You want to ride with me up to Lake Tahoe?
-现在吗 -对 现在
-Now? -Yes, now.
I want to tell you something.
行 杰夫
All right, Jeff.
你曾经跟我说 我必须找个时间告诉你
You told me once I’d have to tell you sometime.
那么 现在就是了
Well, this is it.
现在 我想说的第一件事是 我的名字不是贝利 而是马卡姆
Now, the first thing I wanna get off my chest: My name isn’t Bailey, it’s Markham.
-马卡姆 杰夫·马卡姆 -我以前应该告诉你的
-Markham. Jeff Markham? -I should have told you before.
我本想告诉你 但我一直在拖延
I meant to, but I kept putting it off…
because I didn’t like any part of it.
-请告诉我 杰夫 -有些东西会伤害你
-Please tell me, Jeff. -Some of it’s gonna hurt you.
It doesn’t matter.
好吧 我们的朋友马卡姆住在纽约
Well, our friend Markham lived in New York.
他和一个名叫杰克·费舍尔的愚蠢 油滑的绅士一起工作
He worked with a sort of stupid, oily gent by the name of Jack Fisher.
We called ourselves detectives.
那是在大约三年前 也许更久
That was about three years ago, maybe more.
冬天的时候 我记忆中那个小镇最冷的日子之一
Wintertime. One of the coldest days I remember in the town.
我们接到了一个电♥话♥ 让我们去看一个大行动
And we got a call to come and see a big op.
-一个什么 -一个老板 赌徒
-A what? -An operator, gambler.
他没有来见我们 因为他是一个权高位重的大人物
He didn’t come to see us because he was too high-powered a character.
此外 还因为某位女士用他自己的点38手♥枪♥向他开了四枪
Also, because some dame had taken four shots at him with his own .38.
Made one of them good.
他很从容 但是他的一个朋友可急了
He was taking it in stride, but he had a friend who was a ball of fire.
写报纸的人 聪明的人 他们觉得在糊弄谁呢
Newspaper guys, wise guys, who do they think they’re kidding?
So he shot himself cleaning a cap pistol.
我还能在琴酒纸牌游戏中 从袖子里射杀黑桃A呢
So I shot the ace of spades out of a sleeve during a gin game.
A guy can’t even get shot in his own apartment by a dame…
整个镇子早就热闹起来 就像
without the whole town starting to buzz like a…
像你一样吗 抽根烟 乔
Like you? Smoke a cigarette, Joe.
你只是自言自语 你在等我说话 我喜欢这样
You just sit and stay inside yourself. You wait for me to talk. I like that.
I never found out much listening to myself.
-让我吃惊的是 她居然经常消失 -也许是因为你在搬家。
-It amazes me how she missed so often. -Maybe you were moving.
你知道吗 一个拿着棒子的女人 就像一个拿着织布针的男人
You know a dame with a rod is like a guy with a knitting needle.
-他在这里做什么 我是叫你来 -他是我的搭档
-What’s he doing here? I called you. -My partner.
-我应该问你 你为什么不叫警♥察♥吗 -应该叫吗
-Should I ask why you didn’t call the law? -Should you?
Heh. I guess not.
-她怎么了 -她丢下我就跑了
-Anything happen to her? -She ran out on me.
-还带着4万块钱 -我想让她回来
-With 40,000 bucks. -I want her back.
Or the money?
你知道吗 我曾经在一匹跑在最后的马身上押了4万美元
You know, I once bet $40,000 on a horse that ran dead last,
-所以我买♥♥了这匹马 -我就是这意思
-so I bought the horse. -Yeah, that’s what I mean.
你错了 我把那匹马放在一个漂亮的绿色牧场
Oh, you’re wrong. I put that horse in a nice green pasture…
so he’d never get his foot caught in a mutuel machine.
You should go out and visit it sometime.
不 我只是想让她回来 当你看到她时 你会更明白
No, I just want her back. When you see her, you’ll understand better.
Maybe she’s just an impulsive girl.
-能不提这件事了吗 -不能不提
-Shall we let it go at that? -I can let it all go.
你要再这么说 现在开价5000块 等你把她带回来时就剩5块
An even 5000 now and 5 when you bring her back.
And expenses.
Now, that should have been the first thing you said.
-找到她 杰夫 把她带回来 -为什么让我去
-Find her, Jeff. Bring her back. -Why me?
我认识很多人 有聪明的 有诚实的 而你两者兼备
Well, I know a lot of smart guys and a few honest ones, and you’re both.
What happens to her?
I won’t touch her.
给我关于她家庭的资料 照片 任何相关的东西
Get me the stuff on her family, pictures, anything interesting.
-你会拿到的 -再见
-You’ll get it. -I’ll see you.
你把它拿过来 乔 来 我们走吧
You bring it over, Joe. Come on, let’s go.
对了 你介意告诉我她的名字吗
Oh, by the way, you mind telling me her name?
-凯西·莫法特 -谢了
-Kathie Moffat. -Thanks.
她一定是个很好的女人 一只有40位相好的野鹅
She must be quite a dame. A wild goose with 40 G’s.
你知道 作为一个聪明人 斯特林肯定会信任你 不是吗
You know, for a smart guy, that Sterling sure trusts you, don’t he?
Why not?
-我是不是要一起去 -不
-Am I going along? -No.
他不喜欢我的个性 是吧
Oh, he doesn’t like my personality, huh?
