今天 亮晶晶公♥司♥的市值…
Today, Mr. Twinkle is won’th…
…an estimated $91 million.
And that was with a profit definition not as favorable…
…as the one Pure Vibe is offering…
…开出的条件 你们只要看看图表一…
…AIpine Soda. If you turn to chart number one…
抱歉 你谈的只是金钱方面吗
Sorry, is this just gonna be about money?
不 我说的是…股票
No, it’s… Stocks.
撇开钱的因素不谈 为什么我们要从地方性的…
Other than money, why should we change from a local…
…面向家庭的企业转变成 一家全国性品牌的子公♥司♥
…family-oriented business to become subsidiary to a national brand?
哦 撇开钱的因素不谈
Yeah. Other than money?
-对 -哦
-Right. -Yeah.
加里 拉里
Garry, Larry.
五十年前 如果你在温暖的周一晚上
Fifty years ago, if you walked down any street in America…
…漫步在美国的任何一条街道上…劳驾 莱尔德
…on a warm Monday night… Thanks, Laird.
你会听见每幢房♥子 每个街区
You’d hear I Love Lucy coming out
都传出”I Love Lucy”的歌♥声
of every house, on every block.
我要说的不是什么”趋同性”我要说的是 这不是很棒吗
I’m not speaking about conformity, I’m talking about “Isn’t it great?”
And every once in a while…
…America falls in love with something together.
这样的事现在也会发生 你们有呱呱叫的产品
That could happen here. You have a terrific product.
撇开钱的因素不谈 当飞碟的发明人
Money aside, how’d
Walter Frederick Morrison feel…
…every time he walked
看到人们都在 抛飞碟逗狗玩…
by a park and he’d see people…
…throwing a Frisbee and the dog doing all the work?
如果纯净感应饮料公♥司♥把高山汽水 推向全国
If Pure Vibe takes Alpine national,
I think we have a chance…
…to let America fall in love with something again.
你这么急干什么 为什么不留下来 让我好好谢谢你
What’s your hurry? Why don’t you stay and bask in my gratitude?
我得马上把房♥车还回去 托德…
I gotta get the RV back right now, Todd…
…or I have to pay for a full day.
-好 那你就想象我和你拥抱吧 -谢谢
-Well, just picture me hugging you. -Thanks.
警官 这是怎么回事
Officer? Excuse me. What’s going on?
塌方 我们正通过L-70疏散车辆
Landslide. We’re diverting through l-70.
L-70 那得花几个小时啊
L-70? It’ll take hours.
Isn’t there another way around Mount Watson?
魔鬼山口 不过你那车是过不去的
Diablo Pass. But you’re not gonna make it in that rig.
魔鬼山口 只有四轮驱动车可以通行
爸爸说得对 这里真的美极了
Dad was right. This is really amazing.
是啊 可怜的爸爸
Yeah. Poor Dad.
Should we cut this short and go back?
-好 -好
-Yeah. -Okay.
You are not on any marked road.
我知道 罗拉
I know that, Lola.
Make a U-turn at the next legal opportunity.
I can’t.
捏捏脸颊 拍拍屁♥股♥
Squeeze them cheeks Tighten them buns
来吧 我们找点乐子
Come on now We having fun
大粪球滚啊滚 滚啊滚
Big old rolling turd coming through Coming through
-您不在任何标明的道路上 -闭嘴
-You are not on any marked road. -Shut up!
加油 大粪 不要停 加油 加油
Come on, Turd. Keep rolling. Come on. Come on.
You can do it.
Come on.
加油 加油 加油
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Damn it.
Make a U-turn at the next legal opportunity.
Dad’s gonna be surprised we got back so soon.

Who was that maniac?
哦 天哪
Oh, God.
-詹米 -你躺在地上干什么
-Jamie. -Why are you laying on the ground?
亲爱的 我有些事要告诉你
Honey, there’s something I need to tell you.
I need…
Needed a…
Needed a little fresh air.
After my incident.
And how are you now?
Really good. Good.
哦 好
Oh, yeah.
-喂 -鲍勃 老鲍 老猫
-Hello? -Bob? Bob-orino? Bobcat?
-是我 -一点小事
-Yeah? -Teeny tiny wrinkle-dinkle.
