No matter what they say, it’s all about money.
不管他们说什么 话题都离不开钱
So let’s imagine, ladies, that you’re a savings and loan officer.
所以 我们想象一下 你在银行工作
Watch. One, two, three.
一 二 三
See? You’ve got it all, and we’ve got nothin’.
看 四个金币都到你们那去了 我这什么都没有了
And you have all four. Take a look.
四个金币都到你们那去了 看看
But I wouldn’t trust you with real gold. That’s why this one’s only worth about a penny.
我不相信这真的是金币 这个根本不值钱
Hmm. And if you wonder where the other one went, watch.
你们知道另一枚去哪了吗 看好
Penny from the ear. How much for the rest?
从耳朵里出来了 别的地方还有没有
Have you seen Edward? No, I haven’t. Great party, Philip.
有看到爱德华吗 没有 菲利普 聚会很棒
Well, my wife went to a lot of trouble. She called a caterer.
我老婆没少操心 还找了宴会服务公♥司♥
Excuse me, Anne. Howard, how are ya? Philip, good.
哈沃德 你好 你好 菲利普
Hey, I understand Edward’s taking over Morse Industries.
我想爱德华正在收♥购♥ 摩西实业公♥司♥
Yeah, well, he’s not here to get a suntan. Can I get in on it?
他当然不是来晒太阳的 能跟你谈谈吗
Yeah, call me. When? Just call me.
给我打电♥话♥ 几时 你打就是了
Uh, hi. I’m Philip Stuckey, Edward Lewis’ lawyer.
我叫菲利普斯塔基 我是爱德华的律师
Hey, where’s the guest of honour anyway? Well, if I know him,
我们那位贵客在哪呢 据我了解
he’s probably off in a corner somewhere charming a very pretty lady. How are you?
他应该在一个迷人的角落 和一位美丽的女士一起 你好吗
I told my secretary to make the arrangements. Didn’t she call you?
我已经让秘书去安排了 她没给你打电♥话♥吗
Yes, she did. I speak to your secretary more than I speak to you.
不 她打了 问题是我跟你说的话 还没跟你秘书说的话多
I see. I have my own life too, you know, Edward.
我知道 爱德华 你要明白 我有我自己的生活
This is a very important week for me. I need you here.
这一周对我来说非常重要 我需要你在这
But you never give me any notice. You just think I’m at your beck and call.
可你从不事先打个招呼 你总是认为我是随叫随到的
I do not believe that you are at my “beck and call.”
Well, that’s the way you always make me feel. Maybe I should just move out.
可是 我一直有这种感党 也许我应该从你这搬出去
If that’s what you want, yes. All right, when you get back to New York, we’ll discuss it.
如果这就是你想要的 请便 好吧 等你一到纽约就谈这事
Now is as good a time as any. That’s fine with me, Edward. Goodbye.
我看现在就挺好 好 我没意见 再见
Goodbye, Jessica.
Phil suggested that maybe I should take a look… Phil is just my lawyer, okay?
菲利普建议我应该去看看 菲利普只不过是我的律师
Yes, sir. How did the Morse stock open at the Nikkei?
是的 先生 摩西股票在东京开♥盘♥情况怎祥
I don’t know. You don’t know?
我不知道 你不知道?
Tokyo opened maybe 90 minutes ago. You have to keep on top of these things, all right?
90分钟前东京股市就开♥盘♥了 你必须随时注意行情
Done. Hello, Mr Lewis. Hi, hi. How ya doin’?
是 你好 路易斯先生 你好
I want this whole thing wrapped up as soon as possible. I gotta get to New York by Sunday.
我要你尽快把一切都安排好 我星期天回纽约
I got tickets to the Met. Yes, sir.
我买♥♥了大都会歌♥剧院的票 是 先生
Your coat, Mr Lewis. Thank you.
您的外衣 路易斯先生 谢谢你
Edward! Susan!
爱德华! 苏珊!
I was sorry to hear about Carter. Oh, yeah. Thanks.
你父亲去世我很难过 谢谢你
Heard you got married. Well, yeah, I couldn’t wait for you.
苏珊 我听说你结婚了 是的 我不能总等着你呀
Susan, tell me something. Yes?
苏珊 问你点事 什么
When you and I were dating, did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?
做我女朋友的时候 你跟我秘书的话比跟我还多吗
She was one of my bridesmaids.
