-我是不是看过你 -不太可能
-Haven’t l seen you somewhere before? -Not very likely.
-你住在饭店里吗 -不是
-Are you staying at the hotel? -Not at all.
Your face is familiar.
You may have seen it in newspapers or magazines.
-“浮华世界” -那就对了
-Vanity Fair. -That must be it.
麻烦你让让 你挡住我的视线了
Would you mind moving a little? You’re blocking my view.
Of what?
要喝鸡尾酒的时候 他们会在我的游艇升红白旗
They run up a red-and-white flag on the yacht when it’s time for cocktails.
You own a yacht?
哪一艘 大的那艘吗
Which one is it? The big one?
当然不是 世局这么乱
Certainly not.With all the world unrest,
游艇最大 也不该超过容纳12人
nobody should have a yacht that sleeps more than 12.
l quite agree.
Tell me who runs up that flag?
-你太太吗 -不 船上的旗手
-Your wife? -No my flag steward.
谁调鸡尾酒 你太太吗
Who mixes the cocktails? Your wife?
不 船上的调酒师
No my cocktail steward.
Look if you’re interested in whether l am married or not…
-我才没兴趣呢 -我没结婚
-Oh I’m not interested at all. -Well I’m not.
That’s very interesting.
-股市状况如何 -一路长红
-How’s the stock market? -Up up up.
我们聊天的时候 你大概赚了十万元吧
I’ll bet while we were talking you made $100,000?
有可能 你也玩股票
Could be. You play the market?
-我弹四弦琴 也会唱歌♥ -你弹琴自娱
-No the ukulele. And l sing too. -For your own amusement?
We are appearing at the hotel.
Sweet Sue and her Society Syncopators.
-你是乐团的成员 -没错 我们都是上流社会的人
-You’re society girls. -Oh yes quite. Bryn Mawr Vassar…
We’re just doing this for a lark.
你们是不是会演奏 快节奏的音乐…如爵士乐
Syncopators. Does that mean you play that very fast music… jazz?
对呀 都是非常热情的音乐
Yeah. Real hot.
有些人喜欢快歌♥热舞 我比较喜欢古典音乐
l guess some like it hot. l personally prefer classical music.
l do too.
As a matter of fact l spent three years at the Sheboygan Conservatory of Music.
那学校不错 你家人不反对你卖♥♥艺
Good school. Your family doesn’t object to your career?
当然反对 我爸还威胁要断我财路
They do indeed. Daddy threatened to cut me off without a cent.
我不管 上流社会太沉闷
But l don’t care. lt was such a bore.
-无聊的社交舞会 -开幕酒会
-Coming-out parties. -lnauguration balls.
-歌♥剧首演酒会 -骑马打猎
-Opening at the opera. -Riding to hounds.
And always the same 400.
It’s amazing we never ran into each other before.
I’d have remembered anybody as attractive as you.
你真好 你一定温柔又无助
You’re very kind. I’ll bet you’re also gentle and helpless.
l beg your pardon?
You see l have a theory about men who wear glasses.
-什么理论 -我们熟一点再告诉你
-What theory? -I’ll tell you when l know you better.
-你今晚要做什么 -今晚
-What are you doing tonight? -Tonight?
Maybe you could come to the hotel and hear us play.
-我很想去 但不太可能 -为什么
-I’d like to but that would be difficult. -Why?
l only come ashore twice a day when the tide goes out.
我是为了捡贝壳上岸 这是我的嗜好
It’s on account of these shells. That’s my hobby.
-你收集贝壳 -我爸爸和祖父都喜欢贝壳
-You collect shells? -So did my father and grandfather.
You might say we had a passion for shells.
That’s why we named the oil company after it.
-“蚬壳石油” -别张扬 叫我二世就好了
-Shell Oil? -Please no names. Just call me Junior.
Time to change for dinner.
黛芬妮 你先去 我马上就来
Run along Daphne dear. I’ll catch up with you later.
小姐 你在看什么
What young lady? What are you staring at?
Happens to me all the time.
我也认出他了 他上过”浮华世界”
l recognised him too. His picture was in Vanity Fair.
-拜托你走吧 -你挡住他了
-Would you move along please? -Yes. You’re in his way.
He’s waiting for a signal from his yacht.
His yacht?
能容纳12个人 这是凡莎学院毕业的黛芬妮
lt sleeps 1 2. This is my friend Daphne. She’s a Vassar girl.
I’m a what?
Or was it Bryn Mawr?
我曾经听说 有个念宾摩尔学院的女孩
l heard a very sad story about a girl who went to Bryn Mawr.
She squealed on her roommate
and they found her strangled with her own brassiere.
