He, uh, came back late this afternoon.
我敢打赌 他正在来回踱步 担心乔
I’ll bet he’s pacing up and down, worrying about Joe.
-你认为是我派乔来的 -你真了不起 凯西
-You think I sent Joe? -Oh, you’re wonderful, Kathie.
-好的 这位先生在哪里 -我觉得他在楼下的图书馆
-All right. Where is the gentleman? -Downstairs. In the library, I think.
杰夫 别让他骗了你
Jeff, don’t let him trick you.
他将支付任何你要求的东西 他将做任何你要求的事情
He’ll pay anything you ask. He’ll do anything you ask.
他当然会 什么都可以
Sure he will. Anything.
If only there was some way about Fisher.

There is.
Well, you getting things in shape for the treasury boys?
你好 杰夫 我一直在期待你来
Hello, Jeff. I’ve been sort of expecting you.
好吧 让我们开始谈正事 重新开始 对吗
Well, let’s get down to business. Start all over again, right?
-你有我的一些文件 -好吧 你别陷害我了
-You have some papers of mine. -All right, you take the frame off me.
You pin the Eels murder on Joe.
Sure. Sure.
我得到一个适度的赔偿 就说
I get a modest settlement. Say…
Oh, say 50,000.
这应该足以让我在马萨特兰 度过我的垂暮之年
That should be enough for me to spend my waning years in Mazatlán.
不去阿卡普尔科 因为我会一直想着你 凯西
Not Acapulco because I’d keep thinking about you, Kathie.
Up there in the women’s prison in Tehachapi.
那里不会太糟糕 周围都是山 有充足的阳光
It won’t be too bad. Hills all around you, plenty of sun.
You make me nervous.
如果你让警♥察♥带走她 你会更高兴
You’ll be happier if you let the cops have her with.
That’s what you’ll have to do.
总得有人为费舍尔的谋杀案背黑锅 我不背
Somebody’s gotta take the rap for Fisher’s murder. It’s not gonna be me.
Wait a minute.
-我不是在陷害任何女人 -你什么时候洗心革面的
-I’m not framing any woman. -When did you reform?
我不会尝试的 惠特 你已经不在状态了
I wouldn’t try it, Whit. You’re out of shape.
-此外 这不是陷害 她向他开枪 -他当时要杀了你
-Besides, it’s not a frame. She shot him. -He was gonna kill you.
看到了吗 惠特 自我防卫 很容易解释
See, Whit? Self-defense. A cinch to beat.
She might not even have to do time.
我会说你杀了他 他们会相信我的
I’ll say you killed him. They’ll believe me.
Do you believe her?
继续 凯西 告诉他乔的事
Go on, Kathie, tell him about Joe.
乔怎么了 他在哪里
What about Joe? Where is he?
我最后一次见到他时 他在东沃克河里
Last time I saw him, he was in the East Walker River.
我没有派他去找杰夫 这是他自作主张
I didn’t send him after Jeff. It was his own idea.
-是你杀了他吗 -他滑倒了
-Did you kill him? -He slipped and fell.
当我到达那里时 已经太晚了 那是一条凶狠的河流
When I got there, it was too late. That’s a mean river.
He was trailing you?
话说 你不可能拿着点45的枪去钓鱼
Well, you don’t go fishing with a .45 in your hand.
不要再担心了 这样一切都变得简单了
But stop worrying about it. It makes everything simple.
一个死人 把他捞上来 在他的口袋里塞一张纸条 自杀
A dead man? Fish him out. Stick a note in his pocket. Suicide.
He couldn’t stand living with what he had done.
别那么沮丧 惠特 你能过这个坎儿 我就过了
Don’t look so stricken, Whit. You’ll get over it. I did.
但如果你想的话 你可以把它说出来 我在里面等着
But you talk it out if you want to. I’ll be waiting in there.
有件事 凯西
Oh, one thing, Kathie:
他劝了你半天 你才说是我杀了费舍尔的吗
Did it take much persuasion to make you say I killed Fisher?
来吧 满足我的自负 告诉我他打败了你
Come on. Feed my ego. Tell me he beat you.
Tell me he had to drag every word out of you.
-嗯 事情就是这样的 -你说你要走了
-Well, that’s the way it is. -You said you were going.
Get out.
你这个肮脏的小骗子 继续吧 再撒谎
You dirty little phony. Go on, lie some more.
Tell me how you handled things for me in San Francisco.
告诉我这都是乔的主意 去吧 凯西
Tell me it was all Joe’s idea. Go on, Kathie.
Show me how you’re gonna squirm your way out this time.
-惠特 听着 -你一定认为我是个傻瓜
-Whit. Listen… -What a sucker you must think I am.
当你呜咽着爬回来的时候 我把你带了回去
I took you back when you came whimpering and crawling.
I should have kicked your teeth in.
不 我不会这么做
No, I’m not going to.
不是现在 凯西 我们会让法律推走你
Not now, Kathie. We’ll let the law push you around.
-你不能 -你错了
-You can’t. -You’re wrong.
你要接受罪名 好好配合
You’re gonna take the rap and play along.
