Hi, I’m Lenny.
你好 我是雷尼
Oh, little buddy, did I scare you? I’m sorry.
小家伙 吓着你了 对不起
Wake up. OK, don’t worry about it, I’ll get you out in a jiffy.
醒醒 醒醒 别担心 马上弄你出去
Keep holding your breath, little wormie.
继续屏住呼吸 小虫虫
Yo, Lenny. I’m coming, Frankie.
嗨 雷尼 来了 法兰奇
Move it. Pop’s waiting.
快点儿 爸在等我们了
Here we go. And gotcha.
好了 接到你了
OK, buddy, you’re free.
你自♥由♥了 走吧
Now escape. Just go. Cry freedom.
快走吧 自♥由♥万岁
You almost gave me a heart attack. What are you doing?
你差点吓死我了 雷尼 你在干嘛
I was just…
什么 我只是
picking you some flowers.
Hey, Mom said it’s not OK to hit.
嘿 妈说不能打
Mom’s not here.
That song gives me the creeps.
Whaddya mean? It’s our theme song.
这是什么话 这是我们的主题歌♥啊
Are they gone? Are they gone?
他们走了吗? 走了吗?
You sure? Good morning, Southside Reef.
你确定? 早安 南岩礁的观众
I’m Katie Current, keeping it current.
我是凯蒂·嘉伦特 为您提供最新资讯
We’ve received official confirmation the sharks are gone.
刚接到消息 鲨鱼已经游走了
I repeat, the sharks are gone.
我再重复 鲨鱼已经游走了
Don’t worry
Every little thing…
Is gonna be all right
Don’t worry
Tuna Turner.
Mussel Crowe.
Jessica Shrimpson.
Cod Stewart.
Up next, a mother of 800 tells us how she does it all.
下来听听多产妇说她 怎样产下800名儿女
But first, over to Janice for the traffic report.
不过 先听听嘉尼丝的交通路况报道
Thanks, Katie. Slight congestion here on the InterReef 95.
谢谢凯蒂 岩礁高速公路 第5段发生交通阻塞
There’s an overturned mackerel. Authorities are trying to calm him down.
有只鲭鱼倾覆了 当局正在安慰他
Get out those shell phones and call in to the boss, cos you’ll be late.
赶紧打电♥话♥向老板 报告你会迟到
Don’t you yell at me. My mother is your mother, OK.
别对着我吼 我妈也是你妈 知道吗
Yup. It’s fake.
没错 是假货
Fake? I worked eight years on that.
假货 我花了8年时间做的
According to the latest Scallop Poll, fear of sharks is at an all-time high.
根据最新斯盖洛普调查显示 惧鲨症正达高峰期
Join us tonight for an in-depth report.
How long must this reef live under siege?
在鲨鱼的围攻下 这片暗礁(里的鱼)能存活多久?
Is there no hero among us?
Who can stop this shark menace?
Hi, I’m Oscar. You might think you know, but you have no idea.
我是奥斯卡 你以为你知道 但是你不知道
Welcome to my crib. The good life, the way the other half lives.
欢迎参观我家 看看穷♥人♥怎么穷开心
Check it out, I got my 60″ high-def, flat-screen TV
这是60寸高清晰度 扁屏电视和6个立体声扬声器
with 6-speaker surround, CD, DVD, PlayStation hook-up
CD光盘 DVD光碟 游戏站
and an 8-track player for days when you’re feeling a little…
Old school.
‘Cos even a superstar Mack daddy fish like me
has to have the basic necessities.
Yeah, like money.
没错 比如钞票
Come on, Shorties. Why ya’ll messin’ with my fantasy?
小子 怎么砸碎我的美梦
‘Cos you so broke, your baloney has no first name.
因为你是穷光蛋 一分钱也没有
That’s very funny.
好笑 很好笑
Hey, Oscar. Over here. I gotta talk to ya.
嗨 奥斯卡 奥斯卡 过来 我有话和你说
Be right there. Hang onto these. Oscar, you da fish.
马上到 顶住
Yo, doo.
奥斯卡 你真行 嗨 老兄
Yo, Crazy Joe.
Now that you live in that penthouse, can I be your financial advisor?
现在你住大房♥子了 我当你财务顾问好吗
That’s a billboard, Crazy Joe.
那只是个广♥告♥牌 疯子乔
You live in a billboard? And they call me crazy.
你住在广♥告♥牌内 他们还说我疯 你才疯呢
Hey, Oscar. Look who came to visit.
奥斯卡 看看谁来探望你了
Gotcha. No. Don’t do that.
