Do you mind, Jeff?
还记得那些山吗 比这些还高 上面总是有雪
Remember the mountains? Higher than these and always snow on them.
-我们应该待在那里 -我在努力回忆别的事情
-We should have stayed there. -I’m trying to remember something else.
I never told you I was anything but what I am.
You just wanted to imagine I was.
这就是我离开你的原因 现在我们又要在一起了
That’s why I left you. Now we’re back to stay.
-而我对此无话可说吗 -你有话可说吗
-And I have nothing to say about it? -Well, have you?
惠特已经死了 一摞文件并没有什么好处
Whit’s dead. A bundle of papers isn’t any good.
如果乔在身边 你可以利用他 但乔也死了
If Joe was around, you could use him, but Joe’s dead too.
那么 你打算如何处理埃尔斯和费希尔的问题
So, what are you gonna do about Eels and Fisher?
对于这个问题 你打算怎么做
For that matter, what are you gonna do about this?
Someone has to take the blame.
你没有我的把柄 但我可以成为控方的一个好证人
You have nothing on me, but I’d make a fine witness for the prosecution.
你不明白吗 你现在只能跟我做交易了
Don’t you see? You’ve only me to make deals with now.
-你真是要费劲搞死我啊 -不
-Well, build my gallows high, baby. -No.
不 我们要重新开始 我想回到墨西哥
No, we’re starting all over. I wanna go back to Mexico.
我想再次走出阳光 看到你在等我
I wanna walk out of the sun again and find you waiting.
我想坐在同一个月光下 告诉你所有我从未告诉你的事情
I wanna sit in the same moonlight and tell you all the things I never told you…
直到你不恨我 直到有一天你又爱上了我
until you don’t hate me. Until sometime you love again.
他们会一直在寻找我们 他们不会停止 直到我们死去
They’ll always be looking for us. They won’t stop till we die.
我不管 就算他们发现我们在一起
I don’t care. Just so they find us together.
如果你心里想的是其他人 不行 那是行不通的
If you’re thinking of anyone else, don’t. It wouldn’t work.
除了我 你对任何人都没有好处
You’re no good for anyone but me.
你不是好人 我也不是
You’re no good and neither am I.
That’s why we deserve each other.
Did he get the plane?
-它在哪里 -我在主持大局 别忘了
-Where is it? -I’m running the show, don’t forget.
我觉得你不会让我忘记 钱在哪里
I doubt you’ll ever let me. Where’s the money?
-楼上 -最好收拾几个袋子去装
-Upstairs. -Better pack a couple of bags and get it.
-放些我的东西进去 -我放了
-Put a few things in for me. -I have.
Wouldn’t matter.
Do you remember La Mar Azul?
我记得你是一个非常笨拙的调情者 但我喜欢你这样
If I remember, you were a very clumsy flirt, but I liked that.
We owe it all to José Rodriguez.
我在想 他知不知道自己是一个多么糟糕的向导
I wonder if he’ll ever know what a bad guide he really was.
杰夫 我们已经做错了很多 也倒霉了很久
Jeff, we’ve been wrong a lot and unlucky a long time.
I think we deserve a break.
We deserve each other.
快点 杰夫
Hurry, Jeff.
肮脏的 两面三刀的叛徒
Dirty, double-crossing rat!
太多的人 太多的闲话
Too many people. Too much talk.
Maybe that’s why I like this town.
在这里 两人结伴 三人就显得挤了
Here, three people are really a crowd.
让我们上车 远离他们吧
Let’s get in the car and get away from them.
我不会和你说话 安 我只想和你在一起
I won’t talk to you, Ann. I just wanna be with you.
谢谢 吉姆 但是我不行
Thanks, Jim, but I can’t.
你可以告诉我 你比我更了解他
You can tell me. You knew him better than I did.
Was he going away with her?
I have to know.
Was he going away with her?
