but I had found nothing that told me looking suspicious…
was a crime in and of itself.
来吧 只要给我一枪就行了
Come on. Just give me a shot.
好吗? – 就是你!快点
Okay? – There you go! Come on.
但这与法律无关 而是跟俗咖有关
But this was not about the law. This was about rednecks.
所以缠斗持续进行 谁能怪罪他们呢?
So the battle continued. Who’s to blame ’em?
警♥察♥都是俗咖 我们的头号♥大敌…
The cops were rednecks, our mortal enemies…
比摩登族 摇滚客 跟假庞克还糟
worse than mods, rockers or posers.
So we took our beatings when we could.
但是 在这法♥西♥斯♥的复杂世界 还当作犹他州施政方针…
But in this complex world of fascism that was Utah state policy…
要喝到真碧卤 我们只有一个选择
we had only one choice if we wanted real beer.
选项B 怀俄明州
Choice B, Wyoming.
到州界一小时车程 再一个半小时…
The state line was one hour and one half…
a short ride to Evingston, Wyoming…
where you could get booze like a free man…
禁酒时期 酒客们为了穿肠毒总爱去加拿大
like boozers used to go to Canada for the poison during Prohibition.
So we rode that morning before the party with Eddie.
艾迪不是无政♥府♥主义者 甚至不算是个庞克仔
Eddie wasn’t an anarchist. He wasn’t really even a punk.
Eddie was into women.
但不是变成那种粗壮 可笑的样子 他是个道地的浪漫主义者
But not in a macho, jerky kind of way. He was a true romantic.
他为了做同志屁♥股♥被捅过无数次 但他不是个gay
He had his ass beat several times for being gay, which he was not.
想象一下 同志猛攻 而没有任何救济
Imagine. Fag-bashed without the benefits.
I couldn’t give a shit what the rednecks in this town think about me.
我知道我不是玻璃 女人都知道 我和同志相处得非常自在
I know I’m not gay. Ladies know I’m not. I have no problem with gay guys.
一个重要的因素是 他们有些是我认识过最酷的家伙
As a matter of fact, they are some of the coolest guys I know.
The only reason half these guys start shit…
it’s not because they wanna fight me.
It’s ’cause they wanna fuck me.
我不了解 兄弟
I don’t know, man.
若是有人硬把我当作我根本不是的人 我保证会抓狂
If somebody called me something that I wasn’t, I could see getting mad.
The problem with somebody giving you shit about being gay…
不是因为他们搞错了 而是因为他们就是想搞你
it’s not that they’re wrong about you, it’s that they’re giving you shit.
懂了吗? – 那你喜欢这种音乐吗 老兄?
Get it? – So do you like this music, man?
当然 爽翻了
Yeah. It rocks.
我认为这是给假庞克听的 – 嗯 我认为你是个娘砲
I think it’s for posers. – Well, I think you’re a fag.
去你的 – 去搞你自己吧 你越来越娘了
Fuck you. – Fuck yourself. You’ll get more pussy.
If looking the way we did in Utah was unusual…
在怀俄明 亲切地称做牛仔故乡的地方…
in Wyoming, affectionately called the Cowboy State…
we were fucking aliens.
What the hell are you?
We come from the east in search of the Messiah.
We followed that big star.
没错 我们带来黄金与乳香…
Yeah, we bring gold and frankincense.
没药 – 没药
Myrrh. – Myrrh.
你做啥? – 跟着星星
You do what? – Followed the star.
喔 我的老天爷 谁让你们从病院跑出来?
Oh, my God. Who let you boys out of the state institute?
We’d better get you boys back in the hospital.
不. 放轻松 老兄
No. It’s all right, man.
We’re from England.
英国? – 没错
England? – Yeah.
这就对了 大概就是你为何觉得我们很奇怪的原因了 老兄
That’s right. That’s probably why we seem so weird to you, man.
England, huh?
嗯 我想 这应该足以解释了
Well, that explains it, I guess.
You boys enjoying your stay here in the good ol’ U.S. Of A.?
自然如此 这是个好地方
Sure thing. It’s a great land.
那是啥么小? – 没问题的 母亲
What the hell is that? – It’s all right, Mother.
They’re from England.
喔 那样子 是吗?
Oh, that figures, don’t it?
What the hell did they do to your hair?
我的老天爷啊 简直像个印第安仔!
My God, you look like a gol-durned Indian!