骗过你了吧 没有 别这样
Shouldn’t you be in school? Shouldn’t you be at work?
你们不是应该在上学吗 你不是应该在上班吗
Right back at me, huh? Little smart mouth.
会顶嘴 没大没小的 好了 我现在要走了
Look, I’m on my way. Stay outta trouble, all right?
别闹事 知道吗
And clean that stuff up. See ya.
还有 把这里清理一下 再见
See ya, Oscar.
再见 奥斯卡
Say what, say what
说什么 说什么
Car wash, car wash
洗车 洗车
Yo, what’s up, fellas? Big O’s in the house.
嗨 大伙儿还好吗 老奥来了
What’s up?
嗨 奥斯卡 好吗
Hey. Reef side.
你好 住岩礁的
Yo, Johnson, is it lunch yet?
嗨 约翰森 到吃饭时间了吗
You just got here. That’s my point.
你才来呀 没错 时间正好
Hey, Headphone Guy.
嗨 耳机男
Lookin’ good, ladies. Hey, Oscar.
小姐们 看来起色不错啊 你好 奥斯卡
Keep up the bad work.
加油 好好干
I’m already punched in?
Good morning. Can I help you?
早安 需要帮忙吗
One wash and lube, please.
Hot wax? Please.
用热蜡 是的 谢谢
Kelp scrape? We’re having a special.
要用海带洗刷吗 这是特别促销 怎样
Why not? It is mating season, and I’m feelin’ lucky.
好呀 反正交往季节到了 我想也快行桃花运了
Sykes’ Whale Wash. A whale of a wash, and the price…
斯盖丝洗鲸厂 物超所值的大清洗
oh, my gosh.
May I suggest a barnacle peel? Removes lines and salt damage.
何不尝试”藤壶换肤”去除 皱纹和减少盐份损害
Good. Hey, Ang.
好 安琪 好呀
Oh, my gosh. Hi, Oscar. Thanks for covering for me.
天 你好 奥斯卡 谢谢你帮我
Yo, I’m sorry, Dun. Angie needs to get her freak on.
噢 对不起 要逗安琪开心
Would you hold for one moment, please? Thanks.
请稍等 谢谢你 老兄
Oscar. Come on, Ang. Dance with me, mama.
奥斯卡 来 安琪 陪我跳舞吧 宝贝
Let me see it. # Tomorrow I will be rich…
让我看看你 明天我要发财了
Come on. Oscar. You’re gonna get me fired.
来吧 安琪 奥斯卡 你会害我丢饭碗的
Please, you fired? That can’t happen.
你丢了饭碗 不 那可不行
‘Cos then I would have absolutely no reason to come to work.
Oh, you don’t mean that.
Course I do. You’re like my best friend.
我当然是说真的 你是 我最要好的朋友了
Listen, tell me what you think about this.
听好了 你觉得这主意怎样
This is like the best idea ever, all right.
It’s a sure thing, guaranteed cash extravaganza.
保证成功 保证大赚一笔
Bottled water. Oh, no.
罐装水 不是吧
All I need is an advance on my pay cheque from the boss
现在我只需要 向老板再一次预支薪水
and, Ang, I am out of this place. I mean, I am… pschoo!
然后 安琪 我要离开这里 我…
Oscar.Instead of getting in Mr Sykes’ face
奥斯卡 别去惹斯盖丝先生
with another get-rich-quick scheme,
go do something you’re actually good at, your job
which by some miracle you still have.
I almost forgot.
对了 差点忘了
I brought you some breakfast.
You didn’t. Kelpy Kremes?
Your favourite.
海带甜甜圈 你最喜欢吃的
By the way, you’re still on hold.
对了 电♥话♥还有人在等候
Oh, my gosh! Thank you for holding. Busy, busy.
天啊 谢谢你等候 忙忙忙
Go. How can I help you?
去 我能为你做什么呢
No, I’m sorry. Mr Sykes is at a meeting right now.
不 对不起 斯盖丝先生正在开会
He won’t be back till later.
How are my little babies this morning?
You miss me? You doin’ good?
想我吗 今天过得不错吧
You see, Sykes,
你看 斯盖丝
it’s a fish-eat-fish world. You either take or you get taken.
这是”大鱼吃小鱼”的世界 不吃人就会被人吃
Truer words have never been spoken. Is that it? We done?
真有见地 还有吗 没了 就这样
Now, you and me, we worked together a long, long, long time.
我们已经一起共事 很长一段时间了
Please, Don Lino,
不 李诺老大
it’s hardly been like work.
这怎么能算是工作呢 听我说完
You know… I love that about you.
而且你知道的 我最喜欢你这点
