And Nick said, “Anything you want.”
对我们而言 写不写这个故事 没有太大差别
For us, there’s no question as to whether we write the story or not.
这件事情困扰的 我认为是史蒂夫乔布斯
That’s what was so disturbing, I think, to Steve Jobs,
was that he’d been used to having
a much more controlled relationship with the press.
Our plan was to take pictures of it,
记录下来 然后把回报给苹果
write about it, and then return it back to Apple.
嘿 我是陈杰森 这是新的苹果手♥机♥
Hey, I’m Jason Chen. This is the new iPhone.
Here are some of the new features.
一开始还好 只有些宅男在看 我猜
In the beginning, it was OK. Only nerds looking at it, I guess.
但慢慢的这件事 开始被炒作起来
And then the story started to pick up.
你知道 这是科技史上 最大的独家新闻
You know, it was the biggest scoop in tech in history.
“喂 我是史蒂夫乔布斯 我想要回我的电♥话♥”
“Hi, this is Steve Jobs. I want my phone back.”
And it was in a really charming voice.
就像你借朋友一顶帽子 然后你想要回来
And it’s same way you’d ask for, you know, a hat you’d lent a friend.
我已经见过他好几次了 那就是他的声音无误
I’d met him a couple of times before. It was his voice, unmistakably.
他说”你要知道 我没有生你的气”
He said, “You know, I’m not mad at you.”
“是我们公♥司♥的人 把它弄丢了”
“It’s someone we worked with who lost it.”
“但你已经玩够了 所以我们要把手♥机♥要回来”
“But you’ve had your fun, and we need this phone back
before it gets into the wrong hands.”
And at that point, I was thinking, “Isn’t it already in the wrong hands?”
不知道 谁
Nick at that moment said, “Ask for a letter.”
“Ask for an official letter asking for it.”
“我们需要证明 这是真的产品”
“We need the actual confirmation that this is the real thing.”
下一通电♥话♥ 他说他想低调一点
The next call, he said he didn’t want to claim it.
He really changed his tone at that point,
因为可能会影响到 现有机种的销♥售♥
because it would affect the sales of the current model,
听起来有点不开心 你知道吗
which is kind of disappointing, you know?
我们听了很多这个家伙 有多么不在意钱的故事
You hear all these stories about this guy not caring about money.
And he goes, “This is some serious shit.”
“如果我要给你钱 我一定会记得”
“If I have to serve you papers, I’m coming for something,
“也代表着你公♥司♥有人 准备要进监狱了”
and it’s going to mean someone in your organization is going to go to jail.”
For a reporter who’s got a chip on his shoulder against corporations,
听起来就像”牺牲我吧 牺牲我吧”
that’s like, “Martyr me. Please, martyr me.”
“我要为了苹果手♥机♥坐牢了 是真的”
“I’ll go to jail for an iPhone. Like, really.”
他后来打来说”好 我会寄官方信给你”
He called back later and he said, “OK, we’ll get you the letter,”
and he was just resigned and cold.
接着 他们寄了信
So, they sent us the letter, and they sent a lawyer from Apple
接着苹果派了律师 到杰森的家取回手♥机♥
to Jason’s house to pick up the phone.
It was a very cold exchange.
他说”我相信你有 属于我的东西”之类的
He said, “I believe you have something of mine,” or something.
然后我交给他 他说”非常谢谢你”就离开了
And I handed it to him, and he said, “Thank you very much,” and he left.
这件事情有像 苹果想的一样落幕吗
Was that the end of it, as far as Apple was concerned?
不 当然没有 然后恶梦就开始了
No, of course not. Then all the nightmares started.
The cops had to bash in the guy’s door?
他们不知道有 相关应用程式吗
Don’t they know there’s an app for that?
Anyone who’d worked with Jobs before
would know of other instances where he’d been a bully.
但这应该是他欺负别人 最公开的证据了
But this was probably the most public evidence of bullying.
我和我妻子外出用餐 我们回到家中
My wife and I went out for dinner. We came back home,
然后我们发现垃圾口的门 有一点点被打开
and we noticed the garage door was slightly opened.
你知道 我想着”发生什么事了”
You know, and I was wondering, “What’s going on?”
然后我把门打开 我注意到有人在里面
And I opened it all the way, and I noticed there were people inside.
我想着”糟糕 我被抢劫了”
And I thought, you know, “Holy crap, I’m being robbed.”
然后我走近一看 才知道原来是警♥察♥
And then I looked closer and realized it was cops.
The cops seized boxes of Chen’s personal property
包含四台电脑 两台手♥机♥
including four computers, two cellphones
and a box of his business cards.
