oscillate 英 [ˈɒsɪleɪt] 美 [ˈɑːsɪleɪt]


The lantern oscillated violently, and went out. The street had suddenly become black.
出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。该小说是19世纪最著名的小说之一,故事的主线围绕主人公土伦苦刑犯冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)的个人经历,融进了法国的历史、革命、战争、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰等,多次被改编演绎成影视作品。


[verb] move or swing back and forth at a regular speed
[动词] 以规律的速度来回移动或摆动


Oscillate 一词源自拉丁语 oscillare (摇摆),其基本含义为“摆动、振动”,主要指物体像钟摆(pendulum)一样有规律地来回摆动,比如:

  • 刻度盘上失去光泽的指针在“满”和“空”之间来回摆动。
    The tarnished needle on the dial oscillated between full and empty.

另外也可以在物理学里用来形容电流、无线电波等“波动、振荡”。不过 oscillate 一词在现实生活中更为常见的是用于形容情绪、态度或行为等“摇摆、波动”或者指水平、价值等“波动、浮动”,强调或多或少有规律地来回变化,比如:

  • 该共和国现任总统的施政风格时而轻率鲁莽,时而谨慎务实。
    The incumbent president of the Republic oscillated between a facile audacity and a prudent realism.
  • 石油市场因当天来自日内瓦的可疑报道出现了起伏。
    Oil markets oscillated on the day’s dubious reports from Geneva.


  • Even in the headquarters of capitalism, Mr Lemann reveals, attitudes to business have oscillated wildly, both in boardrooms and on Wall Street.
  • Across the world, as in Europe, the response to Mrs. Thatcher’s death appeared to oscillate between similar poles.


oscillate” 通常表示振荡、摆动、摇摆、动摇,指在两个极端之间不断变化或摇摆。

以下是包含单词 “oscillate” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. oscillate between options – 在选项之间摇摆
  2. oscillate between hope and despair – 在希望和绝望之间摇摆
  3. oscillate between happiness and sadness – 在快乐和悲伤之间摇摆
  4. oscillate between love and hate – 在爱与恨之间摇摆
  5. oscillate between extremes – 在极端之间摇摆
  6. oscillate between confidence and doubt – 在自信与怀疑之间摇摆
  7. oscillate between success and failure – 在成功与失败之间摇摆
  8. oscillate between calm and chaos – 在平静与混乱之间摇摆
  9. oscillate between reality and fantasy – 在现实与幻想之间摇摆
  10. oscillate between belief and disbelief – 在信仰与怀疑之间摇摆
  11. oscillate between joy and sorrow – 在快乐和悲哀之间摇摆
  12. oscillate between stability and uncertainty – 在稳定与不确定之间摇摆
  13. oscillate between tradition and innovation – 在传统与创新之间摇摆
  14. oscillate between optimism and pessimism – 在乐观和悲观之间摇摆
  15. oscillate between control and chaos – 在掌控和混乱之间摇摆
  16. oscillate between success and setbacks – 在成功与挫折之间摇摆
  17. oscillate between dreams and reality – 在梦想与现实之间摇摆
  18. oscillate between certainty and doubt – 在确定与怀疑之间摇摆
  19. oscillate between growth and stagnation – 在增长与停滞之间摇摆
  20. oscillate between strength and weakness – 在强大和脆弱之间摇摆
  21. oscillate between courage and fear – 在勇气与恐惧之间摇摆
  22. oscillate between action and inaction – 在行动与不作为之间摇摆
  23. oscillate between excitement and boredom – 在兴奋和无聊之间摇摆
  24. oscillate between improvement and regression – 在改进与退步之间摇摆
  25. oscillate between innovation and tradition – 在创新与传统之间摇摆
  26. oscillate between ambition and contentment – 在雄心和满足之间摇摆
  27. oscillate between motivation and apathy – 在动力和冷漠之间摇摆
  28. oscillate between curiosity and indifference – 在好奇和漠不关心之间摇摆
  29. oscillate between adaptation and resistance – 在适应和抵抗之间摇摆
  30. oscillate between energy and lethargy – 在精力充沛和倦怠之间摇摆
  31. oscillate between enthusiasm and apathy – 在热情和冷淡之间摇摆
  32. oscillate between focus and distraction – 在专注和分心之间摇摆
  33. oscillate between clarity and confusion – 在清晰和混乱之间摇摆
  34. oscillate between understanding and misunderstanding – 在理解和误解之间摇摆
  35. oscillate between determination and hesitation – 在决心和犹豫之间摇摆
  36. oscillate between purpose and aimlessness – 在目的和漫无目标之间摇摆
  37. oscillate between ambition and complacency – 在雄心和自满之间摇摆
  38. oscillate between diligence and procrastination – 在勤奋和拖延之间摇摆
  39. oscillate between engagement and disinterest – 在参与和不感兴趣之间摇摆
  40. oscillate between reality and illusion – 在现实和幻觉之间摇摆
  41. oscillate between support and opposition – 在支持和反对之间摇摆
  42. oscillate between acceptance and rejection – 在接受和拒绝之间摇摆
  43. oscillate between compromise and stubbornness – 在妥协和固执之间摇摆
  44. oscillate between open-mindedness and closed-mindedness – 在开放和封闭思维之间摇摆
  45. oscillate between flexibility and rigidity – 在灵活和刻板之间摇摆
  46. oscillate between independence and dependence – 在独立和依赖之间摇摆
  47. oscillate between tolerance and intolerance – 在宽容和不宽容之间摇摆
  48. oscillate between cooperation and competition – 在合作和竞争之间摇摆
  49. oscillate between progress and regression – 在进步和倒退之间摇摆
  50. oscillate between insight and confusion – 在洞察力和困惑之间摇摆


swing: move or cause to move back and forth or from side to side while suspended or on an axis
sway: move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side
wigwag: move to and fro

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
