Don’t tell me fish stories, I’ve known you too long.
鲍勃 别再让我为难了
Bob, it’s tearing me apart.
我也这么觉得 但是我们深陷进退两难的境地
I feel the same, but we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.
无论是让它们留在这里 还是放归它们
If we keep them here or let them go,
we’re still risking their lives.
I know.
它们不是人类 它们的智商是…
They’re not human beings. Their intelligence is…
够了 鲍勃 我对的同情心
My compassion is not limited to
my estimation of one’s intelligence.
队长 这里是第二小队 我已经有了反应堆的坐标
Team leader, this is team two. I have the co-ordinates of the reactor.
这里是科克 我们已经找到了核动力舰艇
Kirk here. We have found the nuclear vessel.
干得不错 船长 那是企业号♥
Well done. Admiral, it is the Enterprise.
明白了 你有什么计划?
Understood. What’s your plan?
我们今晚进去收集光子 没人会知道
We will beam in tonight and collect the photons. No one will know.
明白同意 保持联♥系♥
Understood and approved.
Kirk out.
她来了 如果我们能小心出牌
There she is. If we play our cards right,
we can find out about the whales.
打牌有什么用? 这不是罗宾汉和他的随从吗?
How will playing cards help? It’s Robin Hood and Friar Tuck.
你们要去哪? 回旧金山
Where are you fellas heading? Back to San Francisco.
You came all this way just for a swim?
我即使解释也无济于事 我同意
I won’t try to explain. I’ll buy that.
那他呢? 他是好人
What about him? He’s harmless.
在六十年代的话 他就是伯克利
Back in the 60s, he was part of
the free-speech movement at Berkeley.
He did a little too much LDS. LDS?
I’ll give you a lift.
我总是 对不幸的人太过心软
I have a notorious weakness
for hard-luck cases.
我们可不想惹麻烦 但你们已经那么做了 上车吧
We don’t want to be any trouble. You’ve already been that. Come on.
Thank you very much.
不要犯傻 那里有个拆轮胎棒 我伸手就能拿到
Don’t try anything. I’ve got a tire iron right where I can get at it.
你们是伯克利人? 我不是
So, you were at Berkeley? I was not.
他记忆也有问题 你们哪里人?
Memory problems, too. Where are you from?
爱荷华州 哦 怪不得不会游泳
Iowa. A landlubber.
What the hell were you guys really trying to do back there?
是不是为了男人之间的事? 我很讨厌男人之间那点破事
Was it some kind of macho thing? I really hate that macho stuff.
我能问你个问题吗? 说吧
Can I ask you a question? Go ahead.
What’s going to happen when you release the whales?
它们就得靠自己了 具体点?
They’ll have to take their chances. What does that mean exactly?
像其他驼背鲸一样 他们将面临捕鲸者的危险
They’ll be at risk from whale hunters just like all other humpbacks.
在研究院里你们说的灭绝 到底是什么意思?
What did you mean with all that stuff about extinction?
就是你给我们介绍时的意思 驼背鲸可能会灭绝
He meant what you said on the tour, that humpbacks may well disappear.
他用的时态可不是这样的 小子
That’s not what he said, farmboy.
“We would be as guilty
as those who caused,
” past tense, “their extinction.”
我的记忆奇佳 对你的话我记得一清二楚
I have a photographic memory. I see words.
你确定这时候不该用 那些精彩的隐喻吗?
Are you sure it isn’t time for a colorful metaphor?
你们不会是那些教鲸鱼找鱼雷 的傻瓜士兵吧?
Are you some dipshit army guy trying to teach whales to retrieve torpedoes?
我们不是 还好 否则我马上就让你们滚下车
No dipshit. Good, I’d have let you off here.
Gracie is pregnant.
你究竟是谁? 不要再耍我了 你怎么会知道?
Who are you? Don’t jerk me around. How do you know that?
我们还不能告诉你 让我说完
We can’t tell you that. Let me finish.
我们不是部队里的人 也无意去伤害鲸鱼
We’re not in the military and we intend no harm to the whales.
我们或许能帮到你 用你完全无法想象的方式
We may be able to help you in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine.
我相信 我敢打赌 很有希望
Or believe, I’ll bet. Very likely.
你还没完全听懂我们的意思 那是肯定的
You’re not catching us at our best. That much is certain.
我想等晚饭的时候 我们再愉快地商量一下
I think we’d all be a lot happier discussing this over dinner.