在这部落格的电影中 提出了很多情节及动机的问题
For the Gizmodo movie, this raised questions of plot and motivation.
为什么要破陈家门 他都归还手♥机♥了
Why break down Chen’s door after he returned the iPhone?
他们给我看搜查令 搜了我家之后说
They showed me the warrant to search the premises and said,
“We’re part of the REACT team.”
他们搜查完房♥子后 我当然就去上网搜寻
After they searched the house, obviously I went and Googled it.
The officers who raided Chen’s apartment
是一个鲜少人知的 叫做”反应”的反罪专案小组
were part of a little-known criminal task force called REACT,
composed of local, state and federal officials
on the lookout for corporate espionage in Silicon Valley.
我第一个反应是”很酷啊 因为是苹果”
My initial response was, “This is cool. It’s Apple.”
克里斯费索是副地方检察官 是这团队的顾问
Chris Feasel was the deputy DA advising REACT on the case.
After the raid on Chen’s apartment,
Feasel was received at Apple by Jobs himself.
He was very, very nice, very high-energy.
我们讨论了一下 关于他预计如何处理
We had a back-and-forth about what he wanted to see happen
如果提出告诉的话 会发生些什么事情
versus what some of the realities were about doing a prosecution.
他表现出非常支持 我们所有决定
He was very supportive about whatever choices that we made on the case.
Where do people come down on this?
-你怎么想 -这个嘛…我只能说
-Where do you come down on it? -Well, I can just tell you what…
地方检察官还在搜索中 我不知道进度如何
There is an ongoing investigation by the DA, and I’m not current on it.
He was very involved in it and very interested in it
and wanted to be kept abreast
about what was going on in the investigation.
乔布斯想出各种 他应该随时被告知的理由
Jobs had every reason to expect that he would be kept informed
因为”反应”并不是一个 完全的政♥府♥机构
because REACT wasn’t a purely government agency.
It had a steering committee
composed of many of the major companies in the Valley.
在一个完全由科技产业 主宰的小镇
In a town so completely dominated by the tech industry,
had law enforcement become the muscle
for the largest corporations in the world?
他非常 非常的坚定 也非常热爱他的作品
He was very, very adamant and very passionate about his creation.
我唯一能想到的比喻就是 如果有人偷了你的小孩
And the only analogy I can think of is if somebody stole your baby,
you would be very upset about it.
这就是乔布斯先生的感受 有人拿走了他的小孩
That’s how Mr Jobs felt. Somebody had taken his baby.
In spite of pressure from Apple,
助理检察官 决定不对陈提起告诉
the DA decided not to pursue the charges against Chen
because he hadn’t received stolen property.
He was a journalist doing a story.
整件事是因为 另一个部落格发生的
When this whole thing with Gizmodo happened,
I got a lot of advice from people that said,
“你不应该追究记者 因为他们就是会买♥♥赃物”
“You shouldn’t go after a journalist because they bought stolen property,
“然后敲诈你 你应该放过他们”
and they tried to extort you. You should let it slide.”
“苹果是间大公♥司♥ 你不会想要炒这种新闻”
“Apple’s a big company now. You don’t want the PR.”
“You should let it slide.”
And I thought deeply about this, and I ended up concluding
that the worst thing that could possibly happen
当我们规模渐长 对世界有了一点影响力
as we get big and we get a little more influence in the world,
这时却改变了核心价值 开始放过事情
is if we change our core values and start letting it slide.
我办不到 我宁愿辞职
I can’t do that. I’d rather quit.
What values was Jobs talking about?
当初苹果对上IBM 就是小虾米对大鲸鱼
When Apple was taking on IBM, it was David versus Goliath.
但当苹果变成大鲸鱼后 乔布斯的敌人变成谁
But when Apple became Goliath, to whom was Jobs giving the finger?
让人伤心的是 他离开后过了多久
The sad thing is that how many months did he have left after that?
这个人知道 他一直都知道
This was a guy who knew, who knew at the time,
他正在死去 然后他用了生命中的十分钟
he was dying, and he dedicated, what, ten minutes of his life
to talk about these guys who found a phone in a bar
and then published a story about it?
Isn’t that a little bit strange?
My third story is about death.
大约在一年前 我被诊断出癌症
About a year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer.
I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning,
然后很清楚的看到 我的胰脏有一颗肿瘤
and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas.
I didn’t even know what a pancreas was.
The doctors told me
this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable,
我只剩下差不多 三到六个月的生命
and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months.
我的医生建议我回家 把事情都安排好
My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order,
which is doctor’s code for “prepare to die.”
It means to try and tell your kids
你本来要在未来十年里 慢慢告诉他们的事情
