The sadness of the soul as expressed in the beauty of things.
In the end, I was left with the same question
with which I began this journey.
“为什么有这么多陌生人 为乔布斯哭泣”
“Why did so many strangers weep for Steve Jobs?”
可以很简单的说因为 它给了我们喜爱的产品
It’s too simple to say it was because he gave us products we love
without asking why we love them the way we do.
可以简单的做出结论 我们喜欢这些产品
It’s too simple even to conclude that we love them
因为它将我们连接到 另一个更广阔的世界
because they connect us to a wider world
连接到那些在真实生活中 离我们很远的人们
and the people in our lives that are far away,
because these machines isolate us, too.
也许正是因为我们和这些产品 之间的冲突性
Perhaps the contradictory nature of our experience with these gadgets
mirrors the contradictions in Jobs himself.
他是寻求完美的艺术家 但永远无法感受到平静
He was an artist who sought perfection, but could never find peace.
他专注在僧侣的禅修 但却没有同情心
He had the focus of a monk, but none of the empathy.
他带给我们自♥由♥ 但却限于一个封闭的花♥园♥中
He offered us freedom, but only within a closed garden,
to which he held the key.
To reconcile these contradictions,
我认为必须要好好检视 我们和乔布斯的另一半连结
I think we have to look to the other half of our relationship with Jobs.
To ourselves.
如乔布斯所愿 我苹果手♥机♥的荧幕变暗了
As Jobs wanted it, the screen of my iPhone is dark.
A Zen landscape of the unseen.
当我盯着荧幕看 我看到我自己的倒影
If I stare into it, I see an obscure reflection of myself,
but this impression lasts just a fleeting moment
只存在于我按下控制键 让荧幕变亮之前
before I press the home key and the screen lights up.
但是也许我应该就这倒影 好好思考一下
But perhaps I should spend a moment regarding that reflection,
扪心自问 我购买♥♥这产品用来做什么
asking myself what, in buying and using this product, I am doing?
买♥♥下这台魔法般 又紧贴我生活的机器
What is the full nature of my transaction
with the maker of this magical and intimate machine?
