I had to stop by and say hello to some of my old pals.
鲍勃 凯文 杰耿 膝盖怎么样了
Bob, Kevin. Jurgen, how’s the knee?
I told you to leave the herd
永远不准 永远 永远
and never, ever, ever…
-永远不准 -永远不准 永远 永远不要回来
-Never? -Never, ever, ever come back.
我不是 我可不是回来
I’m not… I’m not back.
我和我的最好的朋友 准备去小镇的
Me and my best buddy are heading to town.
好吧 我肯定会想念你们的
Yeah. I sure am gonna miss you guys.
Off the upholstery!
What now?
就像我说的 永远不准 永远 永远
So as I was saying, never, ever, ever…
一头熊 熊熊 一头熊
A bear! Bear. Bear. A bear.
艾里亚特 你还好吗
Elliot, are you all right?
Buttermilk biscuit.
嘿 伊恩 瞧一眼这个
Hey, lan. Get a load of this.
嘿 别碰它
Hey, cut it out.
哦 我听说过你
Oh, I’ve heard of you.
你就是那个熊吧 被松鼠给打得屁滚尿流的家伙
You’re that bear that got his butt thumped by a squirrel.
可是 他们有20个
It was… There was 20 of them.
And they had nuts.
别听他的 博格
Don’t listen to him, Boog.
博格 听起来挺耳熟啊
Boog? What is that short for?
-博格 -博格
-Booger? -Booger!
-听着 -我在听呢
-Listen, you! -I’m all ears.
-好吧 -博格 我们走吧
-Well… -Boog, let’s go.
You two are perfect for each other.
你是个失败者 你一样也是个失败者
You’re a loser and you’re a loser-er.
鹿群 开始巡场
Herd, let’s bound!
嘿 艾里亚特
Hey, Elliot.
I think you lost something.
也许还会长出来的 再见 艾里亚特
Maybe it’ll grow back. Bye, Elliot.
好的 再见
Yeah, see you.
回头见 背包男孩
See you later, backpack boy!
没错 蠢货 你们最好快点跑
That’s right, fool. You better run.
挺胸跑快点 你们这些长女人腰的牛
Keep on prancing, you panty-waisted cow.
没错 再多罗唆我就去教训他们了
Yeah. One more word, and I was gonna rack him.
-没错 -我正等着这个哪
-That’s right. -I was waiting for it.
他害怕了 他害怕了
He’s scared. He’s scared.
-瞧他都吓跑咯 吓跑咯 -是的 我知道
-Look at him run. Look at him run. -Yeah, I know it.
Look at him go.
Are you not gonna buy him a drink before you kiss him?
You big jessie.
去骑你的自行车吧 大蠢熊
On your bikes, you big numpties.
That was lars girl you was trying to talk to, huh?
You dog.
伊恩说的对 我是个失败者
Lars right. I’m a loser.
-不 你不是 -是的 我是的
-No, you’re not a loser. -Yes, I am.
-不 你不是 -是的
-No, you’re not. -Yes.
相信我 我认识你的那天
Trust me. You know the day I met you,
lan kicked me out of the herd.
我丢了一个角 被赶出鹿群 还被绑在卡车盖上
I lost my antler, I got run over and tied to the hood of a truck.
What do you call that?
失败者 但你想想
A loser. But check this out.
注意 神奇灰熊
Behold, the mighty grizzly.
我看上去像头熊 我说话像头熊
I look like a bear, I talk like a bear.
但我不会抓鱼 不会爬树
But I can’t fish, I can’t climb a tree,
I can’t even go in the woods.
那没什么 一半像母的 一半像公 我可是公的
That’s nothing. Half doe. Half buck. I’m a duck.
嘿 我骑独轮车表演杂技
Hey, I ride a unicycle for crackers!
-我有个玻璃假眼 -我抓不到东西
-I have a glass eye. -I can’t snap.
-我以为”圆木”是一种颜色 -我看不到我的脚
-I thought “log” was a color. -I can’t see my feet.
I killed a man.
好吧 至少你有个家
Well, at least you’ve got a home.
家 没错
Home. Yeah.
I sure hope so.
-天啊那是你的脖子吗 -不
-Crimenently! Was that your neck? -No.
我的小鱼饼干 哦 她还爱我
My fishy crackers. Oh, she still loves me.
