like wrapping little hair wires around certain circuits
当他们一打开广播机器 就会爆♥炸♥
so when they plugged in their radio, it would blow up.
史蒂夫沃兹尼克 苹果共同创办人
As hard as I think about it,
我想不出我朋友群中 有不是科技迷的人
I don’t think I ever had one friend who was not one of the tech kids.
我认识沃兹时大概十二岁 或十三岁左右
I met Woz when I was maybe 12 years old, 13 years old.
他是我第一个遇过 比我知道还多电子知识的人
He was the first person I met that knew more electronics than I did.
我和他一起做过的其中一件事 就是建造了蓝盒子
And one of the things that Woz and I did was we built blue boxes.
One day I picked up a magazine,
我读到关于电♥话♥飞客 及蓝盒子的报导
and I started reading a story about phone phreaks and blue boxes.
When phone phreaks have a convention,
最近一次他们在 破旧的纽约饭店宴会厅举♥行♥
as they did in the ballroom of a seedy New York hotel lately,
在门外发放面具 没有人知道彼此的身份
masks are given out at the door. People don’t give their right names.
The blue box was a little device
that put special tones into anybody’s phone
调整这些频率可以让你 想跟谁通话都可以
and those tones would connect you anywhere you wanted.
文章读到一半 我立刻叫史蒂夫乔布斯过来
Halfway through reading this, I called Steve Jobs over
然后透过电♥话♥ 将报导念给他听
and started reading it to him over the phone.
这是一个能够将整个电♥话♥系统 玩弄于手掌中的机会
There’s a way to fool the entire telephone system
想想看 你是台电♥话♥机
into thinking you were a telephone computer
然后你敞开自己的怀抱 通话到全世界哪里都不是问题
and to open up itself and let you call anywhere in the world for free.
你可以接听付费电♥话♥ 或打到纽约白原市
You could call from a pay phone, go to White Plains, New York,
take a satellite to Europe.
可以绕世界一圈 或打给隔壁的付费电♥话♥
And you’d go around the world and call the pay phone next door.
Shout in the phone, be about 30 seconds,
电♥话♥的另一端就会 听到你的声音
it’d come out the other end of the other phone.
然后他会回”喂” 中间会落差一下”喂 你好”
And he’s like, “Hello,” There’s a lag and, “Hello, how are you?”
“我很好” 你懂吗
“I’m fine.” You know?
什么原因 可能有人会问 为什么会有人想这么做
Why, one might wonder, would someone want to do that?
To rip off the phone company.
我必须要补充说明 这行为是违法的
And these were illegal, I have to add.
大学时期 我有自己的蓝盒子 它非常重要
In college, I had a blue box of my own. It was important
因为当时远距离通话 是非常花钱的
because long-distance phone calls were really expensive back then.
这也是这个男人 人生中的转捩点
It was also a way of sticking it to the man.
对于乔布斯来说 这件事情至关重要
This would become an important selling point for Jobs, too,
就算当初他将其它科技作品 留给其他人
even as he left the technical work to others.
这个嘛 我设计出蓝盒子
Well, I had this blue box design.
我在里面加了点戏法 是我一生之中从来没有
I did a trick in there that I’ve never done that good a trick
in any other design in my life.
接着史蒂夫乔布斯说”嘿 为什么我们不卖♥♥出去”
And Steve Jobs said, “Hey, why don’t we sell them?”
你知道的 你可以很快的 打电♥话♥给你想联♥系♥的人
You know, you rapidly run out of people you want to call,
but it was the magic that two teenagers
亲手造出了这个 价值一百元美金的盒子
could build this box for $100 worth of parts
并控制了数以百计 价值上亿的设施
and control hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure
包含了全世界的 电♥信♥通话设备
in the entire telephone network in the whole world.
我们可以影响世界 你懂吗
We could sort of influence the world, you know?
Control it, in the case of blue boxes,
但比起控制 还有更有强力的作法
but something much more powerful than controlling.
就像苹果公♥司♥的影响力 这两者是十分相近的
Influencing, in the case of Apple. And they’re very closely related.
I really do, to this day,
如果当初我们 没有创造出蓝盒子
feel that if we hadn’t had had those blue box experiences,
那么就永远不会有 苹果电脑公♥司♥
there never would have been an Apple computer.
我认为乔布斯 一直都是名说故事的人
I think Jobs was always a storyteller.
大家都如此认为 是他创造了这个角色
There was always this sense that he was constructing a persona.
我第一次坐下来 和乔布斯讨论这件事情
The first time I sat down with him to work on a story,
he immediately asked me if I had read
汤马士孔恩的著作 科学革命的结构
Thomas Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.”
我想这本书对他的个性 影响非常多
I think he was assimilating into this personality,
this notion that he had found in Kuhn.
The random result that eventually creates
每个人早上起来 都可能会有模式上的转变
a paradigm shift where everybody one morning wakes up,
and they think the new way.
我认为他相信着 他就是那个模式转变者
And I believe that he thought that he was a paradigm shifter.
这就是他故事的一部份 他渴望在这两个世界立足
That was part of his story. He wanted to have a foot in both worlds.