是呀 挑选室友时要格外小心
Yes. We have to be very careful whom we pick for a roommate. Hm?
Well l think I’d better be going.
lt was delightful meeting you both.
-你会来看我们表演吧 -我试试
-You will come and hear us play? -lf it’s at all possible.
来嘛 一定会很好玩的
Do come. lt’ll be such fun.
-别忘了带游艇来 -走吧 黛芬妮
-And bring your yacht. -Come on Daphne.
-那个男人真是的 -别妄想 我先看见他的
-How about that guy?! -Hands off. l saw him first.
听我的劝 甜甜 你最好小心点
Sugar a little advice. lf l were a girl and l am I’d watch my step.
要是我太小心的话 就不可能认识他了
lf I’d been watching my step l never would have met him.
-我等不及要告诉约瑟芬 -是呀 约瑟芬…
-l can’t wait to tell Josephine. -Yeah Josephine…
我等不及要看她的脸色 她一定又惊又喜
l can’t wait to see her face. Will she be surprised.
我也等不及 我们现在就去找她
Neither can l. Let’s go tell her right now.
-用不着跑嘛 -一定要跑
-We don’t have to run. -Oh yes we do.
Josephine. Yoo-hoo.
-她大概不在 -这可有意思了 约瑟芬
-l guess she’s not here. -Isn’t that funny. Josie!
l can’t imagine where she’d be.
-我等会儿再来 -你等着
-I’ll be back later. -Oh no. You wait.
l have a feeling she’ll show up any minute.
-果然被她说中了 -是呀 她简直是个天才
-Believe it or not Josephine predicted it. -Yes. This is one for Ripley.
-她会不会去购物了 -购物 是啊
-Do you suppose she went shopping? -Shopping. That’s it.
我有预感 她一定会穿着全新行头出现
Something tells me she’s gonna come through that door in a brand-new outfit.
-约瑟芬 -我没听到你们进来
-Josephine. -Oh. l didn’t hear you come in.
-玩得开心吗 -发生了一件很美妙的事
-Have a good time girls? -The most wonderful thing happened.
-什么事 -你猜
-What? -Guess.
-政♥府♥废除禁酒令 -这个答案太逊了吧
-They repealed Prohibition? -Oh you can do better than that.
-我认识了一个人 -谁
-l met one of them. -One of whom?
“蚬壳石油”的少东 他有钱 戴眼镜 又有游艇
Shell Oil Junior. He’s got millions glasses and a yacht.
You don’t say.
他不仅有游艇 还有脚踏车
He’s not only got a yacht. He’s got a bicycle.
Go on. Tell me all about him.
他年轻 英俊 还单身呢
Well he’s young and he’s handsome. He’s a bachelor.
他是个谦谦君子 不是那种急色鬼
He’s a real gentleman. You know. Not one of these grabbers.
要是不想失去他 你最好采取行动
Maybe you’d better go after him if you don’t want to lose him.
我不会让他跑了 他好可爱 喜欢收集贝壳呢
I’m not gonna let this one get away. He’s so cute. He collects shells.
贝壳 为什么
Shells? Whatever for?
Oh you know. The old shell game?
黛芬妮 你很烦耶
Daphne you’re bothering us.
-反正你今晚就能见到他 -是吗
-Anyway you’re gonna meet him tonight. -l am?
他说会来看我们表演 也许啦
He said he’d come to hear us play -maybe.
What do you mean maybe?
他被你迷得神魂颠倒 一定会来
l saw the way he looked at you. He’ll be there for sure.
l hope so.
约瑟芬 你觉得呢 你的水晶球怎么说
What do you think Josephine? What does your crystal ball say?
Sugar. ls Sugar in here?
甜甜 钥匙在你这儿 我没办法进房♥间
Sugar you got the key? I’m locked out and I’m makin’ a puddle in the hall.
See you on the bandstand girls.
你想把她怎么样 为什么骗她说你是富翁
What are you tryin’ to do to that girl puttin’ on a millionaire act?
你的口音是哪儿学来的 哪有人这样说话
And that phoney accent? Nobody talks like that.
I’ve seen you pull some low tricks on women.
但就属这次最低级 下流…
This is without doubt the trickiest lowest meanest…
I’m not afraid of you.
我虽然瘦 但很结实
I’m thin but I’m wiry.
别老虎不发威就当作病猫 你会吃亏的
You’re gonna get hurt. When I’m aroused I’m a tiger.
乔 别这样看我
Joe. Don’t look at me like that.
lt was all a joke. l didn’t mean any harm.
我会帮你烫衣服 电♥话♥响了
I’m gonna press the suit myself. Telephone.
Answer the tele…phone.

是 这里是413房♥