Your husband’s a very lucky guy. Bye. Thanks. Bye.
你丈夫是个幸运的家伙 再见 谢谢你 再见
up to you. Absolutely. Wonderful.
跟你谈谈心 洗耳恭听 太棒了
He’s leaving. Edward’s leaving.
他要走了 爱德华要走了
Excuse me. Sure.
失陪 没事
Is this Mr Stuckey’s car?
Edward, where ya goin’? You got the keys to your car?
爱德华 你去哪 你带车钥匙了是吗
Why? What’s wrong with the limo?
怎么了 你的豪华车怎么了
Look, the limo is buried back there. Darryl can’t get it out.
你没看见它被堵在里面了 达里尔不能把它开出来吗?
Please give me the keys. All right, look. I don’t think you should drive.
车钥匙给我 那好吧 我想你不应该自己开车
You’re a little excited. Don’t drive my car. Let me work something out here.
你别开我的车 我来看看能不能干点什么
Fellas, what kind of a system is this? Can you move these cars out of here?
各位 这是什么系统? 你能让条路出来吗
Look, Edward, Edward. Are you familiar with a stick shift? Oh, yeah.
爱德华 爱德华 你熟悉这种车型吗 是的
Have you driven a shift? Yeah. Yeah.
挂当了吧? 嗯嗯
Listen…All right. Just… Just be ginger with it. Don’t…
好吧 千万小心 别那样…
It’s a new car. Don’t… Okay, I can do it. It’s just a little…Edward!
这是辆新车 别… 好 我会注意 只是…爱德华!
Give me a break, please? I love this car.
饶了我的车吧! 求你了 我爱这辆车
I love it too. Look, you don’t even know where you’re going.
我也爱它 你甚至不知道自己要去哪
You…You’re gonna get lost in the dark!
天要黑了 你会迷路的
Beverly Hills is down the hill!
Maps here! Maps!
地图 卖♥♥地图啦
Good one.
What do you say, blondie? Hi, honey. Want some fun?
宝贝 说话呀 宝贝 想玩玩吗?
Hey, baby, you lookin’ for a date? Yeah, honey, we’re lookin’.
宝贝 你在找伴儿吗 是 宝贝 我们正找呢
Well, here I am. I’m Al, and this is my friend, Joe.
我就在这 我叫艾 这是我朋友佐依
Get in the car.
Now wait a minute. You don’t seem to understand me.
不 等一会 你好像没有明白我的意思
That’s my job. At the end of the month, I collect everybody’s rent.
那是我的工作 到月底每个人都得交房♥租
Now give me the money, or you’re outta here.
或者你立刻交钱 或者从这搬出去
Welcome to Hollywood! Everybody comes to Hollywood got a dream.
欢迎来到好莱坞 人人都是怀着梦想来好莱坞的
What’s your dream?
What’s your dream? Hey, mister? Hey! What’s your dream?
先生 你有什么梦想
Have a good one.
What happened? Some chick. She bought it over there.
出什么事了 某个姑娘 在那边被杀了
Detective Albertson. What do you know about that girl?
I’ll tell you, man. I don’t know who she hang with.
我告诉你 伙计 我不知道她陪的是谁
Come on, guy. We just pulled her out of a Dumpster in the back. Who was her pimp?
得了 我们刚把她从后面的垃圾箱里拉出来 谁是拉皮条的
Cocaine her pimp. She a strawberry.
是可♥卡♥因♥ 她用色相换毒品
She be out on these streets day in, day out, tradin’ her sorry self for some crack.
她天天都在这条街上游荡 谁给她可♥卡♥因♥ 就跟谁鬼混
And, and what do you do? I cool.
那你做什么工作 我扮酷
Oh, I’ll bet. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
我敢打赌 嘿!
Excuse me. Excuse me. Awful. What are you, from the press?
请问一下 你们是从报社来的吗
No, no. We’re from Orlando. Oh, I don’t believe this.
不是 我们是从东部来的 真不敢相信
Do you see…I got tourists photographing the body, Al.
Hey, Pops, has Kit been in here? Upstairs in the pool room.
勃勃斯 凯特在这吗 在楼上
Yo, Viv! Is it all gone?
薇薇安! 你把钱拿走了?
Carlos, you know my roommate, Vivian. This is Angel. That’s Bermuda.
你认识我的室友 薇薇安 这是”天使” 那是”公子”
I know everybody. Is it all gone, Kit?