他想要当叛逆份子 又想要按照正统规矩来
He wanted to be the renegade, but he also wanted to be legit.
这是史蒂夫保罗乔布斯的 影像纪录
This is the video deposition of Steven P Jobs.
We are on the record at 9:22am.
我们可以先很快地过一次 1973年后你的工作资历吗
Can we just sort of briefly go over your employment history after 1973?
我当时在雅达利公♥司♥上班 专门做电动游戏
I was employed by Atari, a maker of video games.
-大概是什么时候 -我不知道 70年代早期吧
-What timeframe? -I don’t know. Early ’70s.

Creativity is a lot about anarchy.
诺兰布希内尔 雅达利联合创办人
I had been in the video-game business two years
当时我们的企业文化 真的是”认真工作 认真玩”
and our corporate culture was really “work hard, play hard.”
The true original sin of Apple
literally takes place before the company is founded.
乔布斯离开了里德学院 现在他己经回到矽谷
Jobs had left Reed College and now he was back in Silicon Valley.
Woz was working at HP.
I was such a nerd.
当我完成白天在惠普的工作 也就是设计计算机的程式后
When I finished designing calculators at Hewlett-Packard in the daytime,
I would work on my own little projects.
我在保龄球场看到”乓” 然后我说
I saw “Pong” in a bowling alley, and I said,
“我懂逻辑设计 我也了解电视机”
“I know logic design, and I know electronics of televisions.”
“我在我家的电视接上一条线 然后就有了自己的乓”
“I’ll use my home TV, snake a wire in,” and I built myself a “Pong.”
Steve came back from Reed College
and saw that I had built my own Pong game.
让他有了灵感 并在雅达利继续发展下去
And so that gave him the idea to go down to Atari.
他到了雅达利后 向大家展示这个点子
And he went down, and he showed them the board
and he wound up with a job.
史蒂夫进来后 以他一贯的口吻说着
Steve came in and said, in typical Steve Jobs fashion,
“除飞你解雇我 不然我哪里也不去”
“I’m not going to leave until you hire me.”
我非常感谢他的韧性 他一旦决定了 就火力全开
And I really appreciated his intensity. He had one speed. Full on.
我当时有一个专案 没有人能够执行成功
I had one little project that everyone kept turning down.
It was a project called “Breakout.”
最后我说”史蒂夫 嘿 把这做出来给我看”
And finally I said, “Steve, hey, do this for me.”
In the back of my mind,
我知道沃兹从惠普下班后 常常过来这边
I knew that Woz was coming over all the time after working at HP all day,
接着我就想”好吧 把乔布斯排夜班吧”
and I thought, “OK, I’ll put Steve on the night shift.”
“Woz will come over.
我就可以 用单份薪水请到两个乔布斯”
I’ll get two Steves for the price of one.”
史蒂夫说”雅达利的 诺兰布希内尔想要创新游戏”
Steve said, “Nolan Bushnell of Atari wants another game built.”
“可是我们只有四天” 史蒂夫这么说
But we only had four days, Steve said.
用芯片做成的游戏 跟写程式是不一样的
When a game is made out of chips and it’s not a program,
四天简直就是不可能的任务 这工程可以花上好几个月
four days is, like, impossible. This is months’ worth of work.
I did the entire design,
接着史蒂夫会将我的设计 变成电路板
and then Steve would breadboard my design for a little while.
我们四天四夜都没阖眼 两个人都得了单核细胞传染症
We were up four days and nights non-stop. Both got mononucleosis.
最后我们创造了”突围”游戏 交给雅达利
And we got “Breakout” delivered to Atari,
and they paid for it.
在那之后 沃兹和我出去吃晚餐
Later on, Woz and I were out to dinner.
He was talking about Breakout,
我说”你知道的吧 你们两个做得很不错”
and I said, “Well, you know, you guys got paid pretty well for it.”
他一脸困惑地看着我 我接着说
He looked at me puzzled, and I said,
“对啊 我的意思是 你们做得非常好”
“Yeah, I mean, you did such a good job.”
“我想你们至少可以赚到 五千块美元的奖金”
“I think there was at least a $5,000 bonus that you guys got.”
所以没错 公♥司♥付他七千元
So, yeah, he was paid $7,000,
and he told me that we were paid $700,
然后只给了我一张 三百五十元的支票
and he wrote me a check for $350.
你知道吗 我蛮难过的 因为我们是朋友
You know, and that hurts because we were friends.
And do you do that to a friend?
如果他说”我需要这笔钱” 我可能会说”全部拿去吧”
If he’d said, “I need the money,” I would have said, “Take it all.”
I was happy to be on the project.
I think that Steve…
…was very driven
所以他会经常寻找 达到目标的捷径
and would very often take shortcuts to achieve his goals.
苹果就是一个喜剧节目 一个持续了30年的喜剧节目
Apple was a sitcom. It was a 30-year sitcom.
And Steve was the main character.
This was written in December 1976.
事实上他开头就写了”苹果是谁” 所以历史非常悠久
In fact it starts out saying, “Who’s Apple,” so that was very early.
麦金纳 高科技行销顾问
