(杰夫·贝利 修车 加油站)
Where’s Bailey?
Deaf and dumb, eh?
Can you read lips?
Where is Bailey?
Coming back today?
Come on.
-你好 马尔尼 -看看 这是谁回来了
-Hello, Marny. -Well, look who is back.
-你染发了吗 -怎么了
-Did you dye your hair? -Why?
I keep thinking of you as a blond.
在你的记忆里 我都有可能是秃头
For all the thinking you do about me, I could be bald-headed.
黑麦火腿 你想我了吗 亲爱的
Ham on rye. Did you miss me, honey?
我要是不想你 估计就没人会想你了
If I didn’t, I can’t think of anybody else who did.
-有一件事是确定的 贝利不会想任何人 -你也是
-One thing’s sure, Bailey don’t miss nothing. -Neither do you.
她是你女朋友 他也不是我的男人
She’s your girl, and he ain’t my man.
所以我不介意 我只看表面发生的事情
So it’s no skin off my nose. I just see what I see.
You sure you don’t see what you hear?
在这个镇上发生的任何事情 我都会在这个柜台上听到
Nothing can happen in this town that I don’t hear about it across this counter.
我只是说我看到了什么 他们每天都一起去钓鱼
I’m just saying what I see. Every day they go fishing together.
看 这个三明治
Look, the sandwich.
Two things I can smell inside 100 feet:
烧焦的汉堡包 和浪漫的爱情
burning hamburger and a romance.
You got a customer.
-你想点什么 -咖啡
-What’ll you have? -Coffee.
-不要别的了吗 -奶油
-Nothing else? -Cream.
-这段时间你去哪里了 -洛杉矶
-Where you been this time? -L.A.
-要咖啡吗 -不用了 谢谢
-Coffee? -No, thanks.
首先她得到了你 现在她得到了你和贝利
First she’s got you, now she’s got you and Bailey.
And the only thing I seem to get is older.
非常感谢 马尔尼 回头见
Thanks a lot, Marny. I’ll see you later.
Hmm. I guess I must have said something.
You talked enough.
有些事情人们都应该知道 只是他们不想听到
Things like everything people ought to know they just don’t want to hear.
I guess that’s the big trouble with the world.
Either that or you’re on the wrong side of the counter.
-跟我讲讲 -我好像没什么可以跟你讲的
-Tell me something. -You don’t look as though I could.
那个惹你生气的贝利 他是开加油站的吗
That, uh, Bailey who burns you up, he run the gas station?
-你认识他吗 -可能见过一次
-Do you know him? -I might have once.
如果他继续围着吉姆的女友转 那就没人会再见到他了
If he keeps mooning around Jim’s girl, nobody’ll know him…
and that’d be too bad.
You, uh, see much of this Bailey?
经常 在这里见到他
Yeah, every day from here.
I often wondered what happened to him…
然后有一天 我开车路过这里
then one day I’m breezing through here,
and there’s his name up on a sign.
-世界真小啊 -是啊 标牌却很大
-It’s a small world. -Yeah, or a big sign.
-它们不吃食啊 -它们之后会的 因为马上就阴天了
-They’re just not feeding today. -They will later. It’s clouding up.
他们说 你死的那天 你的名字会被写在云上
They say the day you die, your name is written on a cloud.
-谁说的 -他们
-Who says? -They.
Never heard of them.
除了要下雨 什么都没有 你认为我们应该回家吗
Nothing in that one but rain. Think we ought to go home?
-你想回家吗 -不想
-Do you want to? -No.
每次我看着天空 我都会想到所有我从未去过的地方
Every time I look at the sky, I think of all the places I’ve never been.
是的 而且每次你抬头看 天都是一样的
Yes, and every time you look up, they’re all the same.
-你去过很多地方 是吗 -太多了
-You’ve been a lot of places, haven’t you? -One too many.
-你最喜欢哪里 -这里
-Which did you like best? -This one right here.
-我打赌你对所有的地方都这么说 -你看到那边的海湾了吗
-I bet you say that to all the places. -You see that cove over there?
I’d like to build a house right there…
和你结婚 住在里面 永远不去别的地方
marry you, live in it and never go anywhere else.
I wish you would.
你以前从未结过婚 是吗
You were never married before, were you?
Not that I can remember.
That’s good.
You’d be amazed the way people talk about you.
The mysterious Jeff Bailey.
