

[adjective] winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a cone
[形容词] 螺旋的


Spiral 一词源自拉丁语 spira (线圈、折叠、弯曲、螺旋),16世纪50年代进入英语后先是作形容词表示“螺旋形的、螺旋式的”,既可以指平面上的螺旋线,比如玩具发条这类螺旋弹簧(spiral spring)。也可以用来形容蜗牛壳、螺旋式楼梯等呈圆锥形的立体形状,比如:

  • 蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。
    A snail’s shell is spiral in form.

到了17世纪50年代后, spiral 开始发展出名词含义指“螺旋形、螺旋形的东西”。就螺旋形的事物来说,除了蜗牛壳和上面《纽约时报》例句中提到的螺旋线圈活页笔记本外,小站的老铁们可能还会想起小站(微信公众号:田间小站)在 熟词僻义 | wage 是一种什么动作? 一文中提到过的 price/wage spiral (物价和工资螺旋上升)。

用作动词时, spiral 自然表示“螺旋形行进、盘旋式上升或下降”,比如:

  • 飞机盘旋降落,并成功着陆。
    The plane spiralled down to the ground and landed safely.

不过这个概念常被用来引申指数量、成本、价格等“急剧增长、急剧下降”或局面、局势等“急剧变化、恶性螺旋变化”,既可以作名词也可以作动词使用,多指不断有害地增加或减少某物,并且速度变得越来越快也越来越难控制,就像螺旋线变得越来越宽那般,常搭配 upward 或 downward 一起使用,比如:

  • 急剧上升的成本压缩了利润空间。该行将倒闭的公司打算出售其盈利较差的业务。
    Spiralling costs have squeezed profits. The moribund company is divesting its less profitable business operations.
  • 今年房价的持续下跌造成了市场的疲软。但与此同时,分析家们预计高得离谱的股票价格将持续上涨。
    This year’s downward spiral of house prices has depressed the market. But at the same time, analysts expect the exorbitant share price to remain buoyant.

值得注意的是, spiral 的现在分词在英式英语中拼作 spiralling ,在美式英语中拼作 spiraling ,而其过去式和过去分词在英式英语中拼作 spiralled ,在美式英语中拼作 spiraled 。


Seems as if someone’s on a downward spiral.

出自2010年美国爱情喜剧电影《绯闻计划》(Easy A)。


  • Fear proves contagious, leading to a spiral of self-fulfilling pessimism.
  • Over the years, I have filled many spiral notebooks with quotations.


“spiral” 是一个名词和动词,用于描述螺旋形的形状、运动或发展。下面是对”spiral” 的详细解释和示例用法:

词源: “spiral” 这个词来自于拉丁语中的 “spiralis”,意为 “螺旋形的”。它源于 “spira”,意为 “螺旋”。


  1. 螺旋形状:指像螺旋线一样的形状。
    • The staircase had a beautiful spiral leading up to the top floor. (楼梯上有一段漂亮的螺旋线一直延伸到顶楼。)
    • The tornado formed a destructive spiral as it moved across the landscape. (龙卷风在地表上移动时形成了一道具有破坏力的螺旋。)
  2. 螺旋运动:指物体围绕中心点旋转或螺旋状地移动。
    • The gymnast performed an impressive spiral in the air before landing gracefully. (体操运动员在空中做出了令人印象深刻的螺旋动作,然后优雅地着陆。)
    • The hawk spiraled higher and higher in the sky, searching for its prey. (老鹰在天空中不断盘旋,寻找猎物。)


  1. 形成螺旋:指物体围绕中心点旋转或成螺旋状。
    • The smoke spiraled up from the chimney into the clear sky. (烟从烟囱里螺旋升起,直达晴朗的天空。)
    • The airplane spiraled down toward the landing strip. (飞机螺旋下降,接近着陆跑道。)
  2. 逐渐加速或恶化:指某事物逐渐变得更快或更糟。
    • The country’s economy began to spiral downward after the financial crisis. (在金融危机后,该国的经济开始逐渐恶化。)
    • The cost of living has been spiraling out of control in recent years. (近年来,生活成本一直在失控地上涨。)


  1. Downward spiral: 恶性循环,指情况逐渐变得更糟或不可控制的状态。
    • The company’s poor management led to a downward spiral of declining profits and layoffs. (公司的糟糕管理导致了利润下降和裁员的恶性循环。)
  2. Death spiral: 死


coil: a length of something wound or arranged in a spiral or sequence of rings
helix: an object having a three-dimensional shape like that of a wire wound uniformly in a single layer around a cylinder or cone, as in a corkscrew or spiral staircase
curl: something having a spiral or inwardly curved form, especially a lock of hair

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