Larry wants you to come back tomorrow…
…and pitch the whole company, all the employees.
只要大多数人赞成合并 这笔买♥♥卖♥♥就成了
Majority want the merger, it’s a done deal.
-什么 -我们不需要他
-What? -We don’t need him.
我能做这事 再给我一次机会
I can do this. Give me another chance.
Let me kick this through the uprights!
-我会去的 -太好了 你的口水都喷到我身上了
-I’ll do it. I’m there. -Great. You’re spitting on me.
大粪球滚啊滚 滚啊滚
Big old rolling turd coming through Coming through
哦 我们在那条路上 坐着冒热气的大车
Oh, we’re on that road On a big, steaming load
大粪球滚啊滚 滚啊滚
Big old rolling turd coming through Coming through
大粪球滚啊滚 滚啊滚
Big old rolling turd Big old rolling turd coming through
嘿 爸爸 也许在回家的路上我们可以去黄石公园
Hey, Dad. Maybe we can go to Yellowstone on the way home.
-我很想去黄石公园 -爸爸 行吗
-I’d love to go to Yellowstone. -Yeah, Dad. Can we?
来吧 我让你们看点漂亮的
Come on. I wanna show you something wonderful.
It’s hard to forget this place.
当时我爸爸完全被打动了 他说
My dad was so moved by it he said:
“知道吗 在这儿开家小吃店 肯定会赚翻了”
“You know, a snack stand up here would do tremendous.”
我妈妈总是很支持他 就说
My mom, always supportive:
“谁来开呢 阿伦 你吗”
“And who’s gonna run it, Allan, you?”
我爸爸说 “见你的大头鬼 埃伦”
My dad: “Why don’t you blow it out your big, saggy rear end, Ellen.”
Can’t buy memories like that.
Or like this.
对了 在我们去洛杉矶以前…
Hey. You know, I should take the RV to get the emergency brake fixed…
-我该找人把房♥车的紧急制动闸修好 -好主意
…before we head to L.A. -Yeah. Good idea.
And you guys don’t want to hang around some dingy garage.
你们就在湖边等着吧 好好欣赏风景
You wait here by the lake, enjoy the view.
我会开车去玻尔得 过一个小时就 回来
I’ll drive to Boulder, be back in an hour.
We’ll have a big picnic.
-怎么样 -好啊 听起来不错
-How about that? -Okay. Sounds good.
孩子们 把你们想说的话告诉爸爸
Guys? Tell your dad what you wanted to tell him.
-谢谢你带我们出来旅游 -我也是这话
-Thank you for taking us on this trip. -Kinko that.
-比去夏威夷好 -对 比去夏威夷好
-Better than Hawaii? -Yeah, better than Hawaii.
过来抱抱老爹吧 来吧
Come give big daddy a hug. Come on.
-等等 -卡尔 很快你就会大得让我抱不动了
-Wait. -Carl, you’ll be too big soon.
-爸爸 -卡茜也会上大学
-Dad. -Cassie’ll be in college.
-爸爸 -怎么
-Dad! -What?
The RV’s rolling away.

哦 上帝 不
Oh, God, no.
-不 -爸爸 别管它了
-Oh, no! -Dad, let it go!
鲍勃 鲍勃
Bob. Bob!
-鲍勃 -妈妈 你干什么
-Bob! -Mom, what are you doing?
鲍勃 不要
Bob, no!
你疯了 那只是租来的东西
Are you crazy? It’s a rental.
-我该怎么赶上会议呢 -什么会议
-How am I gonna get to the meeting? -What meeting?
The Alpine merger.
甜心 昨天发生的事你想象不到
Sweetheart, you’ll never guess what happened yesterday.
-你其实没病 -没有
-You werert really sick. -Not really.
This is about work.
你带我们来这里就是因为 离开会的地方比较近
You brought us out here because it was close to a meeting?
-你又猜对了 -高山汽水合并案
-You’re getting warmer. -The Alpine soda merger.
-没错 -这么说你从一开始…
-Bingo. -So you lied to me…
-就在对我撒谎 -从我们结婚开始
…from the very beginning. -Since we were first married?
不 从你把房♥车带回家开始
No, since when you first brought home the RV.
-那个时候 对 -这次度假不是因为…
-That time, yeah. -This has nothing to do…
