Cheng Hao Poem: Written in the Temple South of River Huai – 程颢《题淮南寺》









[1] 这是《千家诗》中第一首写秋的诗,但诗人懂得秋来春往的自然规律,以理化情,所以并不悲秋。

[2] 休便休:随处休息,表示随遇而安。

[3] 白蘋:江上的一种蕨类植物,开白花。

[4] 道人:道士,修道之人。这里是作者的自称。

[5] 悲秋客:面对秋景感到悲伤的人。

[6] 任:任凭。

Written in the Temple South of River Huai

Cheng Hao

Journeying north and south, I may rest if I can;

Autumn chills Southern Stream, white duckweed blown away.

Poets grieve in autumn, but I’m not such a man,

Letting mournful mountains stand face to face all day.

Cheng Hao – 程颢


“Written in the Temple South of River Huai ” is a seven-line poem written by Cheng Hao, a poet of the Song Dynasty. The first line is about the poet’s journey from the south to the north, and he rests when he comes across a place where he can rest; the second line is about the white water in the river which has disappeared, and the water is sparkling, presenting a scene of late autumn. In the second two lines, the poet expresses his feelings about the scene, and in the third line, he claims that he is not an ordinary man of letters who gets sad in autumn; in the last line, he adopts a personification technique and writes that he is worried by the autumn mountains in the evening. The poem is written in a rhythmic way, showing the author’s transcendent temperament.