谢谢你 贝丝
Thank you, Beth.
I’m coming home.
试试看 搭档
Try one, partner. Yeah.
那不是喔喔糖 但他们能带你回去
Woo Hoo bars they ain’t, but they take you back.
知道吗 让你想到家
You know? Remind you of home.
甜甜的 咸咸的家
Sweet, salty home.
哦 回到我软软的床上
Oh, yeah. To be back in my own soft bed.
每天8顿饭 外加零食
Eight square meals a day, plus snacks.
Beth tucking me in every night.
It’s like heaven to me.
你知道 明天我们到家以后
You know, when we get back home tomorrow…
…l’m gonna make things right with Beth.
也许 只是也许
And maybe, just maybe…
我们能在车♥库♥里也帮你 找个地方好跟我住
…we’ll find a place for you in the garage with me.
哇 耶 我要住进车♥库♥了
Sweet! Oh, yeah. I’m in the garage.
知道谁要住车♥库♥吗 我要住车♥库♥啦
Who’s staying in the garage? I’m in the garage.
知道谁要住车♥库♥吗 我要住车♥库♥啦
Who’s got a place in the garage? It’s me. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah…
-嘿 伙计 -什么
-Hey, buddy? -Yeah?
帮我个忙 好吗 听上去挺可笑的
Do me a favor, will you? It’s gonna sound silly,
但是 能帮我吗
but will you…?
-算了吧 -什么
-Ah, forget it. -What?
说吧 我会帮你的
Come on. I’m here for you.
Will you sing me that “teddy-bear picnic” song?
没问题 什么歌♥
Absolutely. The what song?
好吧 贝丝总是唱给我听 那能帮助我睡着
Well, Beth always sings it to me, you know, because it helps me sleep.
-好的 我来试试吧 -谢谢
-Okay. I’ll give it a shot. -Thanks.
从前有个魔法精灵 住在彩虹树下
Once there was a magical elf Who lived in a rainbow tree
He lived downstairs From a flatulent dwarf
Who was constantly having to pee
One day the elf could take no more
So he went and banged On the rude dwarf’s door
然后你知道吗 他们忽然都结婚了
And what do you know They suddenly both were married
晚安 博格
Good night, Boog.
我要睡进车♥库♥啦 我要睡进车♥库♥啦
I’m sleeping in the garage. I’m sleeping in the garage.
来吧 维尼先生 来要吃的 你能做到的
Come on, Mr. Weenie. Beg. You can do it.
来吧 来要吃的
Come on. Beg.
鲍勃 他不听我的 鲍勃 示范给他看看怎么要吃的
Bob, he won’t listen. Bob, show him how to beg.
Dog worship.
哦 天啊
Oh, my!
-你们还好吗 -什么 不不不 他是
-You folks all right? -What? No, no, no! He’s…
把你们当成人♥质♥ 我知道
Taken you hostage. I know, I know.
你们现在安全了 我逮住这家伙了
You’re safe now. I’ve got the enemy neutral…
这儿 这儿 维尼先生 宝贝 你还好吗
There, there, Mr. Weenie. Are you all right, baby?
You’re the sweetest little weenie I ever saw.
别傻了 他是跟他们一伙的
Don’t be fooled. He’s one of them.
-谁 -敌人 那头熊 那只鹿
-Who? -The enemy! The bear! That deer!
All them animals!
I have seen the future.
It will start in small towns like Timberline.
Soon, it’ll spread.
它们会从地洞 洞穴 动物园向外入侵
They will invade from burrows, caves, petting zoos.
If I don’t stop them…
…it’ll be a total reversal of the natural order.
他们会嘲笑老肖 但你们会看到
They laugh at old Shaw, but you’ll see.
The truth will be revealed.
We know exactly what you mean.
-是吗 -我们是科学家 某种意义上来说
-You do? -We’re scientists. Well, of sorts.
And we’re trying to secure photographic documentation…
…of a real, live homo-sasquatchus.
-类什么人 -我们在寻找大脚怪
-Homo-say-what? -We’re looking for Bigfoot.
大脚怪 没想到我还跟两个 做这种怪事的人说这些
Bigfoot…? I didn’t realize I was talking to a couple of wack jobs.
别相信他 宠物都是双重间谍
Don’t trust him. Pets are double agents.
你们一转身 他就会暗地里捅刀子

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
