嘿 别动那该死的音响!
Hey, stop fucking with that stereo!
他也是主办人之一 那是他的音响
He’s also one of the hosts. It’s his fucking stereo.
而且… 喔 天啊 是翠许
And this… Oh, my God. This is Trish.
她 简直是个 波西米亚女王
She’s, like, a Bohemian queen.
她是这场景里的女神 所有人都想要她
She is the goddess of the scene. Everybody really wants her.
嘿 继续 继续下去啊
Hey, come on. Let’s keep going.
靠近一点 我已经谁都不认得了
Now stay close ’cause I don’t know everyone here.
There’s a lot of posers.
喔 这家伙 这家伙 他不是该死的假庞克
Oh, this kid, though. This kid, he’s not a fucking poser.
他不是假庞克 他像个书呆子 是吧?
He’s not a poser. He looks like a total nerd, right?
他像个怪胎 但他的名字叫麦嗑
This guy looks like a geek, but his name’s Mike.
He’s one of the most hard-core guys in the scene.
嗯 等着看 好好待着 我等下就回来
Well, watch what happens. Stay where you are. I’ll be right back.
太棒了 到我最爱的部分
This is great. It’s my favorite part.
你懂吗? 当然是庞克!
You see what I mean? Punk rock!
It’s punk rock!
派对顺利进行中 我们继续吧
The party’s in full swing. Let’s continue.
嘿 马克 搞的如何?
Hey, Mark, how’s it rolling?
Rolling fine.
算我的 – 给我?
Here. It’s on me. – For me?
但要小心 这玩意可能会让你变白♥痴♥
But be careful. That stuff can make you stupid.
Fuck you!
More stupid than you already are.
嘿 这是马克 现在 马克已经不是庞克仔了
Hey, this is Mark. Now, Mark is not a punk rocker.
为什么 他从来都不是 真的 他甚至不是同辈
Why, he’s nothing, really. He’s not even a peer.
但大家都认识他 而且这些同伴们都爱他…
But everybody knew him, and all the tribes love him…
because he always had pot and acid.
这个该死疯老外在铁窗后面搞啥鬼 我一点也不清楚
What this crazy foreign fuck was doing behind this Iron Curtain, I had no idea.
I don’t think anyone in Utah really knew…
但我知道他很凯 很多跟班…
but we did know that he was rich, loaded with killer bud…
and completely out of his fucking mind.
现在马克有钱了 不是因为他是个好业务 他真的不是
Now, Mark was rich, but not because he was a pusher, which he really wasn’t.
He was independently wealthy.
His whole family died in a plane crash over in Europe when he was five.
重点是 他喜欢买♥♥东西和炫燿
The thing was, he liked to buy stuff and show it off.
His bank account bulged from the insurance off the crash.
So you’d have to sit through some bullshit if you wanted to score…
because the one thing about Mark, he loved company.
这象是张银制唱片 但它不是
This looks like a silver record, but it’s not a silver record.
It’s a laser disc.
This one is a water bed.
但不是普通的水床 因为一般的像这样
But it’s not a normal water bed, because a normal one goes like this.
波涛汹涌 最神奇的是这床风平浪静
Lots of waves. Funny thing is, this one doesn’t have any waves.
嗯 你干嘛不买♥♥张普通的床垫就好…
Well, why didn’t you just buy a normal mattress…
that doesn’t have waves?
This one doesn’t have waves.
看 他也是银色的 但我买♥♥黑色因为看起来比较酷
See, it also comes in silver, but I bought black because it looks cooler.
是啊 但是… – 这是极品
Yeah, but… – This is the masterpiece.
他有 一 二 三 四 五 六…
It has one, two, three, four, five, six, seven…
Seven settings for optimum comfort…
每一种 我很乐意示范给你们看
all of which I will gladly show you now.
It has this projector in the back.
五千大洋 甚至可以买♥♥台车了
Five thousand bucks. I mean, you can buy a fucking car for that.
This thing here has a little platinum thing.
There’s a movie on there.
所以 这永远永远不会脏掉
And so it never, never ever gets dirty.
我没买♥♥过黑胶唱片 我只买♥♥cd 因为听起来优多了
I never buy records. I only buy CDs ’cause they sound much better.
真是棒 – 嘿 还有呢
That’s great. – Hey, there’s more.
很多吗? – 多的是!
