? -没有
-There’s no closed-circuit to tap into? -No.
那肯定是非法勾当 他们雇佣了内部技术人员?
Then it’s definitely a black bag job. They employ an in-house technician?
有两人 其中一人很寂寞
Two. And one of them is lonely.
谢谢 夏米 一小时后还你
Thanks, Charmaine. I’ll return it in an hour.
-Say hi to your mom for me.
这可是你说的 她很快就会重回舞台
-Say it yourself. She’s on-stage soon.
小心点 小鬼!
Watch it, bud!
-你叫我什么? -我叫你伙计 朋友
-You call me bud, pal? -You call me pal, friend?
-你叫我朋友 蠢货? -别叫我蠢货
-You call me friend, jackass? -Don’t call me jackass.
433号♥注意 西北052出口摄像头监控受阻
433, we have a visual impair menton the northwest 052 exit-door camera.
收到 我看见了
Copy that. I see them.
-那是个词吗? 不是你编的? -“拍马屁”就是个ue11a
-Is that a word? You made that up? -” Obsequious” is a word.
-先生 请拿走你的气球 -是你挡了我的路!
-Sir, please move your balloons. -You got in my way!
-我只不过要去送气球! -先生们!
-I was trying to deliver balloons! -Gentlemen!
-他是个送气球的小子! -你的口水溅到我脸上了
-He’s a balloon boy! Balloon boy! -You’re spitting in my face.
And we’re up and running.
-Why are hallways always that color?
-They say taupe is very soothing.
-你好 -你好 谢谢
-Hi. -Fine, thanks.
-请把气球拿开 -拿开?
-Move the balloons. -Move them?
一位重要的客人在等着呢 我没时间…
An important client is waiting forthese. I don’t have time…
…for you circus animals.
嘿 等等!
Hey! Hold up a minute!
Excuse me!
Hey! Excuse me!
-你掉了这家伙 -哦 谢谢
-Hey, you dropped this. -Oh, thank you.
-这玩意的接收怎么样? -非常好
-How’s the reception on those things? -Excellent.
-小心些 -谢谢
-Take care. -Thanks.
-没事了… -对
-Well…. -Yeah.
第四个任务: 建筑
Fourth task: construction.
我们需要一个 美丽湖金库的复♥制♥品
We need to build an exact replica of the Bellagio vault.
-练习用? -差不多
-To practice? -Something like that.
第五个任务: 情报 我们需要密♥码♥ 莱纳斯…
Fifth task: intelligence. We need those codes, Linus…
从那个拥有这三家赌场 的人身上去搞吧
…from the guy who has all three.
-谁 本尼迪克特? -要了解他的一举一动
-Who, Benedict? -Learn to love his shadow.
-我只需要整天看那家伙就行了? -先学走后学爬
-All I get to do is watch the guy? -Gotta walk before you crawl.
-反过来 -第六个任务: 运送
-Reverse that. -Sixth task: transport.
我很抱歉 但每辆一万八千
Well, I am sorry, but $18,500 a piece
is the best offer that I can make.
Well, I understand.
-这些车子很漂亮 -对 那是一流的
-They are some great-looking vans. -Yes, sir, top of the line.
-非常感谢…你叫? -德纳姆 比利德纳姆
-Okay. Thank you for your time, Mr.. .? -Denham. Billy Tim Denham.
-德纳姆喜欢牛仔裤 -对 就喜欢这样的牛仔裤
-Denham like a jean. -That’s it. Just like the jean.
你的手真软 是用了润肤霜吗?
Man, you got some lovely hands here. Do you moisturize?
-你说什么? -我曾试过很多护肤液
-I’m sorry? -I’ve tried lots of lotion.
I even went fragrance-free for a year. Now my sister…
…she uses aloe vera with a little sunscreen in it.
一般来说 我们睡觉时都该戴手套
Ideally, we all should wear gloves to bed…
…but I found there was interference with my social agenda, you know.
此外我还对樟脑过敏 所以传统药物治疗对我无效
Plus, I react to the camphor. So I’m not into the traditional remedies.
我这么说吧 要是你用现金支付
Let me tell you something. If you could pay cash…
…l could drop thatdown to seven–
Sixteen each.
-不是吧? -是的 先生
-No? -Yes, sir.
-你愿意那么做吗? -是的 先生
-You’d do that? -Yes, sir.
那就太好了 他们就让我来找你就行
That’d be lovely. They told me to see you.
-很高兴他们这么说 -他们就是这么告诉我的
-Well, I’m glad they did. -They told me.
我去办下手续 请你在这儿等我
Well, let me go get the paperwork. You just wait here at the table.
-请便 -谢谢
-You do that. -Thank you.
-上等的衣料 -那是进口的丝绸 索尔
-Very nice material. -It’s imported silk, Saul.
It’s very nice.
先生们 请先出去会好吗?
Gentlemen, would you excuse us for a second? Thanks.
索尔 你肯定自己 已经做好准备了吗?
Saul, you sure you’re ready to do this?
若是你再问我这问题 丹尼
If you ever ask me that question again, Daniel…
…you won’t wake up the following morning.
He’s ready.
My name is Lyman…
My name is Lyman Zerga.
My name is Lyman Zerga.
好 和我说说本尼迪克特的事
Okay, tell me about Benedict.
That guy’s a machine.
Good afternoon.
He arrives at the Bellagio every day at 2 p. m.
你好 汤米
How are you, Tommy?
He remembers every valet’s name.
对于身价七八亿的富翁来说 这已经是很不容易
Not bad for a guy worth 3/4 ofa billion.
他工作很拼命 每天七点准时到会议室…
He works hard, hits the lobby floor at 7 on the nose.
-晚上好 先生 -你好吗?
-Good evening, sir. -How are you?