Well, we’d found out that Rodriguez was alive.
I’d spoken to Craig.
那天我去上班 阿历克斯·麦科林多
I came to work and Alex McCrindle,
who was the guy I worked on the website with said,
“You’re not going to believe what’s on the website.”
网站里面有个论♥坛♥ 人们可以留言的
And on the website was a forum where people could post messages,
and there was a message that said,
“我叫伊娃 是罗德里格兹的女儿”
“My name’s Eva. I’m Rodriguez’s daughter.”
她留下了电♥话♥号♥码 还说
She’d left a phone number and she said,
“I’d like to speak to someone
in connection with this.”
So that night I phoned her.
我说”你好 我是老糖”她说”我是伊娃”
I said, “Hi, I’m Sugar,” and she said, “I’m Eva,”
and we had the most amazing conversation.
She explained to me who her father was,
他后来做了什么 去了哪里
what he had done, where he had been.
她问我是谁 我解释了自己为什么叫”老糖”
She asked me who I was and I explained why my name was Sugar
and how I was involved with the website.
And then at the end I said to her,
“This has been the most amazing thing for me,
“and what would be really great is if I could,
“跟你的父亲说上话 那就真的太好了”
“at some point, speak to your dad.
“I’d love it if I could just say hello to him. ”
因为对我来说 这就是整个寻找过程的终点
Because, for me, this was son’ of the end of the search
and I just wanted to speak to this man.
And then I went to bed.
那天凌晨一点钟 电♥话♥响了
And 1:00 in the morning that night, the phone rang.
And my wife answers it ’cause it was her side of the bed.
我记得 她接起电♥话♥ 然后脸色就变了
And I remember she picked up the phone and her face just changed.
一副吓坏了的表情 说”是他”
She had this look of awe. She said, “it’s him.”
我惊呆了 甚至都没睡醒
And I was in shock. I’d been sleeping
and I ran into the other room, into my study,
接起电♥话♥ 她那边放下
and I picked up the phone and she put hers down.
And I said, “Hello?” and a voice said…
“喂 是老糖吗”
“Hello, is that Sugar?”
我知道 我就是知道 因为我熟悉那个声音
And I knew, I just knew, because I knew that voice.
我在唱片里听过无数次这个声音 我知道这就是他
I’d heard that voice so many times on the records, I knew it was him.
I was talking to Rodriguez.
这对我来说 是一生中最美的瞬间之一
That, for me, was one of the greatest moments of my life.
《桑德瑞文小夜曲》 罗德里格兹 1971
-你准备好了就可以 -好
-Whenever you’re ready. -Okay.
这样行吗 我应该手上做点什么吗
Is this all right? Should I be doing something though?
是不是该拿杯水什么的 这样可以吗
Should I have a glass of water or something? Is that right?
-想要水吗 -可以
-Do you want? -Yeah. I like that.
Yeah, this is… I’m supposed to be comfortable.
再问一遍问题吧 我再听得清楚一些
So run the question to me again. Just so I can hear it in my head.
七八十年代的时候 你有接到任何来自南非的联络吗
In the ’70s and ’80s, did you ever get any contact from South Africa?
Uh… No, I didn’t.
或许是因为他们没有联♥系♥电♥话♥ 但我没有收到过
Maybe they didn’t have a contact number or something but, no, I didn’t.
这让你感觉如何呢 你完全不知道…
How does that feel? You weren’t aware of something
that would have changed your life completely.
我是说 很可能会变得更好
I mean, probably to the better.
Well, I don’t know if it would have been for the better,
but it’s certainly a thought, you know.
但知道自己曾经红极一时 不是会感觉很好吗
But wouldn’t it have been nice to know that you were a superstar?
Uh, well…
I don’t know how to respond to that.
在《从现实来》之后 你想不想继续录制专辑
After Coming From Reality, did you wanna continue making albums?
我也很想继续 但没有比这张更好的了
I would have liked to have continued but nothing beats Reality.
So I pretty much went back to work.
What did you do?
I… Well, I’d do hired labor.