You’re gonna make every exact move I tell you.
如果你做不到 我就杀了你
If you don’t, I’ll kill you.
我向你保证一件事 你不会死得很快
And I’ll promise you one thing: It won’t be quick.
I’ll break you first.
你将无法在接听电♥话♥或开门时不去想 我要死了
You won’t be able to answer a phone or open a door without thinking, “This is it.”
当死亡到来时 过程还是不会很快
And when it comes, it still won’t be quick.
And it won’t be pretty.
You can take your choice.
我得去里诺拿你的钱 文件在哪里
I have to go to Reno for your money. Where’s the file?
It’ll be mailed to you.
我骗过了你一次 我知道最好不要再尝试第二次了
I crossed you once. I know better than to try it a second time.
I’ve got a reason for wanting to be let alone.
在我走远了之后 你会得到文件的
You’ll get the file, after I’m out of reach.
好 如果只能这样的话
Well, if that’s the way it has to be.
当你在里诺的时候 找一个能管住嘴的飞行员
While you’re in Reno, find a pilot who can keep his mouth shut.
告诉他把飞机停在沙漠里 不要让人看到他
Tell him to set his plane down in the desert where he won’t be seen.
Make it about dawn.
振作起来 凯西 你会顺利脱身的
And cheer up, Kathie. You’ll get out of it all right.
You always have.
-他们说你杀了一个人 -你相信他们吗
-They say you killed a man. -Do you believe them?
-Not until you tell me.
你相信我说的一切 对吗
You believe everything I say, don’t you?
你对我说的一切 我都相信
Everything you say to me, I believe.
I don’t know why I do this.
我不知道为什么 让你回到我的生活中来 为什么我不
I don’t know why I let you come back into my life. Why I don’t…
抽你脸一巴掌 送你回家 我不知道
slap your face and send you home. I don’t know.
-因为你说你会回来的 -但不是在这种情况下
-Because you said you’d come back. -But not like this.
-你没有杀他 对吗 -对
-You didn’t kill him, did you? -No.
你知道 我必须要回来
You know, I had to come back.
-带我一起去吧 杰夫 -我必须单独去
-Take me with you, Jeff. -I have to play this alone.
-你又见到她了吗 -是的 我见到她了
-You’ve seen her again? -Yeah, I saw her.
-还是那样吗 -我见到了她 这没什么
-Was it the same? -I saw her, and it was nothing.
她不可能是纯坏人 没有人是
She can’t be all bad. No one is.
好吧 她算最接近的了
Well, she comes the closest.
-你还会去见她吗 -今晚 最后一次
-Are you going to see her again? -Tonight, for the last time.
那就看看她 再看看你自己
Then look at her. And look at yourself.
而且要非常确定 你对她连一点爱都没有了
And be very sure that there isn’t even a little bit of love left for her.
然后当你知道这次结束了 以后永远
Then when you find out and you know it once and forever…
send for me.
我不用去确定 我现在就知道了
I don’t have to find out. I know it now.
-这就是我想听到的 -你知道吗 也许我错了
-That’s all I wanted to hear. -You know, maybe I was wrong…
运气就像爱情 你必须一路很努力才能找到它
and luck is like love. You have to go all the way to find it.
You do to keep it.
你该走了 那孩子按我说的做了吗
You better go. Did the kid do what I told him?
他们正跟着他往南走 州警♥察♥和所有的人
They’re following him south, the state police and all of them.
I can’t go.
-你可以把它收起来 -我想不出有什么更好的地方可以放它
-You can put that away. -I can’t think of a better place to put it.
-我只是想告诉你一些事情 -说
-I just want to tell you something. -Tell it.
I was going to kill you.
-谁不想呢 -或者告诉警♥察♥你在哪里
-Who isn’t? -Or tell the cops where you were.
I followed Ann tonight.
-是什么阻止了你 -你对她说的一些话
-What stopped you? -Some things you said to her.
-你说要告诉我一些事情 -我和她一起长大
-You said were gonna tell me something. -I grew up with her.
从我修好她的轮滑鞋开始 我就爱上了她
I’ve loved her ever since I fixed her roller skates.
我不知道我对她是否足够好 但我知道你不够
I don’t know whether I’m good enough for her, but I know you aren’t.
这是一个区别 另一个区别是 她爱我
That’s one difference. The other is that she loves me.
你告诉她 你不知道为什么 你让她回到你肮脏的生活中
You told her you didn’t know why you let her back into your dirty life.
我不知道是什么让你走到今天 也不知道它会把你带到哪里
I don’t know what got you where you are or where it’s gonna take you.
She’s not going with it.
Why don’t you say it to the law.
然后你的余生都可以告诉她 你是如何说的
Then all the rest of your life you can tell her how you did it.
你不能和一个死人做交易 杰夫
You can’t make deals with a dead man, Jeff.
对 确实不能
No, you can’t.
-让我们离开这里 -还有什么地方可以去
-Let’s get out of here. -There’s someplace left to go?
-我觉得有 -你现在主持大局了吗
-I think so. -You’re running the show now?
你介意吗 杰夫
