And a sax.

-什么工作 -到佛州工作三个星期
-What’s the job? -Three weeks in Florida.
迈阿密的丽池酒店 交通费和开销全包
At the Seminole-Ritz in Miami. Transportation and expenses all paid.
她很棒吧 我们去见波利克夫
Isn’t she a bit of terrific? Let’s see Poliakoff.
-他很忙 你们得等等 -好 我们等
-He’s busy. You’ll have to wait boys. -All right we’ll wait.
葛莱蒂丝 要到佛州三周
Look Gladys it’s three weeks in Florida.
Sweet Sue and her Society Syncopators.
They need a couple of girls on sax and bass.
你不知道我是谁 我是波利克夫 我帮你找到工作
Whaddaya mean who is it? It’s Poliakoff. l got a job for ya.
葛莱蒂丝 你还在听吗
Gladys. Are ya there?
真倒霉 她曾经连续演奏112小时
Meshugeneh. Played 112 hours at a marathon dance.
Now she’s in bed with nervous collapse.
-我也快崩溃了 -珂拉•杰克森呢
-Tell her to move over. -And Cora Jackson?
据我所知 她已经加入救世军了
Last l heard she was playin’ with the Salvation Army.
德瑞斯科 9044
Drexel 9044.
Those idiot broads.
我们就要出发到迈阿密了 居然闹出这种事来
Here we are packed and ready to leave for Miami and what happens?
萨克斯风手跟人私奔 贝斯手被人搞大肚子
The sax runs off with a Bible salesman and the bass gets pregnant.
贝英史托 我要开除你
Bienstock l oughta fire you.
我 我是经理又不是舍监
Me? I’m the manager not the night watchman.
Hello. Let me talk to Bessie Malone.
What’s she doing in Philadelphia?
On the level?
贝西把头发留长了 现在和史托夫基同台
Bessie let her hair grow and is playing with Stokowski.
-黑洞贝西 -她居然加入交响乐团
-Black Bottom Bessie? -Schpielt zich mit der Philharmonic.
How about Rosemary Schultz?
范伦铁诺死时 她割腕自杀
Slashed her wrists when Valentino died.
要是今晚前找不到乐手 我们也割腕算了
We might as well do the same if we don’t find two dames by tonight.
不管了 反正你八点钟前 帮我们搞定
We don’t care where you find them. Just get them on that train by 8 o’clock.
没问题 一有消息 我就通知你
The moment anyzhing turns up I’ll give you a tinkle.
再见 我的胃溃疡又要犯了
Bye Sig. l wonder if I’ve got room for another ulcer.
奈莉 帮我接长途电♥话♥
Nellie get me long-distance.
-席格 我们有事商量 -有关去佛州工作的事
-Sig we wanna talk to you. -About the Florida job.
-奈莉已经告诉我们了 -我们没来迟吧
-Nellie told us about it. -Not too late are we?
你们来搞笑呀 滚
What are ya? Comedians? Get out.
The William Morris Agency in New York.
-你不是需要乐手吗 -可惜你们不够格
-You need a bass and a sax? -The instruments are right but you’re not.
I wanna speak to Mr Morris.
-我们为什么不够格 -体型不对
-What’s wrong with us? -You’re the wrong shape.
What do you want? Hunchbacks?
-跟你的背无关 -这究竟是什么乐团
-It’s not the backs that worry me. -What kind of a band is it?
-年纪不能超过25 -我们可以装小
-You gotta be under 25. -We could pass for that.
-要满头金发 -我们可以去染发
-And blond. -We could dye our hair.
And you gotta be girls.
No we couldn’t.
-威廉•墨瑞斯先生 -这是女子乐团
-Mr William Morris. -You mean this is a girls’ band?
Yeah. Good old Nellie. l could wring her neck.
想想看 为啥我们不能做
Let’s talk this over. Why couldn’t we do it?
在吉普赛茶室表演时 不是戴了金耳环吗
When we worked in the gypsy tearoom we wore gold earrings.
加入夏威夷乐团时 还穿了草裙
When you booked us with the Hawaiian band we wore grass skirts.
-他怎么了 醉啦 -他营养不良
-What’s with him? He drinks? -No he ain’t eatin’ so good.
肚子空空 脑袋长草
His empty stomach has gone to his head.
乔 到佛州三周耶
Joe three weeks in Florida.
We could borrow clothes from the chorus girls.
-你疯了 -你终于开窍了
-You’ve flipped your wig. -Now you’re talking.
买♥♥几顶假发 垫假奶♥子♥
We get second-hand wigs a little padding.
We call ourselves Josephine and Geraldine.
