把你的双手举起 慢慢的转身过去
Put your hands in the air and slowly turn around.
我得救了!我得救了! – 把你的手举起来!
I’m saved! I’m saved! – Put your hands up!
是啊 当然 你得救了
Yeah, sure, Sean. You’re saved.
我说 举起你的双手
I said put your hands in the air.
化学物啊 兄弟 会害死你的
Chemicals, man. They’II fuck you up.
I always wondered what happened to that crazy little shit.
It’s a crazy fucked-up world…
and we’re all just barely floating along…
waiting for somebody that can walk on water.
Bob was like that…
一个白滥 当他误解一件事情
a real asshole when it came to reading into things.
He liked to wrap things up into neat little packages that implied the world.
看吧 西恩已经完蛋了
See, Sean was fucked up.
不是世界 这世界才刚被搞混
Not the world. The world was just confused.
不是全世界 真的 只有在这世界上的人
And not the world, really. Just the people in it.
叭咘混淆了 不止如此 他还是个混帐偏执狂
Bob was confused. And more, Bob was paranoid as fuck.
没错 叭咘被隔离了
That’s right. Bob was in quarantine.
The doctor said that Bob’s infection was so bad…
that it had become a lethal virus.
And so he was under quarantine for some weeks.
It was the beginning of the fall and the rest of our lives.
我们大学毕业 正准备暑期进修…
We both graduated college and were taking summer classes…
一个主要功业 自大学时期开始的目标就是尽其可能的破坏
a major feat, since our aim in college was to be as destructive as possible.
两个离开高中生活的初启蒙庞克仔 这就是我们的任务
Our mission, after leaving high school as two aspiring young punks…
I think the only two punks in Salt Lake City at the time…
was to go to university and bring down the system.
为什么?嗯 理由很简单
Why? Well, for obvious reasons.
无政♥府♥… 政♥府♥体制下唯一对我们似乎有点feel的东西
Anarchy… the only system of government that seemed to make any sense to us.
讽刺的是我们就这么过去了 就算我做的还不错
And the irony was we had made it through. I did well, even.
我老爸不顾一切想让我进哈佛法学院 就像他当初一样
My father was hell-bent on getting me to go to Harvard Law School, like he did.
高中毕业后 他试图想使我回归正途
My father tried to get me to go right after I graduated high school.
Thank you for giving us an hour of your time.
Your mother and I found this to be rather important.
You finished high school.
感谢老天 现在你该做点对的事
Thank God. And now it’s your time to do good.
你正值反抗期 我十分了解
This rebellion thing you’re going through, I understand it.
不完全同意 但我尊重这时期
Not completely, but I respect it.
Now you should think about what is right for you.
我的意思是 做个自♥由♥人 亲爱的 总是如此
I mean, be free, darling, always.
是啊 务实点 史帝夫
Yeah. Be practical, Steve.
你有可能进哈佛 我就是你的老学长
You got a chance to go to Harvard. You’ve got me as an alumnus.
那无所谓 – 只要你开心就好
That can’t hurt. – But only if it makes you happy.
看 你可以反对 你可以的 我去了乌兹塔克
Look, if you want to rebel there, you can do it. I went to Woodstock.
我和一群兄弟玩的很开心 我们玩的很疯
Me and the guys had a lot of fun. We did our thing there.
We got behind some causes, though.
We fought for some very strong causes.
我们一起度过了 我们一起度过了那该死的越战…
We ended, collectively, we ended that goddamn war in ‘Nam…
so that guys like you could be free.
你面前有很多机会 史帝夫 现在就抓住光明
There’s all these possibilities for you, Steven. Carry the torch now.
Okay? I can see by looking at you that you’re ready.
我很骄傲你是个独♥立♥自主的大人了 – 非常骄傲
I’m proud that you’re an individual. – Very proud.
So proud.
One thing.
可能不是这么好接受 那个发型…
This may not be easy to hear, but the hair.
或许可以低调一点 就整体而言
Maybe tone it down a bit. The whole thing that you’re doing.
我那时候 是长发 披头 大围巾
In my day, it was long hair, beatniks, paisley.
你知道的 那类玩意
You know. That stuff.
不像这种… 你的这一款…
Not like that kind of thing. This whole thing you’re doing…
this statement about the American Indian…
我有点困惑 而且不只是我
I’m baffled. And not just me.
A regular guy in the street’s gonna be baffled too.
而我们很忧心 我们很酷的
And we’re hip, we’re cool.
It’s just those guys on the east coast are never gonna get it.
They’re not gonna get this in New York.
亲爱的 我们听起来还象是你父母 – 是啊
Darling, we sound like our parents. – Yeah.
是件难事 亲爱的 – 我们只是想要支持你
It’s difficult, dear. – We just want to support you.
百分百支持 抓住机会冲吧 做出点成绩来
A hundred percent. Take the ball and run with it. Make a difference.
但总是充满爱 记得啊 史帝夫
But always with love. Remember that, Steven.
充满爱 – 喔 时间到
Always with love. – Oh, time out.
我还想再问一下 可以的话
I just want to ask real quick, if I can.
你信反抗 自♥由♥与爱 是吧?
