After hours of getting this thing right…
天啊 看看那个 我上电视了耶
God, look at that. Look, I’m on television.
-是不是很棒呢 -对啊 真的很棒
-Hey! Isn’t that amazing? -Yeah, it is.
-纽约也看得到你 -你说什么
-You’re on TV in New York, too. -What’s that?
-不…-没错 就是你
-No, no. -Yes, you are.
真的看得到我 你说真的
Am I really? Are you serious?
对啊 他们在纽约也有播出 天啊
Yeah, they got you in New York. God.
I’m gonna let you put it in your own ear.
-这样啊 -这是收音器
-Really? -It’s a talk back.
They’re going to talk to you.
这不是真的玩意 对吧
This is not the real thing, right?
You just want a picture of me now?
-他们需要你先坐在这里 -天啊
-They’re going to sit you here first. -God.
You need to tell me where the restroom is, too,
cos I’m deathly ill, actually,
随时都可能会吐出来 所以…
and ready to throw up at any moment, so…
-就在那房♥间后面 -太好了 我可不是开玩笑
-It’s right across the hall. -Great. I’m not joking.
各位 我们准备要开始了 纽约那边已经在等了
We’re ready to go, gentlemen. New York’s waiting for a shot of him.
如果你看我的眼睛 可以看到我已经泛泪了
If you see in my eyes, I’ve been crying just a little bit.
看起来十分荒谬 因为我甚至没有见过这个人
And it seems really ridiculous because I’ve never met the man.
我知道生命苦短 但我就是…你知道的
I know life is ephemeral, but I just, you know,
I expected him to be around a little longer.
我想其他人也是这样想的 但 你知道的…
Pretty sure everybody did, but, you know…
我正在用的就是苹果电脑 是他的心血
The thing I’m using right now, an iMac, he made.
他创造了苹果桌上型电脑 他也创造了苹果的笔记型电脑
He made the iMac. He made the Macbook.
他创造了专业的苹果笔电 他也创造了轻盈版的苹果笔电
He made the Macbook Pro. He made the Macbook Air.
他创造了苹果智慧型手♥机♥ 他也创造了苹果的平板电脑
He made the iPhone. He made the iPod.
没错 他也创造了触控型 音乐播放器
Yeah, he’s made the iPod Touch.
He’s made everything.
In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come following you
全世界都感到痛失英才 这情况并不常见
It’s not often that the whole planet seems to feel a loss together,
苹果的共同创办人 卓越的梦想家
but after the death of Steve Jobs,
co-founder of Apple and singular dreamer,
全世界都关注着这消息 世人都难以入眠
all day, we watched as there was a kind of global wake.
在社群网站脸书上 数百万人 将档案照换成苹果商标
On Facebook, millions changing their profiles to the Apple logo.
像是现代版的戴上黑臂纱 有致敬感恩的意涵
A kind of black armband, a gesture of gratitude.
We’ve been monitoring the hashtag “thankyousteve.”
My favorite tweet last night
was four simple letters simply saying, “iSad.”

史蒂夫过世后 我感到十分困惑
When Steve Jobs died, I was mystified.
怎么会有数百万不认识他的人 会如此忧伤难过
What accounted for the grief of millions of people who didn’t know him?
我看过类似的状况 是约翰蓝侬或马丁路德金
I’d seen it with John Lennon and Martin Luther king,
但是史蒂夫乔布斯不是歌♥手 也不是民权领袖
but Steve Jobs wasn’t a singer or a civil-rights leader.
Many commentators were surprised
被这情绪的浪潮 以及凝结的气氛吓到了
by the intensity and the power of this wave of emotion.
这代表着什么 我认为这就是最真的爱
What was it? And I think it was truly love.
乔布斯已经证明自己 成为世界上唯一
Jobs has proven to be the one and only person in the world
能创造人们所爱的 科技产品的人
who can create technology products that people love.
我很爱由皮克斯出品的”瓦力” 我也很爱我的苹果手♥机♥
I love “Wall-E,” a film Jobs’s Pixar produced, and I love my iPhone,
但对乔布斯的悼念 似乎超过他留下的产品影响力
but the grief for Jobs seemed to go beyond the products he left behind.
我们为失去他而哀恸 但是原因何在
We mourned the man himself, but why?
幕后的乔布斯 可说是无情 狡猾又残酷的人
Behind the scenes, Jobs could be ruthless, deceitful and cruel.
Yet he won our hearts by convincing us
that Apple represented a higher ideal.
跟其它公♥司♥完全不同 一点都不一样
It was not like other companies. It was different.
早安 欢迎来到苹果 1984年的年度股东大会
Good morning and welcome to Apple’s 1984 annual shareholders’ meeting.
我要引用一首老诗 作为这场大会的开端
I’d like to open the meeting with part of an old poem,
这首诗有20年的历史了 作者是狄伦 鲍伯狄伦
about a 20-year-old poem, by Dylan. That’s Bob Dylan.