A lot more? – Much more!
Wake up.
当然算是人格缺陷 但我们也都有
It was a character flaw, sure, but we all have those.
这部分我不管 马克最大的问题在于…
This part didn’t concern me. The main problem with Mark…
他胁迫他人 而他有突然暴怒的倾向
was that he was intimidating, and he had a tendency to snap.
He was always afraid of getting ripped off…
同时 他喜欢宰割他人 不带一点羞愧与罪恶感
yet at the same time, he ripped things off without shame or guilt.
人自身的混沌 纵然希望无穷…
Chaos in man, although hopeful…
也可能 你了解的 有点厌倦
could also be, you know, a little tiresome.
I had two bags of grass in this kitchen.
他们总想要吓唬我 你知道吗?
They are always trying to stiff me, you know?
谁想? – 谁?
Who is? – Who?
Who? Everybody.
你知道我对所有人好 史弟 你清楚的很
You know I give to everybody, Stevo. You know that.
And they just go ahead and try to take whatever they want.
It makes me want to kill…
杀死我过去的种种 相信我
which I’ve done in the past, believe me.
I’m not saying it makes me a man or anything.
I’m just passing on the information.
When did you kill?
In Miami I shot two men.
你已为我会什么会在这? 因为我爱这个地方?
Why do you think I’m here? ‘Cause I love this place?
Salt Lake Shitty?
他们想要抢劫我 所以我就朝他们头上开枪
They tried to rob me, so I shot them in the head.
You have to put at least one bullet in the head just to make sure.
少扯了 再来啊
Get out of here. Come on.
你谁都没杀 去你的
You didn’t kill anybody. Fuck you.
You don’t believe me, huh?
嘿 – 用这个
Hey. – With this.
你想做个牛仔 我教你
You want to be a cowboy, I show you cowboy.
来啊 但丢了那玩意 我恨那些东西
Come on. Just put that thing away. I hate those things.
拿开他 我懂这玩笑了 现在拿开
Put it away. I get the joke. Now put it away.
当我还是个小鬼 我全家在一场空难中死了
When I was a kid, my family died in a crash.
我知道 – 你知道?
I know. – You know?
My mother told us to buckle up because things were going to get bumpy…
so I did.
我看着她 她微笑着
I looked at her, and she smiled.
然后就这么 砰 飞机开始下坠
And then like this, boom, the plane was going down.
我爸坐在飞行员旁边 告诉我不要担心
My dad was next to the pilot, and he told us not to worry.
但是 嘿 就算我才五岁也知道事情大条了 因为飞行员开始哭了起来
But, hey, even at five I knew we had trouble because the pilot was crying.
我看着我姐姐 她表情象是说 “喔 天啊. 我们要完蛋了”
So I looked at my sister. She was like, “Oh, man. We’re getting close.”
我再回看我妈妈 她再一次向我微笑…
So I looked at my mom again, and she smiled at me again…
and so this time I smiled.
And then we hit the ground…
and something came through that plane…
and cut my mother’s head off.
So now this head was flying straight at me…
and she never took her eyes off of me.
That’s when I passed out.
当我清醒时 全家人的碎片环绕在我周围
And when I woke up, my family was all around me in pieces.
我看到我妈的手臂 我姐的腿…
I saw my mother’s arm, my sister’s leg…
my brother’s head…
but I couldn’t find my father.
I wanted to, though…
’cause I was going to kick his fucking dead body.
‘Cause he lied.
你了解我打算告诉你的讯息吗 史弟?
You know what I’m trying to tell you, Stevo?
就这么轻易 轻易的把你的一切剥夺
It’s so easy, so easy to get it taken away from you.
他们还想… 只要有机会他们就会
And they try… every chance they get, they try.
It’s bad.
我是说 真的太糟糕了
I mean, it’s really bad.
Do you trust Bob?
Bob? Yeah.
I think he might have taken my stuff.
嗯… 他睡了
Well, he’s asleep.
What about when we were upstairs?
He could have taken it then.
可能 嗯 但我不这么认为
Right. Well, I don’t think so.
我的意思是 这样一点都不像他 他不是个贼
I mean, it’s not like Bob. He’s not a thief.
你怎么知道?你知道个屁? 我想我们该问问他
How do you know? You know what? I think we should ask him.
不. 嘿 马克 等等
No. Hey, Mark. Wait.