好吧 我还是加入 杰夫 五五分成
Well, I’m still in, Jeff, fifty-fifty.
-我说其他的话了吗 -好吧 这是个简单的事情
-Did I say anything different? -All right. It’s a good soft touch.
不要对我发火 也不要有任何可爱的想法
Don’t get hot at me. And don’t get any cute ideas.
These are on me.
这是我的一个老朋友 杰夫·马卡姆 他想问你一些事情
This is an old friend of mine, Jeff Markham. He wants to ask you something.
Which one of you is Eunice Leonard?

May I ask you a few questions?
来吧 亲爱的 我们跳舞吧
Come on, honey, let’s dance.
You work for Katherine Moffat?
不为她工作了 她走了 被排挤了
Not anymore, she’s gone. She got pushed around.
我自己也不会留下来 除了她在接种疫苗时生病了的那段时间
I wouldn’t have stayed myself, only she got sick being vaccinated.
-你问这个干什么 -我想找到她
-How come you’re asking? -I want to find her.
-你想为那个男人找到她 -不 是为了我自己 她去哪里了
-You want to find her for that man? -No, for myself. Where’d she go?
Maybe I oughtn’t to tell nothing.
如果你不说 可能会给她带来更多的伤害
More harm might come to her if you didn’t.
-她现在受到伤害了吗 -我不知道 她消失了
-Is she in harm now? -I don’t know, she disappeared.
-也许你最好告诉他 亲爱的 -我不能说太多
-Maybe you better say, honey. -Well, I can’t say much.
但那不是一个寒冷的地方 那个女孩讨厌雪
It wasn’t no cold place though. That girl hated snow.
她拿走的那些衣服 她在寻找阳光 佛罗里达州
Them clothes she took, she was looking for sun. Florida.
-你确定吗 -现在我好像想起来了 我确定
-You sure about that? -Now I seem to remember, and I’m sure.
-没有行李箱 -她只带了手提箱
-No trunk? -She only took suitcases.
-这次你也确定 -我确定 我还给她的手提箱称重了
-You’re sure again? -I know, I weighed them for all about for this girl.
-一共多重 -131磅
-How much did they weigh? -131 pounds.
-这么精确 -这么精确
-Exactly? -Exactly.
-因为这是我自己的体重 -谢谢
-On account of that’s what I weigh myself. -Thanks.
Bring them another round.
你去佛罗里达不用接种疫苗 但是去墨西哥需要
You don’t get vaccinated for Florida, but you do for Mexico.
So I just followed that 90 pounds of excess baggage to Mexico City.
她曾在雷福尔玛 然后离开了
She had been at the Reforma and then gone.
I took the bus south like she did.
塔克斯科的天气很热 你对自己说 能有多热呢
It was hot in Taxco. You say to yourself, “How hot can it get?”
到了阿卡普尔科 你就知道了
And then in Acapulco, you find out.
I knew she had to wind up here…
因为如果你想去南方 你要在这里上船
because if you wanna go south, here’s where you get the boat.
All I had to do was wait.
广场附近有一家小咖啡馆 叫蓝色的大海 旁边是一家电影院
Near the plaza was a little café called La Mar Azul next to a movie house.
我下午坐在那里 喝啤酒
I sat there in the afternoons and drank beer.
我曾经坐在那里半睡半醒地喝着啤酒 黑暗中
I used to sit there half-asleep with a beer and the darkness…
only that music from the movie next door kept jarring me awake.
And then I saw her coming out of the sun…
and I knew why Whit didn’t care about that 40 grand.
-请给我来一杯自♥由♥古巴 -好的 小姐
-Cuba Libre, please. -Sí señorita,
小姐 先生 我可以说句话吗
Señorita, señor, may I speak some words?
-你会坐下来的 先生 是吗 -我很乐意 先生
-You will be seated, señor, huh? Yes? -With pleasure, señor.
我是何塞·罗德里格斯 一个向导 一个最优秀的向导
I am José Rodriguez, a guide, a most excellent guide.
-真的吗 -你问他
-Indeed? -You ask them.
人们可以告诉你 何塞·罗德里格斯对阿卡普尔科的了解无人能及
They can tell you that José Rodriguez knows Acapulco as no one else.
-每条小巷 -我不想要向导
-Each little street… -I don’t want a guide.
-一个难搞的女孩 -难道有不难搞的女孩吗 先生
-A very difficult girl. -Heh. Is there one not so, señor?
-那彩票呢 -不用了
-Perhaps a lottery ticket? -No.
I have here, wrought by skilled hands, a ring…
and earrings of jade and pure silver.
谢谢先生 谢谢
Gracias señor, gracias.
-我从不戴这些 -我也是 请
-I never wear them. -Nor I. Please.
不了 谢谢你
No, thank you.
我的名字是杰夫·马卡姆 我已经
My name is Jeff Markham, and I haven’t talked to anybody…
who hasn’t tried to sell me something for 10 days.
如果我不说话 我就会思考
If I don’t talk, I think.
对我来说 现在开始思考已经太晚了
It’s too late in life for me to start thinking.
我可以到悬崖下 像个好游客一样看海
I could go down to the cliff and look at the sea like a good tourist.
但如果没有人可以转身对你说 风景不错吧
But it’s no good if there isn’t somebody you can turn to and say,
“Nice view, huh?”
教堂 遗迹 月光或古巴自♥由♥酒都是如此
It’s the same with the churches, the relics, the moonlight or a Cuba Libre.