我母亲跟我说 我只认识你这么短的时间
My mother tells me that I’ve only known you for such a short time.
你从哪里来 你是做什么工作的
And where’d you come from? And what did you do?
My father was…
-咱们该走了 -出什么事了吗
-We’d better go. -Is something the matter?
Maybe not.

You sure are a secret man.
Oh, a man just wants to see me.

A long time.
你好 乔 我希望我能见到你很高兴
Hello, Joe. I wish it was nicer to see you.
大家肯定都很想念你,杰夫 但没有我想得那么多
Everyone sure missed you, Jeff, but not as much as I have.
-这如何讲 -惠特曾经看着我摇头
-How’s that? -Whit used to look at me shake his head,
and wish I had brains like you.
-另一个原因是什么 -我必须找到你
-What’s the other reason? -I had to find you.
-我欠你什么了吗 -不是欠我
-I owe you something? -Not me.
-那孩子能读多远的唇语 -我不知道 有时间我问问他
-How far can that kid read lips? -I don’t know. I’ll ask him some time.
This far?
-你不喜欢犯错 是吗 -他们不允许我犯错
-You don’t like to make mistakes, do you? -They don’t let me have many.
好吧 进屋说
All right, come on inside.
我在一顿吵闹声中才找到你啊 杰夫
Funny racket to find you in, Jeff.
是啊 我和那孩子总是在笑
Oh. Yeah, me and the kid laugh all the time.
我觉得是因为 这很可敬
Heh. I guess that’s because it’s respectable.
That hash slinger across the street says you are too.
你怎么碰巧找到我的 乔
How did you happen to find me, Joe?
有一天 我在路上开车
I was driving down the road one day…
我看见有个人在抽汽油 这不是我的老朋友么
and who do I see pumping gasoline but my old chum from the old times.
当然 标牌上有一个不同的名字
Of course, there’s a different name on the sign.
-所以你就顺便来了 -为什么不呢
-So you just dropped in? -Why not?
好吧 那我也很高兴看到一个老朋友
Okay, then I’m glad to see an old pal too.
所以我请你吃晚饭 给你买♥♥酒 闲聊到很晚
So I take you to dinner, buy you drinks, it gets late chewing the fat…
你跳上你的车 你就走了 对吗
you hop in your car and you’re gone. Right?
-大概是 -还有什么
-Almost. -What else?
我还在为那个人工作 杰夫
I’m still working for that guy, Jeff.
-惠特吗 -他想见你
-Whit? -He’d like to see you.
-跟你一样想见我 是吗 -哈
-As much as you did? -Heh.
-更严重 -我懂了
-Worse. -I see.
No one ever thought more of you than Whit.
Or more about me.
好吧 那可能就是了
Well, that could be too.
好吧 他想要什么 乔
All right, what’s he want, Joe?
Maybe he’s got something nice for you.
-换个回答 -哈
-Try once more. -Heh.
听着 惠特从来没有引导你做什么坏事 对吗
Look, Whit never steered you into anything bad, did he?
为什么 当你把他给你的最好的东西搞砸时 他甚至都没有抱怨过
Why, he never even squawked when you blew the best thing he ever gave you.
-接着说 -那个人只是想见你
-Go on. -The guy just wants to see you.
好吧 你这么一说 我还能怎么做
Well, you put it that way, what can I do?
You know of any other way to put it?
-比如说 明天早上 -在哪里
-Say tomorrow morning? -Where?
太浩湖 在翡翠湾右转
Lake Tahoe. Turn right at Emerald Bay.
山上的一个大房♥子 你不会错过它的
Big house on a hill. You won’t miss it.
You can’t.
安 约翰 你就这样让她出来吗
Ann? John, are you letting her out like this?
你能忍♥受吗 和一个连门都不愿意进的人在一起
Are you gonna stand for it, with a man who won’t even come to the door?
Don’t worry about them.
-亲爱的 -不太好 是吗
-Darling. -It’s no good, is it?
-这并不重要 只是他们 -亲爱的 我知道他们的感受
-It doesn’t matter. It’s just that they… -Oh, honey, I know how they feel.
-别担心他们 -我没有
-Don’t worry about it. -I’m not.
-那脸色就不要那么阴沉 -不 是因为别的东西
-Then don’t look so grim. -No, it’s something else.
-是什么 -今天来找我的那个男人
-What? -That guy that showed up today…