这是一项医学实验 不过他不会有事的
It was a medical experiment, but he’s gonna be okay.
You poor boy.
That’s how come there’s so many floods and earthquakes.
There is a curse on the land.
末日即将到来 – 一点也没错
The end is at hand. – That’s so true.
不好意思 女士 但水灾和地震…
Excuse me, ma’am, but there have been floods and earthquakes…
从古早时代就有了 老兄
since the beginning of time, dude.
确实如此 但没有过那么多撒旦的信徒…
That is so, but never have so many of Satan’s followers…
been amassed on the Earth as there are now.
And the Scripture states clearly…
that Satan’s followers will be in the majority…
and then God will raise His head…
and fire will spew from His snout…
and vengeance will burn in His eyes.
你从未见过如此的愤怒 有如天谴
You have not seen such fury like the wrath of God.
So you guys have lots of devil worshipers around these parts?
喔 从没有这么多过 他们身上都有印记
Oh, more than ever. They bear the mark.
阿门 – 嗯 二次世界大战又是如何?
Amen. – Well, what about World War II?
纳粹跟撒旦的军队没两样 但世界那时还没完蛋
The Nazis were as good as Satan’s army, and the world didn’t end then.
是啊 老哥 纳粹怎么了?
Yeah, dude. What about the Nazis?
I don’t see Nazis as devil worshipers.
喔 你不认为?
Oh, you don’t?
I see ’em more like a gathering of people.
What? What did…
那印记又是什么? 你们到是说说看
What’s this about a mark? You guys said something about a mark.
The mark will be on all of them.
恶魔的印记 天父! – 喔 天啊!
The mark. Father! – Oh, my God!
我敬畏您 天父! – 喔 神啊!
I fear you, Father! – Oh, my God!
我的父亲大人! – 喔 天啊!
My padre! – Oh, my God!
喔 妈的!
Oh, shit!
Go go go! – 早告诉你这些孩子有问题
Go, go, go! – Told you those boys were trouble.
喔 他妈的!
Oh, shit!
怀俄明风俗… 嗯 我想他们还算好的
The Wyoming folk… Well, they were okay, I guess.
Just confused like the rest of us.
不过纳粹真叫我不爽 城里有些纳粹庞克仔
But Nazis always pissed us off. There were a few Nazi punks in town.
我真不了他们要的是什么 顶个大光头戴臂章的
I don’t know what these guys wanted. They had the shaved heads and arm bands.
Rebellion is one thing. That I understood.
But there are some things that are just sacred.
更不用提无政♥府♥ 一个我想要的无体制社会…
Not to mention that anarchy, a systemless society that I wanted…
没有政♥府♥ 没有规范… 跟纳粹法♥西♥斯♥全然不同
no government, no rules… that was the complete opposite of Nazi fascism.
所以我们一有机会 就打爆那些小鬼
So we kicked the shit out of these kids every chance we could.
And that was that.
Hi 我叫艾迪
Hi, my name’s Eddie.
你活在梦里啊 叭咘
You exist in a world of dreams, Bob.
知道吗 我只是坐在那角落的椅子上
You know, I was just sitting over there in that chair in the corner.
I didn’t really feel the particular urge to talk to anybody…
然后我看到你走进房♥间里 你简直是个宝
and then I saw you walk in the room.
You are like a treasure.
I have found a treasure.
Something came over me… this urge to come over here and talk to you.
我是阿♥拉♥丁 这是我的油灯
I am Aladdin, and this is my lamp.
我为了你而许愿 而你就在这
I wished for you, and here you are.
你还真像个诗人 老兄
You’re like a poet, dude.
不 你才是
No, it’s you who are the poet.
Your face is like Ginsberg…
或是王尔德 甚至像霍桑
or Wilde or even Hawthorne.
真♥他♥妈♥爽的趴!操 耶!
Great fucking party! Fuck, yeah!
What are you?
I’m an ant staring up at a human being.
I wait with great intensity to be squashed by you.
你想不想… 是哪个猪头丢东西?
You want to… Who the fuck threw that?
Great fucking party!
打架 是什么 从何而来?评论如下
The fight. What does it mean, and where does it come from? An essay.
假聪明娘砲 是个人
Homo sapiens. A man.
He is alone in the universe.
一个庞克仔 仍然是个人
A punker. Still a man.
He is alone in the universe.
But he connects. How?
他们互殴啊 呜!
They hit each other. Ooh!