What do you say?
Do you guys like Italian?
不 喜欢
No. Yes.
我喜欢意大利菜 你也一样
Yes, I love Italian… and so do you.
斯科特博士 我是尼克斯博士 工厂经理
Professor Scott, I’m Dr. Nichols, plant manager.
非常抱歉 完全是个误会
I’m terribly sorry. There’s been an awful mix-up.
I was never told about your visit.
I tried to clear things up.
斯科蒂教授 我说你从爱丁堡来 一路奔波
I explained that you’d come from Edinburgh
to study Plexicorp’s manufacturing,
but they don’t know anything about it.
Don’t know anything about it?
难以置信 我可是跑了几百万英里 几千 几千
I’ve come millions of miles. Thousands!
对 几千英里 应邀来检查 我强烈要求见你们的老板
I was invited on an inspection. I demand to see the owners.
斯科蒂教授 放松些
Dr. Nichols has offered to
take us around the plant personally.
他答应了? 是的 很荣幸
He has? With pleasure.
那可就不一样了 格里高利
That’s different. Gregory.
我的助手可以参加吗 当然
May my assistant join us? Of course.
Don’t bury yourself in the part.
你好 挺好看的机子 休伊204型的 对吧
Hi. A good-looking ship. Huey 204, isn’t it?
没错 你也开飞机吗 嗯 到处去
Right on, do you fly? Here and there.
I flew something similar in my Academy days.
那这个就不算什么新鲜玩意儿了 嗯
Then this must be old stuff to you. Yes…
不过挺有趣的 问你几个问题行吗 问吧
But interesting. Can I ask you a few questions?
你这地方不错 尼克斯博士
This is a fine place you have here.
谢谢 您的工程学知识让人叹服
Thank you. Your knowledge of engineering is most impressive.
在我们那儿 我们称他为神奇师♥傅♥
Back home we call him the miracle worker.
我给你们拿点喝的? 尼克斯博士
May I offer you something?
May I offer something to you?
什么 你还在从事聚合体的生产吧
Yes? You’re still working with polymers.
还在? 那我还能有别的可以干吗
What else would I be working with?
的确 有什么别的呢
What else indeed?
我换个方式说吧 60×10英尺
How thick would a piece of
your plexiglas need to be,
at 60 feet by 10 feet to withstand pressure of 18,000 cubic feet of water?
这个简单 六英寸 仓库里就有 我注意到了
Six inches. We have it in stock. I’ve noticed.
假设 只是假设 我有一个办法
Now, suppose…
…I were to show you a way to manufacture a wall
that would do the same job, but be only one inch thick.
对你来说是不是有些价值 你开玩笑的吧
Would that be worth something? You’re joking.
Perhaps the professor could use your computer.
计算机… 计算机
你好 计算机 用键盘就好
Hello, computer. Just use the keyboard.
键盘 多离奇
A keyboard, how quaint!
透明铝材 这就是通行证 孩子
Transparent aluminum? That’s the ticket, laddie.
It would take years to figure out the dynamics of this matrix.
是的 不过你会富有得难以想像
Yes, but you would be rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
是不是有些价值 要不我按删除?
So, is it worth something to you, or should I punch up “clear”?

现在没空 玛德琳
Not now, Madeline.
What exactly did you have in mind?
A moment alone, please.
Do you realize that if we give him the formula,
we’re altering the future?
怎么啦? 说不定就是他发明的呢
Why? How do we know he didn’t invent the thing?
Won’t you change your mind?
What is wrong with the one I have?
开玩笑的 再见 老朋友 等等
A little joke. Goodbye, old friend. Wait a minute.
你怎么知道格雷西怀孕了 没人知道的
Nobody knows that Gracie is pregnant.
格雷西自己知道啊 我就在这儿等着
Gracie does. I’ll be right here.
Is he just going to hang around the bushes while we eat?
It’s his way.
你信任我吗 绝对信任
Do you trust me? Implicitly.
大蘑菇和意大利辣香肠 多加些洋葱 再来一份羊腿片
Large mushroom and pepperoni, with extra onions and a Michelob.
选得好 你呢 先生 一样双份
Great choice. And you, sir? Make that two.
你这么可爱的女孩子 怎么会当上鲸鱼学家的
How does a nice girl like you get to be a cetacean biologist?
走运吧 失去这些鲸鱼你很沮丧
Just lucky, I guess. You’re upset about losing the whales.
You’re very perceptive.