我认识他们 是不是你把钱拿走了
Carlos sold me some great shit. We just had this party. I was the hostess.
卡罗思卖♥♥了一些白粉给我 我们刚举♥行♥了一个招待会
I can’t believe you bought drugs with our rent! What is going on with you, Kit?
你竟然拿我们交房♥租的钱去买♥♥毒品 你接着还想干什么
I needed a little pickmeup. Oh, well, we need rent money!
我需要一点刺♥激♥ 拜托 我们需要的是交房♥租的钱
Whoa. Calm down, chica. She only owes me 200 more. Carlos!
冷静点 小妞 她现在只欠我200块 卡罗思
Another 200 dollars? That was from way before.
还欠200块? 那是我以前跟他借的
That’s right, 200, Vivian.
对 还欠200块 薇薇安
But if you wanna work off her money with me, we can work something out.
你愿意帮她抵债 那没问题
That’s a very sweet offer, Carlos, but not now.
这建议不错 可现在不行
Come on, Viv. Come downstairs. Work out…Work out what? What do we work out?
走吧 薇薇安 咱们下楼去 什么债 抵什么债 我们到底欠他什么债
You really like her, Carlos? You took it while I was sleeping?
卡罗思 你不是真的喜欢她吧 你是在我睡觉的时候 把钱拿走的吧
You were unavailable for consultation. Hey, let’s go.
真拿你没办法 咱们走
Snack! Snack!
Besides, it’s my apartment. Yeah, well, I have to live there too, Kit.
再说 那是我的房♥间 我知道 可除了那儿我没地方住
Look, you came here, I gave you some money, I gave you a place to stay,
薇薇安 你到这儿来 是我给了你一些钱 给了你一个地方住
and some valuable vocational advice.
He was on my case. I had to give him something. So don’t irritate me.
他不好惹 我总得给他点什么 所以别惹我生气
This ain’t a buffet, Kit!
这不是自助餐 凯特
“Irritate you”? “Irritate you”?
I just saw a girl pulled out of a Dumpster.
刚有个姑娘 被人从垃圾箱里拉出来
I know. Skinny Marie. But she was a, a flake.
我知道 玛丽 她是个疯子 毒品搞得她神志不清
She was a crackhead. Dominic was trying to straighten her out for months.
几个月来 她男友一直想要她戒毒
Hey, you just knocked my drink… Get off of her! Leave her alone!
你刚打翻了我的喝的… 放开她! 别管她!
Don’t you wanna get outta here?
Get out where? Where the fuck you wanna go?
离开这种生活? 你能到哪去?
Ah, this stuff. There’s nothin’ but garbage.
看看 除了垃圾什么也没有
Uh, excuse me. Huh? Can you tell me how to get to Beverly Hills?
请问 什么 到贝佛利山怎么走?
You’re here! That’s Sylvester Stallone’s house right there!
这就是贝佛利山 大明星史泰龙家就在那边
Thank you. You’re welcome.
谢谢你 不用谢
Hey, yo, Rachel? What?
雷切尔 干嘛?
Yeah, you see the stars on the sidewalk, babe? Yeah.
你是在看明星吗 宝贝? 嗯
Well, Vivian and me, we work Bob Hope,
那好 薇薇安和我 在这干活
we work the Ritz Brothers, we work Fred Astaire…
we work all the way down to Ella Fitzgerald.
This is our turf. We got seniority. You better get off our corner.
这是我们的地盘 一直到那边 全都是 你最好从这儿走开
Forgive me. I was just takin’ a rest here. Besides, she’s new.
对不起 我只是休息一会 再说 她是个新手
Yeah, well, I’m old. So go rest up by Monty Hall or Esther Wilson.
她是我不是 还是到女明星埃舍尔·威尔森那休息吧
Williams. Esther Williams, where you belong!
威廉 埃舍尔·威廉 你是属于那的!
Back off, Kit. You know, you’re really becoming a grouch.
消消气吧 凯特 你真像是吃了火♥药♥
Am I really a grouch? Yes. Sometimes.
我像吃火♥药♥了吗? 有时候像
Well, just ’cause I’m hungry! I’m gonna go get something to eat.
Hey, girls! Hey, yo, baby!
姑娘们 宝贝!
How ’bout a freebie? It’s my birthday!
免费快活快活 今天是我生日