Josephine and Geraldine… Come on.
lf you wanna pick up a little money tonight,
at the University of lllinois they’re havin’ a St Valentine’s dance.
-我们去 -一个人六块 八点整到
-We’ll take it. -$6 a man. Be on the campus at Urbana at 8 o’clock.
All the way to Urbana for a one-night stand?
十二块耶 至少可以赎回一件外套
It’s $12. We can get one of the overcoats out of hock.
墨瑞斯先生吗 我是芝加哥的波利克夫
Hello. Mr Morris? This is Poliakoff in Chicago.
You don’t have two girl musicians available do you?
A sax player and a bass?
-要是墨瑞斯没办法的话…-走吧 洁若汀
-lf William Morris doesn’t come through… -Come on Geraldine.
要跑一百英里耶 外面下大雪 怎么去呀
It’s 100 miles. It’s snowin’ outside. How do we get there?
-山不转路转 -怎么个转法
-I’ll find something. -Like what?
Don’t crowd me.
-情况如何 妹子 -我该亲手勒死你
-How’d it go girls? -I oughta wring your neck.
杰利 这样说话不好
Please Jerry. That’s no way to talk.
奈莉宝贝 今晚有约吗
Nellie baby what are you doin’ tonight?
-今晚 干嘛 -我有几个小计划
-Tonight? Why? -Cos I’ve got some plans.
-我今晚没事 -真的吗
-I’m not doing anything. -Really?
l just thought I’d go home and have some cold pizza.
Then you’ll be in all evening?
是的 乔
Yes Joe.
很好 那你就用不到车了
Good. Then you won’t be needing your car.
我的车 你这个…
My car? Why you…
Isn’t he a bit of terrific?
We coulda had three weeks in Florida all expenses paid.
做日光浴 钓鱼…
Lyin’ in the sun palm trees flyin’ fish…
别说了 好吗
Knock it off will ya?
顺子 前后不搭 还有八对子
Possible straight possible nothing and a pair of eights.
All right drop ’em you guys.
-放什么 -我们是来拿车的
-Drop what? -We came for a car.
-是吗 -对 来拿奈莉•温梅耶的车
-Oh yeah? -Yeah. Nellie Weinmeyer’s car.
Wise guys.
继续吧 轮到艾斯下注
OK let’s go. Aces bet.
It’s a ’25 Hupmobile green coupe… sir.
-在这里 -跟我来
-It’s over here. -Yeah over here.
-要不要加油 -帮我们加四毛钱的油
-Want some gas? -Yeah about 40 cents’ worth please.
-记在温梅耶小姐帐上吗 -有何不可
-Put it on Miss Weinmeyer’s bill? -Yeah. Why not?
And while you’re at it fill it up.
All right everybody. Hands up.
Face the wall.
还有你 牙签
You too Toothpick.
Come on.
Come on.
嘿 你也过来
Hey. Join us.
好了 老大
OK boss.
查理 好久不见
Hello Charlie. Long time no see.
-大嘴 你来这儿做什么 -我是来致意的
-Spats what are you doin’ here? -l just dropped in to pay my respects.
-你又不欠我什么 -话不是这么说
-You don’t owe me nothin’. -l wouldn’t say that.
你介绍几个朋友 光顾我的停尸间
You recommended my mortuary to your friends.
-我不知道你在说什么 -现在我手上多了几具棺材
-l don’t know what you mean. -Now l got all those coffins on my hands.
-我不想浪费它们 -我跟那件事没关系
-l hate to see ’em go to waste. -l had nothin’ to do with it.
可惜 查理 你手上有三条8呢
Too bad Charlie. You woulda had three eights.
-再见 查理 -不 大嘴…
-Goodbye Charlie. -No Spats no.
大嘴 手下留情…
No Spats. Please no.
l think I’m gonna be sick.
别躲了 快出来
All right come on outta there.
Come on.
Come on.
-我们啥也没瞧见 对吧 -啥都没看见
-We didn’t see anyzhing. Did we? -What? No. Not a thing.
你们想自相残杀 不关咱们的事
Besides it’s none of our business if you guys wanna bump each other off.
Say… Don’t l know you two from somewhere?
不可能 我们只是一对穷乐手
Oh no. We’re just a couple of musicians.
We came to pick up a car. Nellie Weinmeyer’s car.
There’s a dance tonight.
-走吧 杰利 -等等
-Come on Jerry. -Wait a minute.
Where do you think you’re goin’?
艾班纳 离这里约一百英里…
Urbana. It’s about 100 miles from here…
You’re not goin’ nowhere.
-是吗 -我可不想留下人证
-We’re not? -l don’t like no witnesses.