“用笔写下预言的 作家及评论者”
“Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pens
“请张大眼睛好好看着 这机会将一去不复返”
and keep your eyes wide, the chance won’t come again.”
“尘埃落定前 一切都未成定论”
“And don’t speak too soon for the wheel’s still in spin
“谁将留名青史 一切言之尚早”
and there’s no telling who that it’s naming.”
“失意之人终将胜利 因为时代正处于变革之中”
“For the loser now will be later to win, for the times, they are a-changing.”
乔布斯很喜欢狄伦 因为他不仅仅是歌♥手
Jobs loved Dylan maybe because he wasn’t just one thing.
He was a storyteller who could be
whatever we wanted him to be.
我甚至听不懂”沿着了望塔” 这首歌♥是什么意思
I don’t even what know what All Along The Watchtower means.
我认为这就是 我听过最美 最深刻
I think it is one of the most beautiful, haunting,
最出色的诗歌♥了 对我来说 就像乔布斯一样
brilliant pieces of poetry ever. And to me, it’s like Steve.
“一定有办法逃出这里…” 然后是什么
“There must be some way out of here, said the…” What is it?
Said the Joker to the Thief.
He’s both.
史蒂夫·乔布斯 机器人生
There’s something going on here in life
在工作 家庭和事业之外
beyond just a job and a family and career.
There’s another side of the coin.
It’s the same thing
因为比起银行家 有些人更想当诗人
that causes people to want to be poets instead of bankers.
而我认为应用到产品上 也可以是一样的道理
And I think that that same spirit can be put into products.
这些产品同样可以 进入生产线然后到人们手中
And those products can be manufactured and given to people,
然后他们一定 感受得到这道理
and they can sense that spirit.
电脑是非常直线思考 日复一日工作的机器
A computer is a straightforward, everyday machine.
要了解它运作的道理 一点都不难
A simple way of studying the principle of how it works
is that a computer is quite dead.
没有人类的操作 它什么事也做不了
It can do nothing without someone to give instructions.
在我成长过程中 电脑并不是讨喜的玩意
When I was growing up, computers weren’t something to love.
They were something to fear.
它们又大又死气沉沉 从不具名的公♥司♥中被创造出来
They were huge, impersonal, made by faceless corporations.
但对于乔布斯而言 却并非如此
But for Jobs, it was different.
我人生中第一次看到电脑 是在美国太空总署
I saw my first computer when I was 12 at NASA.
我家附近就是当地的太空总署 它是一台终端机
We had a local NASA center nearby. It was a terminal,
which was connected to a big computer somewhere.
这可能是未来 他们会使用的控制器
This is one of the consoles they might be using in the future.
它看起来就像一台 普通的打字机
It looks very much like just a regular typewriter.
在过去 有太多机器
Too often the equipment of the past
has sort of been designed for other machines.
They’re really not for people.
多年来我看着我的二手电脑 它是一台惠普9100
I saw my second computer a few years later, the Hewlett-Packard 9100.
The 9100 computing calculator.
外表非常庞大 里面有很小的阴极射线显示器
It was very large. Had a very small cathode ray tube on it for display.
1968年的某次机缘 我有幸能够玩玩这东西
And I got a chance to play with one of those maybe in 1968.
I started going up
惠普在帕多的研究实验室 就在每周二晚上
to Hewlett-Packard’s Palo Alto research lab every Tuesday night,
每次我一有空 我就试着写程式
and I spent every spare moment I had trying to write programs for it.
I was so fascinated by this.
当时有一个点选机器 叫作滑鼠
We have a pointing device called a mouse.
我也不晓得 为什么我们要取名为滑鼠
I don’t know why we call it a mouse.
1968年 滑鼠之父 史丹佛道格恩格巴特
By 1968, Stanford’s Doug Engelbart, inventor of the mouse,
was asking new questions
关于如何从本质上 改变人类与电脑之间的关系
about the essential nature of our changing relationship with computers.
在你的办公室里 身为一名有智慧的员工
If in your office, you as an intellectual worker
were supplied with a computer display
backed up by a computer that was alive for you all day
and was instantly responsible, responsive,
instantly responsive to every action you had,
how much value could you derive from that?
我们需要一盏明灯 指引我们方向
We needed a guide to help us navigate this new relationship.
我成年之后的人生 都花在创造电脑上面
My whole adult life has been spent building personal computers.
可以说是我的整个职涯 包含副业的部份
So, the history of my vocation and my avocations
你知道 我的成长过程也相去不远
and, you know, my growing up are all the same,
整个过程 是很难完全区分开来的
and it’s very hard to separate one from the other.
I come from a place called Silicon Valley, California,
在那里 电子小零件俯拾皆是
and you’ll find there are a lot of electronics kits around.
我的电脑老师发现 我很有这方面的天分
My electronics teacher realized that I had a lot of computer ability
这远远超过于 他能够在学校教我的
that went beyond anything he could possibly teach me in school.
他明白到我只要上学一天 我就只是坐在那里一天
He knew that as long as I was in class, I was just going to sit around,
playing pranks on the other students
