Meng Haoran Poem: For Censor Yuan– 孟浩然《访袁拾遗不遇》









[1] 《千家诗》注说:“江岭,江西之庾岭;流人,有罪而流放于岭外也。袁拾遗,洛阳人,孟公之友也,特至洛阳访之,不意袁已被罪免官,而流放于岭外矣,故作诗寄之。庾岭地暖,梅花早开,公盖未至也。故曰闻说。言岭梅虽早,岂如故园春色之可乐哉!惜才人之不幸也。”诗人表达了对才子的关怀,对他不幸的遭遇,表示了同情。

[2] 才子:有才华的人,此处指袁拾遗。

[3] 江岭:指大庾岭,位于江西与广东交界之处,唐代为贬谪之地。

[4] 流人:因获罪被流放的人。

[5] 闻说:听说。

[6] 梅花早:大庾岭位于南方,梅花比北方开放得早。

[7] 此地:指洛阳。


For Censor Yuan

Meng Haoran

In the capital I call on you,

But you are exiled out of view,

Where mume blossoms early appear.

Can they compare with flowers here?



The poet Meng Haoran of the Tang Dynasty went to Luoyang to visit a friend of his. The poet went to Luoyang to visit his deceased friend, but unexpectedly his best friend had been relegated to Jiangling. The poet’s feelings are quite complicated, with injustice, sadness and nostalgia intertwined, but the poem is subtle and profound, and even very elegant. The poet uses the word “talent” to express his admiration for Yuan. At the same time, the contrast between “talented man” and “drifter” alludes to the poet’s injustice. Although it is said that the plum blossoms in Jiangling bloom early and the scenery is wonderful, it is not as good as the spring in the north. The poem has the beauty of being self-contained and unobtrusive. Although this poem is only twenty words long, its realm is very large. Although there is not a single word in the emotion, the deep feelings sent to the north and south are spread out between the thousands of mountains and thousands of waters, and although it has to be light, it will never die.