You believe in rebellion, freedom and love, right?
绝对. 是的 – 反抗 自♥由♥ 爱
Absolutely. Yes. – Rebellion, freedom, love.
你们俩离婚了 所以爱失败了
You two are divorced, so love failed.
二:妈 你是个新世纪喜好者 迷恋任何狗屁东方宗教…
Two: Mom, you’re a New Ager, clinging to any kind of scrap of eastern religion…
that may justify why the above said love failed.
三:爸 你是个滑溜 法人 马屁的律师
Three: Dad, you’re a slick, corporate, preppy-ass lawyer.
I don’t really have to say anything else about you, do I?
Four: You moved from New York City…
搬到麦加和人文世界中心再到犹他 …莫名其妙的地方…
the Mecca and hub of the cultural world, to Utah… nowhere…
没改变什么… 更使得…
to change nothing… more to perpetuate…
这金钱 贪婪 名利 与 平凡的循环更不朽
this cycle of money, greed, fascism and triviality.
你的举止态度 对人事物不会让你更好
Your movement of, by and for the people got you nothing.
你只是躲在某些失落感之后 药物 性 与 摇滚乐
You just hide behind some lost sense of drugs, sex, rock and roll.
呜 Kumbaya
Ooh, Kumbaya.
我才是未来 我才是这伟大世代的未来…
I am the future. I am the future of this great nation…
你 父亲 如此自大的保守住这世界做什么!
which you, Father, so arrogantly saved this world for.
看 我有自己的议程
Look. I have my own agenda.
哈佛 out 犹他大学 in
Harvard, out. University of Utah, in.
我要去搞个四级伤害 我爱你们
I’m going to get a 4.0 in damage. I love you guys.
别把我看成错的 这是就事论事
Don’t get me wrong. It’s all about this.
但是这是我生平第一次 我18岁…
But for the first time in my life, I’m 18…
我能说 “去你的!”
and I can say, “Fuck you!”
史帝夫 我没全卖♥♥了 儿子 我买♥♥进了
Steven, I didn’t sell out, son. I bought in.
Keep that in mind.
这孩子将会成为律师的地狱 是吧?
That kid is gonna make one hell of a lawyer, huh?
是啊 追随他父亲的脚步
Yeah, he takes after his father.
He’s a son of a bitch.
去你的 亲爱的
Fuck you, dear.
现在 四年后 我是个大学毕业生
And now, four years later, I was a college graduate.
我们尽所能的恶搞 但是这机制太强大…
We did what we could to fuck things up, but the system is strong…
而且他们人多势众 我们仍然势单力薄
and they were many and we were still few.
但这低潮即将低迷 对吧
But this fall was gonna be the fall, all right.
叭咘和我们其他人做了个誓约 绝不做任何事
Bob and the rest of us had made an oath to do absolutely nothing.
我们打算浪费我们受过高等教育的脑袋 我们没有其他条路可反抗
We were gonna waste our educated minds. We had no other way of fighting.
就像我说过的 我们力量还是不够
As I said, there just weren’t enough of us.
当然 比起四年前多了很多庞克仔
Sure, there was a lot more punks than there was four years earlier…
but there was also as many posers.
假庞克就是看起来像庞克 但只是为了赶流行的人
Posers were people that looked like punks, but they did it for fashion.
他们是一群蠢蛋 他们说 “英国的无政♥府♥状态”
And they were fools. They’d say, “Anarchy in the U.K.”
看到没?假庞克 “英国的无政♥府♥状态”
You see? Posers. “Anarchy in the U.K.”
What the fuck’s that?
What good is that to those of us in Utah, America?
是性手♥枪♥那套对吧? 他们从英帝来. 一群英国佬
It was a Sex Pistols thing, right? They were from England. They were British.
那就是他们在搞的事情 他们可以在英国搞无政♥府♥
That’s what they did. They were allowed to go on about anarchy in the U.K.
You don’t live your life by lyrics.
我指的是 那是你唯一从赶流行滥咖嘴里听到的话
I mean, that’s all you ever heard from these trendy fucks.
象是 “你听过Smiths的新专辑了吗?真♥他♥妈♥的棒极了”
Like, “Did you hear the new Smiths album? It’s fucking terrif.”
Kids walking around Utah saying “terrif” with a stupid old English twang.
See what I mean? What the fuck’s up with the England bullshit?
You know Jag? He’s a fag.
I knew a girl who’d only have sex with a guy if he had a fucking accent.
Can you think of anything more ludicrous?
So every asshole in Salt Lake City…
让我告诉你 多的是本地的混♥蛋♥…
and let me tell you, plenty of assholes in this general region…
想干些诸如此类的鸟事 就灌醉她…
that wanted to do some of this, would get her drunk…
and put on some kind of stupid accent…
象是 “嘿 小姐 你想搞一下吗?”
like, “Hey, mistress, do you fancy a shag?”
那她就会… 干到脚举的半天高
And there she would… fucking knees in the sky.
悲哀啊 真让我感到难过 可怜的女孩一点自尊都没有
It was sad. It made me really sad. Poor girl had no self-respect.
对我而言 英国跟大美国一样不算个屁…
To me, England was nothing more than a big American state…