拆除旧屋 装♥修♥新屋
Demolition, renovation of buildings,
of homes, you know. Restoration.
Did you enjoy that’?
喜欢 可以循环血液 保持健康
I do. It keeps the blood circulating, keeps you fit, yeah.
But it’s quite far away from music.
是啊 是有一点 挺有对比的
Uh… Yeah, quite a bit, quite a different contrast, yeah.
Did you continue making music on your own?
有 我弹吉他 我喜欢弹吉他
I do, I play guitar. I love playing guitar.
但我也喜欢听 我喜欢去看演出
But I do love to listen. I like to go see the shows and things.
But I do get about.
《街头男孩》 罗德里格兹 1971
Street Boy by Rodriguez
街头男孩 你在外太久了
Street boy You’ve been out too long
街头男孩 是时候回家了
Street boy Makes kind of sense to go home
街头男孩 你这样会孤独终老
Street boy You’re gonna end up alone
You need some love and understanding
Not that dead-end life you’re planning Street boy
你回到家 但不能久留
You go home but you can’t stay
Because something’s always pulling you away
You’re fast hellos And quick goodbyes
你只是个街头男孩 街灯在你眼里
You’re just a street boy with the street lights in your eyes
你最好打点自己 去寻找更好的
You’d better get yourself together Look for something better
He never said anything about being disappointed.
他会继续下去 生存着
He would just move on, continue to survive
because you can’t just give up.
What did he do instead?
He read a lot.
参与到政♥治♥ 加入到社区服务
He was involved in politics. He was involved in the community.
He would attend protests and rallies,
瑞根·罗德里格兹 小女儿
只要主题是他支持的 他会带我们一起
if those were causes that he believed in. He would take us along.
He was always a proponent of working for the people
that maybe didn’t always have a voice,
或者没有机会站出来说话的人 工人阶级 穷♥人♥
or didn’t have a chance to speak up, the working class, the working poor.
He had a lot of experience in that area.
He approached the work
from a different place than most people do.
态度非常 非常认真
He took it very, very seriously.
Son’ of like a sacrament, you know?
脏乱的活儿得连续做8 10小时
He was going to do this dirty, dirty work for eight or ten hours, okay?
瑞克·埃莫森 建筑工人 同事
But he was dressed in a tuxedo.
他的这个神奇的特质 很很多诗人和艺术家一样
He had this kind of magical quality that all genuine poets and artists have
提升事物的本质 超越世俗和平凡
to elevate things. To get above the mundane, the prosaic.
那些胡扯 庸人 到处都是
All the bullshit. All the mediocrity that’s everywhere.
而艺术家 是先锋
The artist, the artist is the pioneer.
就算音乐的梦想没有了 但精神还在
Even if his musical hopes were dashed, the spirit remained.
And he just had to keep finding a place, refining the process
of how to apply himself.
He knew that there was something more.
那是80年代初 他想做点什么
It was in the early ’80s. He wanted to do something,
做正义的事 去做出改变
do something righteous, make a difference.
所以 你瞧…
So, lo and behold…
…he told me that he was gonna run for mayor,
我就想”上帝保佑你吧 罗德里格兹”
and I thought, “Well, God bless you, Rodriguez.
“You know, if you can become Mayor of Detroit,
then anything is possible.”
《城市蓝调》 罗德里格兹
Inner City Blues by Rodriguez
在迪尔本见到一个女孩 今天清晨6点
Meta girl from Dearborn Early six o’clock this morn
A cold fact
问了问她的挎包 郊区是多么拖累
Asked about her bag Suburbia’s such a drag
Won’t go back
Cos papa don’t allow no new ideas here
Some old items from Rodriguez.
这是保险杠贴纸 是他第一次竞选市议会时候的
This is his bumper sticker, from the first time he ran for city council.
And I think this is a copy of the ballot.
He didn’t win an election, ever.
139票 一共有169人参选 最后只有9人选中
139. There were 169 candidates. Nine get elected.
They spelled his name wrong.
My relatives on my mother’s side of the family are European
and Native American.
